01 Pages : 1-7      10.31703/grr.2023(VIII-III).01      Published : Sep 2023

Kwame Nkrumah's Vision for African Unity: A Protection against any Colonial Policy in Africa

    The present study investigates Kwame Nkrumah’s Pan-African visionfor African unity. Through a historical perspective, the study reveals that Nkrumah insisted that the advantage of having aunified military will be to assure our own security, defense and to achieve freedom for every part of Africa. It is also one of the ways to eliminate European military presence and standing armies in our countries, as well as to eradicate the imperialist forces which are engineering our division and seeking to make Africa a war-ground of contending interest. Nkrumah also believed that the “world peace is not possible without the liquidation of colonialism and the total liberation of Africa.” The paper recommends that the African people must think of Nkrumah’s vision today in order to seek the way for the total liberation of Africa, if not Africa will remain under the European, American and the Asian domination.

    Nkrumah, Vision, African-unity, Security, Defense, Peace
    (1) Brel Grace Mangalala
    Ph.D. Scholar & Assistant lecturer, Department of Foreign and Modern Languages, Faculty of Arts & Humanities, University of Marien Ngouabi, Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo
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    CHICAGO : Mangalala, Brel Grace. 2023. "Kwame Nkrumah's Vision for African Unity: A Protection against any Colonial Policy in Africa." Global Regional Review, VIII (III): 1-7 doi: 10.31703/grr.2023(VIII-III).01
    HARVARD : MANGALALA, B. G. 2023. Kwame Nkrumah's Vision for African Unity: A Protection against any Colonial Policy in Africa. Global Regional Review, VIII, 1-7 .
    MHRA : Mangalala, Brel Grace. 2023. "Kwame Nkrumah's Vision for African Unity: A Protection against any Colonial Policy in Africa." Global Regional Review, VIII: 1-7
    MLA : Mangalala, Brel Grace. "Kwame Nkrumah's Vision for African Unity: A Protection against any Colonial Policy in Africa." Global Regional Review, VIII.III (2023): 1-7 Print.
    OXFORD : Mangalala, Brel Grace (2023), "Kwame Nkrumah's Vision for African Unity: A Protection against any Colonial Policy in Africa", Global Regional Review, VIII (III), 1-7