22 Pages : 194-208      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).22      Published : Mar 2019

Effectiveness of the Teacher Appraisal System in Public Higher Secondary Schools of Punjab (Pakistan)

    Quantitative research was conducted to find out the effectiveness of the existing performance appraisal system (PAS). A survey research design was planned to determine the level of awareness of the teachers with the existing teacher appraisal system; moreover, the effectiveness was determined by the level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of teachers with PAS and its probable effect on teaching practices. A random sampling technique was used to access the target population. A self-constructed questionnaire was distributed among 78 principals of public higher secondary schools and the reliability of the instrument was found to be .862. Step-wise regressions inform us dissatisfaction of teachers is associated with the transparency of the appraisers. Management support and motivation were not found to be significant predictors need for improvement. The results further highlighted that a lack of awareness about PAS negatively affects motivation to perform better. A lot of improvement is needed to make the appraisal process more effective.

    Effectiveness, Performance Appraisal System, Public Higher Secondary School Teachers, School Principals
    (1) Muhammad Nadeem
    PhD Scholar,Department of Education,University of Management & Technology Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Seema Arif
    Assistant Professor,Department of Education,University of Management & Technology Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Muhammad Zaheer Asghar
    Assistant Professor,Department of Education,University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Nadeem, M., Arif, S., & Asghar, M. Z. (2019). Effectiveness of the Teacher Appraisal System in Public Higher Secondary Schools of Punjab (Pakistan). Global Regional Review, IV(I), 194-208.
    CHICAGO : Nadeem, Muhammad, Seema Arif, and Muhammad Zaheer Asghar. 2019. "Effectiveness of the Teacher Appraisal System in Public Higher Secondary Schools of Punjab (Pakistan)." Global Regional Review, IV (I): 194-208 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).22
    HARVARD : NADEEM, M., ARIF, S. & ASGHAR, M. Z. 2019. Effectiveness of the Teacher Appraisal System in Public Higher Secondary Schools of Punjab (Pakistan). Global Regional Review, IV, 194-208.
    MHRA : Nadeem, Muhammad, Seema Arif, and Muhammad Zaheer Asghar. 2019. "Effectiveness of the Teacher Appraisal System in Public Higher Secondary Schools of Punjab (Pakistan)." Global Regional Review, IV: 194-208
    MLA : Nadeem, Muhammad, Seema Arif, and Muhammad Zaheer Asghar. "Effectiveness of the Teacher Appraisal System in Public Higher Secondary Schools of Punjab (Pakistan)." Global Regional Review, IV.I (2019): 194-208 Print.
    OXFORD : Nadeem, Muhammad, Arif, Seema, and Asghar, Muhammad Zaheer (2019), "Effectiveness of the Teacher Appraisal System in Public Higher Secondary Schools of Punjab (Pakistan)", Global Regional Review, IV (I), 194-208
    TURABIAN : Nadeem, Muhammad, Seema Arif, and Muhammad Zaheer Asghar. "Effectiveness of the Teacher Appraisal System in Public Higher Secondary Schools of Punjab (Pakistan)." Global Regional Review IV, no. I (2019): 194-208.