http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).34      10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).34      Published : Dec 1
Authored by : TahirUl-MulkKahlon

34 Pages : 471-480


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  • Mendieta, E. (2004). The Frankfurt School on Religion: Key writings by the major figures. New York: Routledge.
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  • Noble, D. F. (1997). The religion of technology: The divinity of man and the spirit of invention. NewYork: Alfred A. Knopf
  • Paul, R. (2005). Eriugena's Commentary on the Dionysian Celestial Hierarchy. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
  • Rebecca, E. Grinter, Susan P. Wyche , Gillian R. Hayes , Lonnie D. Harvel, (2011). Technology in Protestant Ministry. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 20(6), 449-472.
  • Reed, P. (1991). Spirituality and Mental Health in Older Adults: Extant Knowledge for Nursing. Fam Community Health 14, 2-15.
  • Robertson, J.A. (1998). Human cloning and the challenge of regulation. The New England Journal of Medicine 339(2), 19-22.
  • Ross, L. (2011). The Spiritual Dimension: lis Importance to Patients' Health, Well-being and Quality of Life and Its Implications for Nursing Practice. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 32, (5), 457.
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  • Stahl, W. A. (1999). God and the Chip: Religion and the culture of technology. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
  • Susan P. Wyche, Paul M. Aoki, Rebecca E. Grinter, (2008). Re-placing faith: reconsidering the secular-religious use divide in the United States and Kenya. Florence
  • Wertheim, M. (1999). The pearly gates of cyberspace. New York: W. W. Norton.
  • Babbage, C. (n.d). A Cambridge Alumni Database. University of Cambridge.
  • Berkhof, L. (1996). History of Christian Doctrines. NewYork: Banner of Truth; Revised edition.
  • Bernal, D. J. (2009). The relation of microscopic structure to molecular structure. Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics 1(1), 81-87
  • Bernal, J. D. (1952). Phase Determination in the X-Ray Diffraction Patterns of Complex Crystals and its Application to Protein Structure. Nature 169(4311), 1007-1008.
  • Campbell, H. (2005). Considering spiritual dimensions within computer-mediated communication studies. New media & society 7(1), 110-134.
  • Campbell, J. (1991). Transformations of myth through time. New York: Harper& Row.
  • Castells, M. (2004). The Power of Identity, The Information Age. Economy, Society and Culture II, 22-31
  • Däniken, E. V. (1969). Chariots of the Gods? London: Souvenir Press Ltd
  • Davis, E. (2004). Techgnosis: Myth, magic and mysticism in the age of information (second ed.). New York: New York: Harmony Books
  • Eddy, M. B. G. (n.d.). Miscellaneous Writings 1883-1896, pp. x-xi.
  • Erickson, T. (2001). Theology and technology. In Brigham Young University speeches, 2001-2002 (pp. 1-8). Provo: Brigham Young University.
  • Flexner, S. & epmpre, eds. (1993). Hauck. Random House Unabridged Dictionary (seconded).New York: Random House
  • Gotz, I. L. (2001).Spirituality and the body. Religious Education, 96(1), 2-10.
  • Heidegger, M. (2008). The Question Concerning Technology, from: Basic Writings. NewYork: Harper Perennial Modern Classics
  • Herzfeld, N. L. (n.d.). In our image: Artificial intelligence and the human spirit. Minneapolis: Fortress, v.
  • Hopper, D. (1991). Technology, theology and the idea of progress. Louisville: Westminister: John Knox Press.
  • Kohlenbach, M. & Geuss, R. (2005). Early Frankfurt School and religion. New York:Palgrave.
  • Mendieta, E. (2004). The Frankfurt School on Religion: Key writings by the major figures. New York: Routledge.
  • Miller, W. R. (1998). Researching the spiritual dimensions of alcohol and other drug problems. Addiction 93, 979-990. doi:10.1046/j.1360-0443.1998.9379793.
  • Noble, D. F. (1997). The religion of technology: The divinity of man and the spirit of invention. NewYork: Alfred A. Knopf
  • Paul, R. (2005). Eriugena's Commentary on the Dionysian Celestial Hierarchy. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
  • Rebecca, E. Grinter, Susan P. Wyche , Gillian R. Hayes , Lonnie D. Harvel, (2011). Technology in Protestant Ministry. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 20(6), 449-472.
  • Reed, P. (1991). Spirituality and Mental Health in Older Adults: Extant Knowledge for Nursing. Fam Community Health 14, 2-15.
  • Robertson, J.A. (1998). Human cloning and the challenge of regulation. The New England Journal of Medicine 339(2), 19-22.
  • Ross, L. (2011). The Spiritual Dimension: lis Importance to Patients' Health, Well-being and Quality of Life and Its Implications for Nursing Practice. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 32, (5), 457.
  • Siebert, R. (1985). The critical theory of religion: The Frankfurt School from universal pragmatic to political theology. New York: Mouton.
  • Stahl, W. A. (1999). God and the Chip: Religion and the culture of technology. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
  • Susan P. Wyche, Paul M. Aoki, Rebecca E. Grinter, (2008). Re-placing faith: reconsidering the secular-religious use divide in the United States and Kenya. Florence
  • Wertheim, M. (1999). The pearly gates of cyberspace. New York: W. W. Norton.

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    CHICAGO : Kahlon, Tahir Ul-Mulk. 2017. "Exhuming the Reality: Connecting Physics and Metaphysics." Global Regional Review, II (I): 471-480 doi: 10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).34
    HARVARD : KAHLON, T. U. 2017. Exhuming the Reality: Connecting Physics and Metaphysics. Global Regional Review, II, 471-480.
    MHRA : Kahlon, Tahir Ul-Mulk. 2017. "Exhuming the Reality: Connecting Physics and Metaphysics." Global Regional Review, II: 471-480
    MLA : Kahlon, Tahir Ul-Mulk. "Exhuming the Reality: Connecting Physics and Metaphysics." Global Regional Review, II.I (2017): 471-480 Print.
    OXFORD : Kahlon, Tahir Ul-Mulk (2017), "Exhuming the Reality: Connecting Physics and Metaphysics", Global Regional Review, II (I), 471-480