01 Pages : 1-11      10.31703/grr.2022(VII-IV).01      Published : Dec 2022

Modern Technologies for the Teaching of English Pronunciation: A Survey of Elementary School Teachers of AJ&K

    The aim of the study was to analyze the Use of Modern Technology for the Teaching of English Pronunciation at the Elementary Level in District Kotli AJ&K. The study was descriptive in nature and used a survey method for data collection. The study population was 288 elementary school teachers. A simple random sampling technique was used for the selection of the sample. The sample size was consisted of two hundred (200) respondents. Five-point Likert scale questionnaire was used as a research instrument to get the responses from the respondents. The reliability of the instrument was checked by using Cronbach’s alpha statistical technique. The questionnaire was consisted of 30 items. The researcher collected the data personally from the sample of the study. Simple percentage, mean scores and standard deviations analyzed the collected data, and also analyzed the t-test.

    Modern Technology, English Pronunciation, Elementary Teachers
    (1) Muhammad Naqeeb ul Khalil Shaheen
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Kotli, Azad Jammu & Kashmir. Pakistan.
    (2) Nazir Haider Shah
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Kotli, AJ&K, Pakistan.
    (3) Zakia Qayyum
    Department of Education, University of Kotli, Azad Jammu & Kashmir. Pakistan.
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    APA : Shaheen, M. N. u. K., Shah, N. H., & Qayyum, Z. (2022). Modern Technologies for the Teaching of English Pronunciation: A Survey of Elementary School Teachers of AJ&K. Global Regional Review, VII(IV), 1-11.
    CHICAGO : Shaheen, Muhammad Naqeeb ul Khalil, Nazir Haider Shah, and Zakia Qayyum. 2022. "Modern Technologies for the Teaching of English Pronunciation: A Survey of Elementary School Teachers of AJ&K." Global Regional Review, VII (IV): 1-11 doi: 10.31703/grr.2022(VII-IV).01
    HARVARD : SHAHEEN, M. N. U. K., SHAH, N. H. & QAYYUM, Z. 2022. Modern Technologies for the Teaching of English Pronunciation: A Survey of Elementary School Teachers of AJ&K. Global Regional Review, VII, 1-11.
    MHRA : Shaheen, Muhammad Naqeeb ul Khalil, Nazir Haider Shah, and Zakia Qayyum. 2022. "Modern Technologies for the Teaching of English Pronunciation: A Survey of Elementary School Teachers of AJ&K." Global Regional Review, VII: 1-11
    MLA : Shaheen, Muhammad Naqeeb ul Khalil, Nazir Haider Shah, and Zakia Qayyum. "Modern Technologies for the Teaching of English Pronunciation: A Survey of Elementary School Teachers of AJ&K." Global Regional Review, VII.IV (2022): 1-11 Print.
    OXFORD : Shaheen, Muhammad Naqeeb ul Khalil, Shah, Nazir Haider, and Qayyum, Zakia (2022), "Modern Technologies for the Teaching of English Pronunciation: A Survey of Elementary School Teachers of AJ&K", Global Regional Review, VII (IV), 1-11
    TURABIAN : Shaheen, Muhammad Naqeeb ul Khalil, Nazir Haider Shah, and Zakia Qayyum. "Modern Technologies for the Teaching of English Pronunciation: A Survey of Elementary School Teachers of AJ&K." Global Regional Review VII, no. IV (2022): 1-11.