http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).22      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).22      Published : Mar 1
Authored by : MuhammadNadeem , SeemaArif , MuhammadZaheerAsghar

22 Pages : 194-208


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  • Arif, S., & Ilyas, M. (2012). Creating a Quality Teaching Learning Environment.International Journal of Learning, 18(6).
  • Bethell, R., (2005), School Evaluation, Teacher appraisal And Feedback And The Impact On Schools And Teachers, Creating Effective Teaching and Learning Environments: First Results from TALIS - ISBN 978-92-64-05605-3
  • Clark, C. A. (2017). Professional Growth: Informal Peer Observation.
  • Craig, W. (2011). Better teacher appraisal and feedback: improving performance. Grattan Institute. http://www.grattan.edu.au/
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  • Monyatsi, P.P., (2006), An investigation of the effectiveness of the school-based workshops approach to staff development in secondary schools in Botswana. Educational Research and Reviews Vol. 1 (5), pp. 150-155, ISSN 1990-3839 © 2006 Academic Journals
  • Murdock, G. (2000). Introducing a teacher-supportive evaluation system. ELT Journal: an InternationalJournal for Teachers of English to Speakers of other Languages, 54:54-64.
  • OECD, (2005), Teachers Matter: Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers, OECD Publications; 2 rue André Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France
  • Qasim, A. P., Awan, Z. A., & Ansari, J. A. (2016). Critical appraisal of autopsy work. In APMC (Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 194-202).
  • Saunders, R. M., (2000) The Agile Manager's Guide to Effective Performance Appraisals; Velocity Pub, 01- - Business & Economics - 128 pages
  • Stronge, J.H. (2010) O que funciona, de facto, na avaliação de professores: breves considerações. In M.A. Flores (ed.) A Avaliação de Professores numa Perspectiva Internacional: Sentidos e Implicações. Porto: Areal Editores
  • Stronge, J. H., & Tucker, P. D. (2003). Handbook on teacher evaluation: Assessing and. improving performance. Larchmont, NY: Eye On Education.
  • Taut, S., & Sun, Y. (2014). The development and implementation of a national, standards-based, multi-method teacher performance assessment system in Chile. education policy analysis archives, 22, 71.
  • Varkky, B., Koshy, A., & Oburoi, R., (2008),
  • Vaillant, D. (2008) Algunos marcos referenciales en el evaluacion del desempeño docente, Revista Iberoamaricana de Evaluacion Educativa, Vol. 1(2), pp. 7-22.
  • Vanci-Osam U & Aksit T 2000. Do intentions and perceptions always meet? A case study regarding the use of a teacher appraisal scheme in an English language teaching environment. Teaching and Teacher Education, 16:1-15. Available at Accessed 2004-01-27. http:///www.sciencedirect.com
  • Wilson J P (2005). Human Resource Development: 2nd edition. Kogan Page. London.
  • Woessmann, L., (2011)
  • Aguinis, H., (2007). Performance management. Printice Hall. London
  • Akram, M. J. (2010). Factors affecting the performance of teachers at higher secondary level in Punjab (Doctoral dissertation, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan).
  • Arif, S., & Ilyas, M. (2012). Creating a Quality Teaching Learning Environment.International Journal of Learning, 18(6).
  • Bethell, R., (2005), School Evaluation, Teacher appraisal And Feedback And The Impact On Schools And Teachers, Creating Effective Teaching and Learning Environments: First Results from TALIS - ISBN 978-92-64-05605-3
  • Clark, C. A. (2017). Professional Growth: Informal Peer Observation.
  • Craig, W. (2011). Better teacher appraisal and feedback: improving performance. Grattan Institute. http://www.grattan.edu.au/
  • Cruickshank, D.R,& Haefele, D. (2001).Good teachers, plural. Educational Leadership, 58, 26-30.
  • Danielson, C.& McGreal, T.L. (2000). Teacher evaluation: To Enhance professional practice Alexandria, Va: Association for supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Day, C. (2010). Formas de Avaliacao Docente em Inglaterra: professionalism e Perfomatividade. In M.A. Flores (ed). A Availcao de professores numa Perpectiva Internacional: Sentidos e Implicacoes. Porto: Areal Editores.
  • Dessler, G. (2008). Human Resource Management, (11th Ed), London: Prentice Hall.
  • Fryer, K., Antony, J., & Ogden, S., (2009)
  • Grootenboer, P. (2017). Appraisal for quality learning. Waikato Journal of Education, 6(1).
  • Hallinger, P. (2018). Surfacing a hidden literature: A systematic review of research on educational leadership and management in Africa. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 46(3), 362-384.
  • Jacob, B. A., & Lefgren, L. (2008). Can principals identify effective teachers? Evidence on subjective performance evaluation in education. Journal of Labor Economics, 26(1), 101-136
  • Kumrow, D. & Dahlen, B. (2002). Is peer review an effective approach for evaluating teachers? The Clearing House, 75, 238-241.
  • Lam, S., (2001). Educators' opinions on classroom observation as a practice of staff development and appraisal. Teaching and Teacher Education, 17:1-14. Available az . Accessed 2004-01-27. http://wwwsciencedirect.com
  • Lemieux-Charles, L., W. McGuire, F. Champagne, J. Barnsley, D. Cole and C. Sicotte (2003)
  • Monyatsi, P.P., (2006), An investigation of the effectiveness of the school-based workshops approach to staff development in secondary schools in Botswana. Educational Research and Reviews Vol. 1 (5), pp. 150-155, ISSN 1990-3839 © 2006 Academic Journals
  • Murdock, G. (2000). Introducing a teacher-supportive evaluation system. ELT Journal: an InternationalJournal for Teachers of English to Speakers of other Languages, 54:54-64.
  • OECD, (2005), Teachers Matter: Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers, OECD Publications; 2 rue André Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France
  • Qasim, A. P., Awan, Z. A., & Ansari, J. A. (2016). Critical appraisal of autopsy work. In APMC (Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 194-202).
  • Saunders, R. M., (2000) The Agile Manager's Guide to Effective Performance Appraisals; Velocity Pub, 01- - Business & Economics - 128 pages
  • Stronge, J.H. (2010) O que funciona, de facto, na avaliação de professores: breves considerações. In M.A. Flores (ed.) A Avaliação de Professores numa Perspectiva Internacional: Sentidos e Implicações. Porto: Areal Editores
  • Stronge, J. H., & Tucker, P. D. (2003). Handbook on teacher evaluation: Assessing and. improving performance. Larchmont, NY: Eye On Education.
  • Taut, S., & Sun, Y. (2014). The development and implementation of a national, standards-based, multi-method teacher performance assessment system in Chile. education policy analysis archives, 22, 71.
  • Varkky, B., Koshy, A., & Oburoi, R., (2008),
  • Vaillant, D. (2008) Algunos marcos referenciales en el evaluacion del desempeño docente, Revista Iberoamaricana de Evaluacion Educativa, Vol. 1(2), pp. 7-22.
  • Vanci-Osam U & Aksit T 2000. Do intentions and perceptions always meet? A case study regarding the use of a teacher appraisal scheme in an English language teaching environment. Teaching and Teacher Education, 16:1-15. Available at Accessed 2004-01-27. http:///www.sciencedirect.com
  • Wilson J P (2005). Human Resource Development: 2nd edition. Kogan Page. London.
  • Woessmann, L., (2011)

