38 Pages : 350-359      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).38      Published : Dec 2019

Teachers Perspectives on Headteachers Mistreatment: Exploring the other Side of the Coin

    Treating teachers appropriately is considered extremely important for promoting a healthy and effective school environment. The present research predominantly focused on headteachers professional behaviour towards teachers in an attempt to explore teachers unheard voices. A phenomenological approach was employed to uncover teachers experiences of how they are treated by the headteachers in schools. Fifteen teachers were purposively selected from public and private schools of an administrative division in the province of Punjab, Pakistan. The participants were interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide. The underlying themes were explored through a thematic analysis of the text. The emergent themes include teacher-head teacher interaction, authoritative in the meetings, favouritism and biases, ignoring staff members, hurting self-respect and frustration and isolation. The study has implications for school improvement and further research on headteachers experiences that lead them to a certain type of behaviour towards teachers.

    Headteachers, Inappropriate Behavior, Incivility, Pakistan, School Teacher, Teacher Mistreatment, Teacher-Headteacher Relationship.
    (1) Fareed Ul Hassan
    PhD Scholar,Faculty of Education,University of Okara, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Syed Abdul Waheed
    Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Research & Assessment,Faculty of Education, University of Okara, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Nadia Gilani
    Assistant Professor, Department of Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, University of Okara, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Hassan, F. U., Waheed, S. A., & Gilani, N. (2019). Teachers Perspectives on Headteachers Mistreatment: Exploring the other Side of the Coin. Global Regional Review, IV(IV), 350-359.
    CHICAGO : Hassan, Fareed Ul, Syed Abdul Waheed, and Nadia Gilani. 2019. "Teachers Perspectives on Headteachers Mistreatment: Exploring the other Side of the Coin." Global Regional Review, IV (IV): 350-359 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).38
    HARVARD : HASSAN, F. U., WAHEED, S. A. & GILANI, N. 2019. Teachers Perspectives on Headteachers Mistreatment: Exploring the other Side of the Coin. Global Regional Review, IV, 350-359.
    MHRA : Hassan, Fareed Ul, Syed Abdul Waheed, and Nadia Gilani. 2019. "Teachers Perspectives on Headteachers Mistreatment: Exploring the other Side of the Coin." Global Regional Review, IV: 350-359
    MLA : Hassan, Fareed Ul, Syed Abdul Waheed, and Nadia Gilani. "Teachers Perspectives on Headteachers Mistreatment: Exploring the other Side of the Coin." Global Regional Review, IV.IV (2019): 350-359 Print.
    OXFORD : Hassan, Fareed Ul, Waheed, Syed Abdul, and Gilani, Nadia (2019), "Teachers Perspectives on Headteachers Mistreatment: Exploring the other Side of the Coin", Global Regional Review, IV (IV), 350-359
    TURABIAN : Hassan, Fareed Ul, Syed Abdul Waheed, and Nadia Gilani. "Teachers Perspectives on Headteachers Mistreatment: Exploring the other Side of the Coin." Global Regional Review IV, no. IV (2019): 350-359.