07 Pages : 86-98      10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).07      Published : Dec 2017

Fairness and Media Frames in Conflict Situations

    Because of the rising global awareness it is essential that the journalist fraternity value fairness, truth, meticulousness, and objectivity. The 'framing'  ideology has been widely used in the communication field since its inception. The theory threatens the model meaning of journalism through the notion of leeway and unscrupulous drills inside the journalism industry. Empirical research has faulted framing for its ability to shape the thoughts of the readers and making it difficult for those implicated in the stories to rebuild public confidence. So the aim of this paper is provision of a comprehensive analysis of the challenges and implications of framing theory in the recent decades as well to inform the audience how framing theory is a threat to core values of journalism.

    Framing Theory, Journalistic Practices, Soul of Journalism
    (1) Muhammad Riaz Raza
    Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication,University of Sialkot, Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Sajid Mahmood Awan
    Senior Research Fellow, National Institute of Historical and Cultural Research (NIHCR),Quaid-iAzam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Hassan Shehzad
    Lecturer, Department of Media and Communication Studies, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Raza, Muhammad Riaz, Sajid Mahmood Awan, and Hassan Shehzad. 2017. "Fairness and Media Frames in Conflict Situations." Global Regional Review, II (I): 86-98 doi: 10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).07
    HARVARD : RAZA, M. R., AWAN, S. M. & SHEHZAD, H. 2017. Fairness and Media Frames in Conflict Situations. Global Regional Review, II, 86-98.
    MHRA : Raza, Muhammad Riaz, Sajid Mahmood Awan, and Hassan Shehzad. 2017. "Fairness and Media Frames in Conflict Situations." Global Regional Review, II: 86-98
    MLA : Raza, Muhammad Riaz, Sajid Mahmood Awan, and Hassan Shehzad. "Fairness and Media Frames in Conflict Situations." Global Regional Review, II.I (2017): 86-98 Print.
    OXFORD : Raza, Muhammad Riaz, Awan, Sajid Mahmood, and Shehzad, Hassan (2017), "Fairness and Media Frames in Conflict Situations", Global Regional Review, II (I), 86-98
    TURABIAN : Raza, Muhammad Riaz, Sajid Mahmood Awan, and Hassan Shehzad. "Fairness and Media Frames in Conflict Situations." Global Regional Review II, no. I (2017): 86-98.