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    APA : Nadeem, M., Arif, S., & Asghar, M. Z. (2019). Effectiveness of the Teacher Appraisal System in Public Higher Secondary Schools of Punjab (Pakistan). Global Regional Review, IV(I), 194-208. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).22
    CHICAGO : Nadeem, Muhammad, Seema Arif, and Muhammad Zaheer Asghar. 2019. "Effectiveness of the Teacher Appraisal System in Public Higher Secondary Schools of Punjab (Pakistan)." Global Regional Review, IV (I): 194-208 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).22
    HARVARD : NADEEM, M., ARIF, S. & ASGHAR, M. Z. 2019. Effectiveness of the Teacher Appraisal System in Public Higher Secondary Schools of Punjab (Pakistan). Global Regional Review, IV, 194-208.
    MHRA : Nadeem, Muhammad, Seema Arif, and Muhammad Zaheer Asghar. 2019. "Effectiveness of the Teacher Appraisal System in Public Higher Secondary Schools of Punjab (Pakistan)." Global Regional Review, IV: 194-208
    MLA : Nadeem, Muhammad, Seema Arif, and Muhammad Zaheer Asghar. "Effectiveness of the Teacher Appraisal System in Public Higher Secondary Schools of Punjab (Pakistan)." Global Regional Review, IV.I (2019): 194-208 Print.
    OXFORD : Nadeem, Muhammad, Arif, Seema, and Asghar, Muhammad Zaheer (2019), "Effectiveness of the Teacher Appraisal System in Public Higher Secondary Schools of Punjab (Pakistan)", Global Regional Review, IV (I), 194-208
    TURABIAN : Nadeem, Muhammad, Seema Arif, and Muhammad Zaheer Asghar. "Effectiveness of the Teacher Appraisal System in Public Higher Secondary Schools of Punjab (Pakistan)." Global Regional Review IV, no. I (2019): 194-208. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-I).22