Published : Sep 2019
Over Population Shaped Escalation Settlement Acreage Region in Thar Desert, Pakistan
Overpopulation led to the deterioration condition for natural and cultural apprehension that is an alarm to land morphology. Thar desert headed the most populous region in the world in the distribution of the population of 44 people per square kilometres. These dense disseminations upsurge the settlement. The anthropogenic responses were analyzed in SPSS, and it results in a huge land degradation transpired. The GIS investigated a village that is spreading 36 square kilometres during 67 last years. It is directed the alarming situation in future. The study suggested overpopulation creates problems for land, human, the environment and wildlife through different characteristics. In the imminent of time, it caused the geomorphic shifting.
Overpopulation, Deterioration, Cultural, Dissemination, Settlement, Anthropogenic, Human, Degradation
(1) Sujo Meghwar
Assistant Professors, Department of Geography, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
(2) Muhammad Qasim Nizamani
Assistant Professor, Department of Media & Communication Studies, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
(3) Farheen Qasim Nizamani
Department of Media & Communication Studies, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan.
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APA : Meghwar, S., Nizamani, M. Q., & Nizamani, F. Q. (2019). Over Population Shaped Escalation Settlement Acreage Region in Thar Desert, Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV(III), 492-500.
CHICAGO : Meghwar, Sujo, Muhammad Qasim Nizamani, and Farheen Qasim Nizamani. 2019. "Over Population Shaped Escalation Settlement Acreage Region in Thar Desert, Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV (III): 492-500 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-III).53
HARVARD : MEGHWAR, S., NIZAMANI, M. Q. & NIZAMANI, F. Q. 2019. Over Population Shaped Escalation Settlement Acreage Region in Thar Desert, Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV, 492-500.
MHRA : Meghwar, Sujo, Muhammad Qasim Nizamani, and Farheen Qasim Nizamani. 2019. "Over Population Shaped Escalation Settlement Acreage Region in Thar Desert, Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV: 492-500
MLA : Meghwar, Sujo, Muhammad Qasim Nizamani, and Farheen Qasim Nizamani. "Over Population Shaped Escalation Settlement Acreage Region in Thar Desert, Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV.III (2019): 492-500 Print.
OXFORD : Meghwar, Sujo, Nizamani, Muhammad Qasim, and Nizamani, Farheen Qasim (2019), "Over Population Shaped Escalation Settlement Acreage Region in Thar Desert, Pakistan", Global Regional Review, IV (III), 492-500
TURABIAN : Meghwar, Sujo, Muhammad Qasim Nizamani, and Farheen Qasim Nizamani. "Over Population Shaped Escalation Settlement Acreage Region in Thar Desert, Pakistan." Global Regional Review IV, no. III (2019): 492-500.