15 Pages : 130-139      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).15      Published : Dec 2019

Freedom of Expression versus Blasphemy: A Comparative Study of Pakistan and United States’ News Media

    This study compares the freedom of expression exercised by news media of the United States and the Pakistan; with reference to the controversial movie trailer "Innocence of Muslims"; released on You-tube by July 1, 2012. Content analysis research design is applied. Our time frame is September 11-30, 2012 and 50 opinion articles from the Washington post, the Los Angeles Times, Dawn and the Express Tribune are our sample. The framing theory is applied; consistency and discord frame category system is adopted. Dominant frames and their changing trends in different quarters of the timeframe are studied. It was found that discord frame was dominant frame on both sides. The vitality of the discord and consistency frame coverage in Pakistani media was higher than United States' media. The US media was consistency oriented whereas PN media was discord oriented. However, overall trend of both media were found leaning towards the settlement.

    Blasphemy, Freedom of Expression, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Dawn, Express Tribune, Consistency and Discord.
    (1) Tasaddaq Hussain
    PhD Scholar, Department of Media and Communication Studies,Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Aslam Pervez
    Professor,Department of Media and Communication Studies, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, KP, Pakistan.
    (3) Syed Inamur Rahman
    Assistant Professor, Department of Media and Communication Studies,International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    APA : Hussain, T., Pervez, M. A., & Rahman, S. I. (2019). Freedom of Expression versus Blasphemy: A Comparative Study of Pakistan and United States’ News Media. Global Regional Review, IV(IV), 130-139.
    CHICAGO : Hussain, Tasaddaq, Muhammad Aslam Pervez, and Syed Inamur Rahman. 2019. "Freedom of Expression versus Blasphemy: A Comparative Study of Pakistan and United States’ News Media." Global Regional Review, IV (IV): 130-139 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).15
    HARVARD : HUSSAIN, T., PERVEZ, M. A. & RAHMAN, S. I. 2019. Freedom of Expression versus Blasphemy: A Comparative Study of Pakistan and United States’ News Media. Global Regional Review, IV, 130-139.
    MHRA : Hussain, Tasaddaq, Muhammad Aslam Pervez, and Syed Inamur Rahman. 2019. "Freedom of Expression versus Blasphemy: A Comparative Study of Pakistan and United States’ News Media." Global Regional Review, IV: 130-139
    MLA : Hussain, Tasaddaq, Muhammad Aslam Pervez, and Syed Inamur Rahman. "Freedom of Expression versus Blasphemy: A Comparative Study of Pakistan and United States’ News Media." Global Regional Review, IV.IV (2019): 130-139 Print.
    OXFORD : Hussain, Tasaddaq, Pervez, Muhammad Aslam, and Rahman, Syed Inamur (2019), "Freedom of Expression versus Blasphemy: A Comparative Study of Pakistan and United States’ News Media", Global Regional Review, IV (IV), 130-139
    TURABIAN : Hussain, Tasaddaq, Muhammad Aslam Pervez, and Syed Inamur Rahman. "Freedom of Expression versus Blasphemy: A Comparative Study of Pakistan and United States’ News Media." Global Regional Review IV, no. IV (2019): 130-139.