35 Pages : 481-490      10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).35      Published : Dec 2017

Fanon's Socio-Diagnostic and Neurosis of the Colonized: The Colonial Trauma in 'Twilight in Delhi'

    The present study is focused on the marginal position of the Muslims in the Indian Subcontinent and its effects on the structuring of their psyche in Ali’s novel Twilight in Delhi. Its main concern is the analysis of neurotic behaviors of the main characters of Twilight in Delhi in the light of Fanon’s re-interpretation of Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis. The central argument of this study is that psychological problems of Muslims in a colonial situation, as shown in the novel under discussion, are not natural, but are consequences of conditions that are linked to their social and economic circumstances. Their psychological behavior shows the effects of their socioeconomic environment created by the colonizer. It is not inherently structured without being influenced by the conditions of the outer world that originates from the colonial suppression and occupation. The research is informed by Fanon’s re-interpretation of the theory of psychoanalysis in which he proposes that the psychological disorders in the outcasts or marginal in a colonial situation are effects of the social order which they find to live in. This research tends to analyze how Twilight in Delhi takes up the issue of Muslim’s marginality that results in psychological disorders. Moreover, it focuses on the circumstances or conditions, foregrounded in the novel, that lead to the psychological problems of Muslims in Twilight in Delhi

    Twilight in Delhi, Muslims, Subcontinent, Indian, Freud's theory of Psychoanalysis
    (1) Kanwal Zahra
    Assistant Professor, Centre for Languages and Translation Studies, University of Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan
    (2) Muhammad Abou Bakar
    Lecturer Department of English, University of Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan
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    APA : Zahra, K., & Bakar, M. A. (2017). Fanon's Socio-Diagnostic and Neurosis of the Colonized: The Colonial Trauma in 'Twilight in Delhi'. Global Regional Review, II(I), 481-490 .
    CHICAGO : Zahra, Kanwal, and Muhammad Abou Bakar. 2017. "Fanon's Socio-Diagnostic and Neurosis of the Colonized: The Colonial Trauma in 'Twilight in Delhi'." Global Regional Review, II (I): 481-490 doi: 10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).35
    HARVARD : ZAHRA, K. & BAKAR, M. A. 2017. Fanon's Socio-Diagnostic and Neurosis of the Colonized: The Colonial Trauma in 'Twilight in Delhi'. Global Regional Review, II, 481-490 .
    MHRA : Zahra, Kanwal, and Muhammad Abou Bakar. 2017. "Fanon's Socio-Diagnostic and Neurosis of the Colonized: The Colonial Trauma in 'Twilight in Delhi'." Global Regional Review, II: 481-490
    MLA : Zahra, Kanwal, and Muhammad Abou Bakar. "Fanon's Socio-Diagnostic and Neurosis of the Colonized: The Colonial Trauma in 'Twilight in Delhi'." Global Regional Review, II.I (2017): 481-490 Print.
    OXFORD : Zahra, Kanwal and Bakar, Muhammad Abou (2017), "Fanon's Socio-Diagnostic and Neurosis of the Colonized: The Colonial Trauma in 'Twilight in Delhi'", Global Regional Review, II (I), 481-490
    TURABIAN : Zahra, Kanwal, and Muhammad Abou Bakar. "Fanon's Socio-Diagnostic and Neurosis of the Colonized: The Colonial Trauma in 'Twilight in Delhi'." Global Regional Review II, no. I (2017): 481-490 .