29 Pages : 405-416      10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).29      Published : Dec 2017

Democratization in Pakistan: Role of Media in Civilian and Military Regimes

    Without active, free and strong media, democracy is not completed. In countries where freedom of press is limited, democratic values are not established. Media had been facing violence in Pakistan whether it remained political or military governments. Struggle of press can be traced back before the inception of Pakistan when press was under tight governmental control. This caused nothing other than sabotaging the rights of people. Founder of Pakistan was strong supporter for the freedom of press and encouraged Muslims to get declarations for new newspapers. It is an important question to investigate why in the democratic republic of Pakistan such Colonial Laws are made that hindered the progress of press and media. And it is also important to investigate that how media raised the voice of suppressed people in the dictatorial regimes and what was the role of media in civilian governments for the promotion of democracy.

    Democratization, Press, Media, Media Laws, Colonial laws, Pressure Groups
    (1) Ali Shan Shah
    Assistant Professor (OPS), Department of Political Science & IR, GC, University Faisalabad,Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Abdul Basit
    Lecturer,Department of Political Science & IR, GC,University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Mian Muhammad Azhar
    Assistant Professor,Department of Political Science & IR, GC, University Faisalabad, Punjab,Pakistan.
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    APA : Shah, A. S., Basit, A., & Azhar, M. M. (2017). Democratization in Pakistan: Role of Media in Civilian and Military Regimes. Global Regional Review, II(I), 405-416.
    CHICAGO : Shah, Ali Shan, Abdul Basit, and Mian Muhammad Azhar. 2017. "Democratization in Pakistan: Role of Media in Civilian and Military Regimes." Global Regional Review, II (I): 405-416 doi: 10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).29
    HARVARD : SHAH, A. S., BASIT, A. & AZHAR, M. M. 2017. Democratization in Pakistan: Role of Media in Civilian and Military Regimes. Global Regional Review, II, 405-416.
    MHRA : Shah, Ali Shan, Abdul Basit, and Mian Muhammad Azhar. 2017. "Democratization in Pakistan: Role of Media in Civilian and Military Regimes." Global Regional Review, II: 405-416
    MLA : Shah, Ali Shan, Abdul Basit, and Mian Muhammad Azhar. "Democratization in Pakistan: Role of Media in Civilian and Military Regimes." Global Regional Review, II.I (2017): 405-416 Print.
    OXFORD : Shah, Ali Shan, Basit, Abdul, and Azhar, Mian Muhammad (2017), "Democratization in Pakistan: Role of Media in Civilian and Military Regimes", Global Regional Review, II (I), 405-416
    TURABIAN : Shah, Ali Shan, Abdul Basit, and Mian Muhammad Azhar. "Democratization in Pakistan: Role of Media in Civilian and Military Regimes." Global Regional Review II, no. I (2017): 405-416.