49 Pages : 460-470      10.31703/grr.2020(V-I).49      Published : Mar 2020

A Study on the Quality Assurance Practices being Adopted in Public and Private Universities of Punjab, Pakistan

    Study was undertaken to find quality assurance practices being adopted in public and private sector higher education institutes of Punjab Pakistan. There were total 156 faculty members (male & female) in the selected four departments of 10 selected universities (5 from public and five from private) which constitute as accessible population of this study. Self-constructed instrument was validated by expert opinion and pilot testing. The responses of the faculty members were measured with the help of frequency and their percentages, mean and standard deviations. It was concluded that the quality assurance practice regarding quality learning environment, quality learning outcomes, quality content etc are contributing towards the provision of learning environment. Institutions wise no significant difference was found in all quality assurance practices discussed in the study. It was recommended that practical application of other countries may be put to practice on small scale first and thereafter on extensive level.

    Quality Assurance, Quality Content, Quality Learning Outcomes, Quality Learning Environment
    (1) Sadia Ayaz
    PhD Scholar, Department of Education, The University of Lahore, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Khalid Rashid
    Assistant Professor, Department of Education, The University of Lahore, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Muhammad Ramzan
    PhD, School Education Department, Al-Jannat Villas, 13/G Road Chishtian (Bahawal Nagar), Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Ayaz, S., Rashid, K., & Ramzan, M. (2020). A Study on the Quality Assurance Practices being Adopted in Public and Private Universities of Punjab, Pakistan. Global Regional Review, V(I), 460-470.
    CHICAGO : Ayaz, Sadia, Khalid Rashid, and Muhammad Ramzan. 2020. "A Study on the Quality Assurance Practices being Adopted in Public and Private Universities of Punjab, Pakistan." Global Regional Review, V (I): 460-470 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-I).49
    HARVARD : AYAZ, S., RASHID, K. & RAMZAN, M. 2020. A Study on the Quality Assurance Practices being Adopted in Public and Private Universities of Punjab, Pakistan. Global Regional Review, V, 460-470.
    MHRA : Ayaz, Sadia, Khalid Rashid, and Muhammad Ramzan. 2020. "A Study on the Quality Assurance Practices being Adopted in Public and Private Universities of Punjab, Pakistan." Global Regional Review, V: 460-470
    MLA : Ayaz, Sadia, Khalid Rashid, and Muhammad Ramzan. "A Study on the Quality Assurance Practices being Adopted in Public and Private Universities of Punjab, Pakistan." Global Regional Review, V.I (2020): 460-470 Print.
    OXFORD : Ayaz, Sadia, Rashid, Khalid, and Ramzan, Muhammad (2020), "A Study on the Quality Assurance Practices being Adopted in Public and Private Universities of Punjab, Pakistan", Global Regional Review, V (I), 460-470
    TURABIAN : Ayaz, Sadia, Khalid Rashid, and Muhammad Ramzan. "A Study on the Quality Assurance Practices being Adopted in Public and Private Universities of Punjab, Pakistan." Global Regional Review V, no. I (2020): 460-470.