Mother fixation in Sons and Lovers: An Educational Implication
The present study aims at exploring the effective teaching approach of the theme of Mother Fixation in Sons and Lovers to Pakistani students. It has adopted phenomenology as a research paradigm. The study examined some of the impediments that teachers face in literature class, while dealing with this theme as well as how they tend to overcome these hurdles. There is some evidence from the data that majority of the respondents expressed feelings of embarrassment and hesitation while discussing the theme of the phenomenon of Mother Fixation. The result has shown that the theme of Mother Fixation, if handled properly while observing the ethical limitations of Pakistani society, would not harm the perception of the students about their family values. In addition to this, teachers cited valid concerns about giving a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the psychological aspect of the theme, taking into consideration the cultural restraints of Pakistani society.
Mother Fixation, Phenomenology, Psychology
(1) Shumaila Mazhar
Assistant Professor, Department of English,Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University, Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan.
(2) Fouzia Rehman Khan
Assistant Professor, Department of English,Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University, Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan.
(3) Sumaira Shafeeq
Assistant Professor, Institute of Kashmir Studies, University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan.
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APA : Mazhar, S., Khan, F. R., & Shafeeq, S. (2019). Mother fixation in Sons and Lovers: An Educational Implication. Global Regional Review, IV(I), 303-311.
CHICAGO : Mazhar, Shumaila, Fouzia Rehman Khan, and Sumaira Shafeeq. 2019. "Mother fixation in Sons and Lovers: An Educational Implication." Global Regional Review, IV (I): 303-311 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).32
HARVARD : MAZHAR, S., KHAN, F. R. & SHAFEEQ, S. 2019. Mother fixation in Sons and Lovers: An Educational Implication. Global Regional Review, IV, 303-311.
MHRA : Mazhar, Shumaila, Fouzia Rehman Khan, and Sumaira Shafeeq. 2019. "Mother fixation in Sons and Lovers: An Educational Implication." Global Regional Review, IV: 303-311
MLA : Mazhar, Shumaila, Fouzia Rehman Khan, and Sumaira Shafeeq. "Mother fixation in Sons and Lovers: An Educational Implication." Global Regional Review, IV.I (2019): 303-311 Print.
OXFORD : Mazhar, Shumaila, Khan, Fouzia Rehman, and Shafeeq, Sumaira (2019), "Mother fixation in Sons and Lovers: An Educational Implication", Global Regional Review, IV (I), 303-311
TURABIAN : Mazhar, Shumaila, Fouzia Rehman Khan, and Sumaira Shafeeq. "Mother fixation in Sons and Lovers: An Educational Implication." Global Regional Review IV, no. I (2019): 303-311.