34 Pages : 471-480      10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).34      Published : Dec 2017

Exhuming the Reality: Connecting Physics and Metaphysics

    The purpose of this paper is the discovery of reality. It develops a relationship between physical and nonphysical, which is a bold ambition and requires a lot of logical reasoning.Humans involved in scientific explorations are in search of spiritual enlightenment or vice versa? This document is a stream of thoughts, and its goal is not to convince anyone rather,in the words of Shakespeare, "confound” and  "confuse” and of course, motivate us to seek the truth. Economists assume and try to analyze with logic. There are some assumptions on Science (physical) and Spirituality (metaphysical) that are widely held and accepted.(1) Spirituality and science are as oil and water and thus do not mix. (2) Spirituality is obviously superior to Sciences. (3) Science has a value in monetary terms, but Spirituality has no price. (4) The Science is cold, inhuman, the heart of stone, but Spirituality is deeply human and warm. These assumptions revolve around the notion of God because people think that Spirituality is God/Nature and Science is not natural and is apart from God.Science is an object used against God, and we try to build on our own what God has planned for us or refused to us purposely. With Science, we are asserting our independence and God

    God, Prophets, Physics, Metaphysics, Science, Technology, Spirituality
    (1) Tahir Ul-Mulk Kahlon
    Assistant Professor, Government & Public Policy Department, National Defence University Islamabad, Pakistan
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    CHICAGO : Kahlon, Tahir Ul-Mulk. 2017. "Exhuming the Reality: Connecting Physics and Metaphysics." Global Regional Review, II (I): 471-480 doi: 10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).34
    HARVARD : KAHLON, T. U. 2017. Exhuming the Reality: Connecting Physics and Metaphysics. Global Regional Review, II, 471-480.
    MHRA : Kahlon, Tahir Ul-Mulk. 2017. "Exhuming the Reality: Connecting Physics and Metaphysics." Global Regional Review, II: 471-480
    MLA : Kahlon, Tahir Ul-Mulk. "Exhuming the Reality: Connecting Physics and Metaphysics." Global Regional Review, II.I (2017): 471-480 Print.
    OXFORD : Kahlon, Tahir Ul-Mulk (2017), "Exhuming the Reality: Connecting Physics and Metaphysics", Global Regional Review, II (I), 471-480