45 Pages : 412-423      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).45      Published : Dec 2019

Relationship between Teacher Motivation and Leadership Styles: An Empirical Study of Public Sector Colleges of Punjab, Pakistan.

    The present study investigated the association between college teachers motivation and leadership styles. The population comprised of the lecturers in Physical education of all government degree colleges for girls and boys in Punjab, Pakistan. No sampling technique was preferred due to the accessible population. The total number of lecturers in Physical Education was 576 in which 210 were male and 366 were females. Two self-prepared, Likert type scales were used for data collection and SPSS 24 was used for data analysis. The results indicated that there is a positive significant association between the principals leadership styles and the teachers motivating factors. Also, the lecturers were found to be well-motivated with transactional leadership style. It was suggested that the government may conduct short-term awareness programs and arrange training and workshops for LPEs and college principals regarding the appropriate leadership style, upgrade their skills and motivational strategies for LPEs towards the job.

    Motivation, Leadership, Leadership Styles.
    (1) Afshan Jabeen
    PhD Scholar, Department of SS&PE,Gomal University DI Khan, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Salahuddin Khan
    Professor,Department of SS&PE,Gomal University DI Khan, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Mehwish Manzoor
    Lecturer,Department of SS&PE,University of Narowal Punjab, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Jabeen, A., Khan, S., & Manzoor, M. (2019). Relationship between Teacher Motivation and Leadership Styles: An Empirical Study of Public Sector Colleges of Punjab, Pakistan.. Global Regional Review, IV(IV), 412-423.
    CHICAGO : Jabeen, Afshan, Salahuddin Khan, and Mehwish Manzoor. 2019. "Relationship between Teacher Motivation and Leadership Styles: An Empirical Study of Public Sector Colleges of Punjab, Pakistan.." Global Regional Review, IV (IV): 412-423 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).45
    HARVARD : JABEEN, A., KHAN, S. & MANZOOR, M. 2019. Relationship between Teacher Motivation and Leadership Styles: An Empirical Study of Public Sector Colleges of Punjab, Pakistan.. Global Regional Review, IV, 412-423.
    MHRA : Jabeen, Afshan, Salahuddin Khan, and Mehwish Manzoor. 2019. "Relationship between Teacher Motivation and Leadership Styles: An Empirical Study of Public Sector Colleges of Punjab, Pakistan.." Global Regional Review, IV: 412-423
    MLA : Jabeen, Afshan, Salahuddin Khan, and Mehwish Manzoor. "Relationship between Teacher Motivation and Leadership Styles: An Empirical Study of Public Sector Colleges of Punjab, Pakistan.." Global Regional Review, IV.IV (2019): 412-423 Print.
    OXFORD : Jabeen, Afshan, Khan, Salahuddin, and Manzoor, Mehwish (2019), "Relationship between Teacher Motivation and Leadership Styles: An Empirical Study of Public Sector Colleges of Punjab, Pakistan.", Global Regional Review, IV (IV), 412-423
    TURABIAN : Jabeen, Afshan, Salahuddin Khan, and Mehwish Manzoor. "Relationship between Teacher Motivation and Leadership Styles: An Empirical Study of Public Sector Colleges of Punjab, Pakistan.." Global Regional Review IV, no. IV (2019): 412-423.