Social Media Usage for Gratifying Information Need by University Students in Sindh Province, Pakistan
People use social media to gratify their informational needs in various fields like health, education, sports. Due to its great utility in politics, political communication on social media is studied by many scholars around the globe. However, very limited studies are carried out in Sindh province of Pakistan in this regard. This study fills the gap by providing research data about the use of social media among university students to seek political information. It employs a quantitative research design to collect data from 387 respondents from four general discipline universities of Sindh. The results revealed that university students in the majority use social media for political purposes. They seek political information about national matters more as compared to international ones and prefer news stories as they provide them with verified and updated political content. Moreover, Facebook is used more as compared to other networks for seeking political information.
Social Media, Students, Seeking Political Information
(1) Liaquat Umrani
Lecturer, Department of Media and Communication Studies, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan.
(2) Abdul Razaque Chhachhar
Assistant Professor, Department of Media and Communication Studies, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan.
(3) Muhammad Qasim Nizamani
Associate Professor, Department of Media and Communication Studies, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan.
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APA : Umrani, L., Chhachhar, A. R., & Nizamani, M. Q. (2024). Social Media Usage for Gratifying Information Need by University Students in Sindh Province, Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IX(I), 104-121.
CHICAGO : Umrani, Liaquat, Abdul Razaque Chhachhar, and Muhammad Qasim Nizamani. 2024. "Social Media Usage for Gratifying Information Need by University Students in Sindh Province, Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IX (I): 104-121 doi: 10.31703/grr.2024(IX-I).09
HARVARD : UMRANI, L., CHHACHHAR, A. R. & NIZAMANI, M. Q. 2024. Social Media Usage for Gratifying Information Need by University Students in Sindh Province, Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IX, 104-121.
MHRA : Umrani, Liaquat, Abdul Razaque Chhachhar, and Muhammad Qasim Nizamani. 2024. "Social Media Usage for Gratifying Information Need by University Students in Sindh Province, Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IX: 104-121
MLA : Umrani, Liaquat, Abdul Razaque Chhachhar, and Muhammad Qasim Nizamani. "Social Media Usage for Gratifying Information Need by University Students in Sindh Province, Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IX.I (2024): 104-121 Print.
OXFORD : Umrani, Liaquat, Chhachhar, Abdul Razaque, and Nizamani, Muhammad Qasim (2024), "Social Media Usage for Gratifying Information Need by University Students in Sindh Province, Pakistan", Global Regional Review, IX (I), 104-121
TURABIAN : Umrani, Liaquat, Abdul Razaque Chhachhar, and Muhammad Qasim Nizamani. "Social Media Usage for Gratifying Information Need by University Students in Sindh Province, Pakistan." Global Regional Review IX, no. I (2024): 104-121.