PHONEMIC INVENTORY OF KHOWAR LANGUAGE AN ACOUSTIC ANALYSIS      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).40      Published : Dec 4
Authored by : Ayazud Din , UmaimaKamran , ZubairKhan

40 Pages : 369-380


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  • Lisker, L. (1957). Linguistic Segments, Acoustic Segments, and Synthetic Speech. Language, 33(3), 370-374
  • Meyer, C. F. (2009). Introducing English linguistics. New York: Cambridge University Press
  • Razi, N. u. (2010). Khowar Qaida. Islamabad: Look Virsa Islamabad.
  • Roach, P. (2009). English phonetics and phonology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
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  • Solan, M. I. (2006). Khowar-English Dictionary. Bronx NY: Ishi Press International.
  • Yule, G. (2006). The study of language (3rd ed.). Noida: Brijbasi Art Press Limited.
  • Yule, G. (2010). The study of languages. New York: Cambridge University Press
  • Ashby, M., & Maidment, J. (2005). Introducing phonetic science. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ball, M. J., & Rahily, J. (2013). Phonetics the science of speech. New York: Routledge.
  • Bashir, E. (2003). Dardic. In G. Cardona, & D. Jain, The Indo-Aryan languages (pp. 843-850). London: Routledge.
  • Bladon, R. A. (1979). The production of laterals:Some Articulatory Properties and their acoustic implications. (P. Hollin, & H. Hollin, Eds.) In Current Issues in the Phonetic Sciences, 501-8.
  • Endreson, R. T. and Knut K., 1981. Khowar studies. Hommage et Opera
  • Minors,Volume VII. Monumentum George Morgensierne: E.J.Brill
  • Fant, G. (1960). Acoustic theory of speech production. Mouton: The Hauge
  • Fant, G. (1968). Analysis and synthesis of speech process. In Manual of Phonetics, 171-272
  • Hoge, H. (1959). Visible pronunciation. Hispania, 42(4), 559-564
  • Johnson, K. (2003). Acoustic & auditory phonetics (2nd ed.). Malden, MA: Blackwell.
  • Ladefoged, P. (1967). Three areas of experimental phonetics. London: Oxford University Pres
  • Ladefoged, P. (1968). A phonetic study of West African languages (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ladefoged, P. (1971). Preliminaries of linguistic phonetics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Ladefoged, P., & Disner, S. F. (2012). Vowels and consonants (3rd ed.). Oxford: Wiley- Blackwell.
  • Ladefoged, P., & Maddieson, I. (1996). The sounds of the world languages. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
  • Lisker, L. (1957). Linguistic Segments, Acoustic Segments, and Synthetic Speech. Language, 33(3), 370-374
  • Meyer, C. F. (2009). Introducing English linguistics. New York: Cambridge University Press
  • Razi, N. u. (2010). Khowar Qaida. Islamabad: Look Virsa Islamabad.
  • Roach, P. (2009). English phonetics and phonology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Shadle, C. (1991). The of geometry on source machanism of fricative consonants. journal of Phonetics, 409-24
  • Solan, M. I. (2006). Khowar-English Dictionary. Bronx NY: Ishi Press International.
  • Yule, G. (2006). The study of language (3rd ed.). Noida: Brijbasi Art Press Limited.
  • Yule, G. (2010). The study of languages. New York: Cambridge University Press

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    CHICAGO : Din, Ayaz ud, Umaima Kamran, and Zubair Khan. 2019. "Phonemic Inventory of Khowar Language: An Acoustic Analysis." Global Regional Review, IV (IV): 369-380 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).40
    HARVARD : DIN, A. U., KAMRAN, U. & KHAN, Z. 2019. Phonemic Inventory of Khowar Language: An Acoustic Analysis. Global Regional Review, IV, 369-380.
    MHRA : Din, Ayaz ud, Umaima Kamran, and Zubair Khan. 2019. "Phonemic Inventory of Khowar Language: An Acoustic Analysis." Global Regional Review, IV: 369-380
    MLA : Din, Ayaz ud, Umaima Kamran, and Zubair Khan. "Phonemic Inventory of Khowar Language: An Acoustic Analysis." Global Regional Review, IV.IV (2019): 369-380 Print.
    OXFORD : Din, Ayaz ud, Kamran, Umaima, and Khan, Zubair (2019), "Phonemic Inventory of Khowar Language: An Acoustic Analysis", Global Regional Review, IV (IV), 369-380
    TURABIAN : Din, Ayaz ud, Umaima Kamran, and Zubair Khan. "Phonemic Inventory of Khowar Language: An Acoustic Analysis." Global Regional Review IV, no. IV (2019): 369-380.