34 Pages : 310-318      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).34      Published : Dec 2019

The Role of Project Management Social Responsibility in Project Success: An evidence of Project Sustainability Management from Developing Regions

    Projects have been playing a vital role in the sustainable development of organizations and society as well. The study aimed to examine the role of project management social responsibility in the enhancement of projects success in Pakistan. The methodological approach was survey-based research utilizing 13 items of social responsibility questionnaire, whereas project success was measured through the 25 items Project Success Assessment Questionnaire. A stratified random sampling technique was used and 300 questionnaires were distributed to project managers for cross-sectional data collection. The project managers were the respondents having work experience of social sector projects in Pakistan. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression analyses. Findings highlighted that social responsibility has a positive and significant effect on the enhancement of project success. The study offered recommendations for government funding organization for sustainable project management. The study provides directions for future research.

    Project Sustainability Management, Project Success, PM Social Responsibility
    (1) Muhammad Iftikhar Ali
    PhD Scholar, Department of Management Sciences,Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Shumaila Israr
    Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences,Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Samia Zaheer
    PhD Scholar,Department of Education, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    APA : Ali, M. I., Israr, S., & Zaheer, S. (2019). The Role of Project Management Social Responsibility in Project Success: An evidence of Project Sustainability Management from Developing Regions. Global Regional Review, IV(IV), 310-318.
    CHICAGO : Ali, Muhammad Iftikhar, Shumaila Israr, and Samia Zaheer. 2019. "The Role of Project Management Social Responsibility in Project Success: An evidence of Project Sustainability Management from Developing Regions." Global Regional Review, IV (IV): 310-318 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).34
    HARVARD : ALI, M. I., ISRAR, S. & ZAHEER, S. 2019. The Role of Project Management Social Responsibility in Project Success: An evidence of Project Sustainability Management from Developing Regions. Global Regional Review, IV, 310-318.
    MHRA : Ali, Muhammad Iftikhar, Shumaila Israr, and Samia Zaheer. 2019. "The Role of Project Management Social Responsibility in Project Success: An evidence of Project Sustainability Management from Developing Regions." Global Regional Review, IV: 310-318
    MLA : Ali, Muhammad Iftikhar, Shumaila Israr, and Samia Zaheer. "The Role of Project Management Social Responsibility in Project Success: An evidence of Project Sustainability Management from Developing Regions." Global Regional Review, IV.IV (2019): 310-318 Print.
    OXFORD : Ali, Muhammad Iftikhar, Israr, Shumaila, and Zaheer, Samia (2019), "The Role of Project Management Social Responsibility in Project Success: An evidence of Project Sustainability Management from Developing Regions", Global Regional Review, IV (IV), 310-318
    TURABIAN : Ali, Muhammad Iftikhar, Shumaila Israr, and Samia Zaheer. "The Role of Project Management Social Responsibility in Project Success: An evidence of Project Sustainability Management from Developing Regions." Global Regional Review IV, no. IV (2019): 310-318.