41 Pages : 376-385      10.31703/grr.2020(V-I).41      Published : Mar 2020

Relationship of Principals Academic Decision-Making Practices with Faculty Morale: A Study of Colleges in Punjab

    This study examines the relationship between principals academic decision-making practices and faculty morale. A descriptive survey study has been adopted. The population of the study comprised all the faculty members working in public sector colleges of Punjab, province of Pakistan. Two questionnaires based on five-point Likert Scale, namely Academic Decision-Making Practices (ADMP) questionnaire to measure practices was adopted by the principals and Faculty Morale Scale (FMS) to measure morale of teaching faculty. The collected data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, correlation coefficient and linear regression model. A positive significant relationship between principals academic decision making practices and morale of faculty members was found. Some academic decision-making practices like decisions based on policy matter, promote academic development, power delegation, employees participation collect information and planning are significantly correlated with morale of faculty. While, some practices such as diplomacy and use rules to suit themselves do not correlate with morale.

    Academic Decision Making, Practices, Morale, Principals, Faculty, Colleges.
    (1) Muhammad Nadeem Shahzad
    PhD Scholar, Department of Education, University of Education Lahore (Okara Campus), Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Tahir Khan Farooqi
    Associate Professor, Department of Education, University of Education Lahore (Okara Campus), Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Waqar Ali
    PhD Scholar, Department of Education, University of Education Lahore (Okara Campus), Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Shahzad, M. N., Farooqi, M. T. K., & Ali, W. (2020). Relationship of Principals Academic Decision-Making Practices with Faculty Morale: A Study of Colleges in Punjab. Global Regional Review, V(I), 376-385.
    CHICAGO : Shahzad, Muhammad Nadeem, Muhammad Tahir Khan Farooqi, and Waqar Ali. 2020. "Relationship of Principals Academic Decision-Making Practices with Faculty Morale: A Study of Colleges in Punjab." Global Regional Review, V (I): 376-385 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-I).41
    HARVARD : SHAHZAD, M. N., FAROOQI, M. T. K. & ALI, W. 2020. Relationship of Principals Academic Decision-Making Practices with Faculty Morale: A Study of Colleges in Punjab. Global Regional Review, V, 376-385.
    MHRA : Shahzad, Muhammad Nadeem, Muhammad Tahir Khan Farooqi, and Waqar Ali. 2020. "Relationship of Principals Academic Decision-Making Practices with Faculty Morale: A Study of Colleges in Punjab." Global Regional Review, V: 376-385
    MLA : Shahzad, Muhammad Nadeem, Muhammad Tahir Khan Farooqi, and Waqar Ali. "Relationship of Principals Academic Decision-Making Practices with Faculty Morale: A Study of Colleges in Punjab." Global Regional Review, V.I (2020): 376-385 Print.
    OXFORD : Shahzad, Muhammad Nadeem, Farooqi, Muhammad Tahir Khan, and Ali, Waqar (2020), "Relationship of Principals Academic Decision-Making Practices with Faculty Morale: A Study of Colleges in Punjab", Global Regional Review, V (I), 376-385
    TURABIAN : Shahzad, Muhammad Nadeem, Muhammad Tahir Khan Farooqi, and Waqar Ali. "Relationship of Principals Academic Decision-Making Practices with Faculty Morale: A Study of Colleges in Punjab." Global Regional Review V, no. I (2020): 376-385.