40 Pages : 369-380      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).40      Published : Dec 2019

Phonemic Inventory of Khowar Language: An Acoustic Analysis

    Khowar, the lingua franca of people living in district Chitral, is a rich language from a linguistic perspective, possessing links with Old Indo-Aryan (OIA) languages in its inventory and lexical similarity with the Sanskrit language. The aim of the current study is to redefine and document its phonemic inventory with the possible, latest and authentic linguistic tools. The findings of this study will benefit both native speakers and educational institutions with their Khowar language script and will provide an easy way for interested researchers. This descriptive study followed both qualitative and quantitative scales, with segment acoustic description, explanation and charting formant values. The data has been collected in the form of recording from native speakers of Khowar language for segments included in the reading list proposed by the researchers. The recorded corpus has been analyzed using Praat software (2017). The research outcomes are updated and acoustically redefined phonemic inventory of Khowar Language.

    Khowar Language, Acoustic analysis, Phonemic Inventory, Consonants, Vowels
    (1) Ayaz ud Din
    Visiting Lecturer, Department of English,University of Chitral, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Umaima Kamran
    Assistant Professor,Department of English,Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Zubair Khan
    Lecturer, Department of English,University of Science & Technology, Bannu KP, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Din, Ayaz ud, Umaima Kamran, and Zubair Khan. 2019. "Phonemic Inventory of Khowar Language: An Acoustic Analysis." Global Regional Review, IV (IV): 369-380 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).40
    HARVARD : DIN, A. U., KAMRAN, U. & KHAN, Z. 2019. Phonemic Inventory of Khowar Language: An Acoustic Analysis. Global Regional Review, IV, 369-380.
    MHRA : Din, Ayaz ud, Umaima Kamran, and Zubair Khan. 2019. "Phonemic Inventory of Khowar Language: An Acoustic Analysis." Global Regional Review, IV: 369-380
    MLA : Din, Ayaz ud, Umaima Kamran, and Zubair Khan. "Phonemic Inventory of Khowar Language: An Acoustic Analysis." Global Regional Review, IV.IV (2019): 369-380 Print.
    OXFORD : Din, Ayaz ud, Kamran, Umaima, and Khan, Zubair (2019), "Phonemic Inventory of Khowar Language: An Acoustic Analysis", Global Regional Review, IV (IV), 369-380
    TURABIAN : Din, Ayaz ud, Umaima Kamran, and Zubair Khan. "Phonemic Inventory of Khowar Language: An Acoustic Analysis." Global Regional Review IV, no. IV (2019): 369-380.