Authored by : BrelGraceMangalala

01 Pages : 1-7


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  • Biney, A. (2007). “Kwame Nkrumah: An Intellectual Biography.” Doctoral dissertation the University of London.
  • The Political and Social Thought of Kwame Nkrumah. New-York: Palgrave.
  • Chachage, C. &Cassam, A. (2010). Africa’s Liberation: The Legacy of Nyerere. Kampala Uganda: Pampazuka press.
  • Conte, P. (2001). Afghanistan Guerre Lointaine. Paris : l’Harmattan.
  • Dodoo, V. (2012). “Kwame Nkrumah’s Mission and Vision for Africa and The World.” The Journal of Pan-African Studies. 4(10), 78-92.
  • Kanu, I. A. (2013). “Nkrumah and the Quest for African Unity.” American nternational Journal of Contemporary Research. 3(6), 111-114
  • Lierde, J. V. (1972). Lumumba Speaks: The Speeches and Writings of Patrice Lumumba 1958-1961, Introduction by Jean-Paul Sartre Translated from French by Helen R. Lane. Boston: Little Brown and Co.
  • Nkrumah, K.(1963). Africa Must Unite. New- York: Frederick A. Praeger.
  • (1966). Neo-colonialism The Last Stage of Imperialism.
  • (1967). Axioms of Kwame Nkrumah. London: Panaf books.
  • (1969). Handbook of Revolutionary Warfare. New-York: International publisher.
  • (1973). Revolutionary Path. London: Panaf books.
  • Rahman, A. (2007). The Regime Change of Kwame Nkrumah Epic Heroism in Africa and the Diaspora. New-York: Palgrave.
  • Rooney, D. (2007). Kwame Nkrumah Vision and Tragedy. Accra: Sub-Saharan Publishers.
  • Ahlman, J. (1982). Kwame Nkrumah Visions of Liberation. New-York: Ohio University press.
  • “Nuclear Imperialism and the Pan- African Struggle for Peace and Freedom Ghana 1959-1962”. The Trustees of Columbia University.10(2), 83-102.
  • Biney, A. (2007). “Kwame Nkrumah: An Intellectual Biography.” Doctoral dissertation the University of London.
  • The Political and Social Thought of Kwame Nkrumah. New-York: Palgrave.
  • Chachage, C. &Cassam, A. (2010). Africa’s Liberation: The Legacy of Nyerere. Kampala Uganda: Pampazuka press.
  • Conte, P. (2001). Afghanistan Guerre Lointaine. Paris : l’Harmattan.
  • Dodoo, V. (2012). “Kwame Nkrumah’s Mission and Vision for Africa and The World.” The Journal of Pan-African Studies. 4(10), 78-92.
  • Kanu, I. A. (2013). “Nkrumah and the Quest for African Unity.” American nternational Journal of Contemporary Research. 3(6), 111-114
  • Lierde, J. V. (1972). Lumumba Speaks: The Speeches and Writings of Patrice Lumumba 1958-1961, Introduction by Jean-Paul Sartre Translated from French by Helen R. Lane. Boston: Little Brown and Co.
  • Nkrumah, K.(1963). Africa Must Unite. New- York: Frederick A. Praeger.
  • (1966). Neo-colonialism The Last Stage of Imperialism.
  • (1967). Axioms of Kwame Nkrumah. London: Panaf books.
  • (1969). Handbook of Revolutionary Warfare. New-York: International publisher.
  • (1973). Revolutionary Path. London: Panaf books.
  • Rahman, A. (2007). The Regime Change of Kwame Nkrumah Epic Heroism in Africa and the Diaspora. New-York: Palgrave.
  • Rooney, D. (2007). Kwame Nkrumah Vision and Tragedy. Accra: Sub-Saharan Publishers.

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    CHICAGO : Mangalala, Brel Grace. 2023. "Kwame Nkrumah's Vision for African Unity: A Protection against any Colonial Policy in Africa." Global Regional Review, VIII (III): 1-7 doi: 10.31703/grr.2023(VIII-III).01
    HARVARD : MANGALALA, B. G. 2023. Kwame Nkrumah's Vision for African Unity: A Protection against any Colonial Policy in Africa. Global Regional Review, VIII, 1-7 .
    MHRA : Mangalala, Brel Grace. 2023. "Kwame Nkrumah's Vision for African Unity: A Protection against any Colonial Policy in Africa." Global Regional Review, VIII: 1-7
    MLA : Mangalala, Brel Grace. "Kwame Nkrumah's Vision for African Unity: A Protection against any Colonial Policy in Africa." Global Regional Review, VIII.III (2023): 1-7 Print.
    OXFORD : Mangalala, Brel Grace (2023), "Kwame Nkrumah's Vision for African Unity: A Protection against any Colonial Policy in Africa", Global Regional Review, VIII (III), 1-7