19 Pages : 192-200      10.31703/grr.2024(IX-III).19      Published : Sep 2024

Analytical Examination of Malaysia-Pakistan Bilateral Relations: Historical Foundations and Contemporary Challenges in the 21st Century

    This paper aims to provide an analytical account of Malaysia-Pakistan relations with a focus on the historical background and the challenges of the 21st century. In this study, secondary data has been used to analyze the bilateral relations between the two countries in terms of political, security, and economic facets. This study aims to examine the political relations between Malaysia and Pakistan with the aim of identifying the successes and the existing problems that define diplomacy. In addition, it evaluates the strategic security interactions that are pertinent to the stability of the region. The paper also makes some future predictions by analyzing the current situation and possible situations that may improve or worsen the bilateral relations. Thus, the goal of this research is to describe the main features of Malaysia-Pakistan relations in the context of the modern geopolitical environment to identify the challenges and prospects for their development.

    Pakistan, Malaysia, International Relations, Diplomacy, Politico-Economic Relations, Islamic World
    (1) Fariah Mehboob
    Lecturer, Department of Pakistan Studies National University of Modern Languages (Numl) Rawalpindi Campus, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Mehboob, F. (2024). Analytical Examination of Malaysia-Pakistan Bilateral Relations: Historical Foundations and Contemporary Challenges in the 21st Century. Global Regional Review, IX(III), 192-200.
    CHICAGO : Mehboob, Fariah. 2024. "Analytical Examination of Malaysia-Pakistan Bilateral Relations: Historical Foundations and Contemporary Challenges in the 21st Century." Global Regional Review, IX (III): 192-200 doi: 10.31703/grr.2024(IX-III).19
    HARVARD : MEHBOOB, F. 2024. Analytical Examination of Malaysia-Pakistan Bilateral Relations: Historical Foundations and Contemporary Challenges in the 21st Century. Global Regional Review, IX, 192-200.
    MHRA : Mehboob, Fariah. 2024. "Analytical Examination of Malaysia-Pakistan Bilateral Relations: Historical Foundations and Contemporary Challenges in the 21st Century." Global Regional Review, IX: 192-200
    MLA : Mehboob, Fariah. "Analytical Examination of Malaysia-Pakistan Bilateral Relations: Historical Foundations and Contemporary Challenges in the 21st Century." Global Regional Review, IX.III (2024): 192-200 Print.
    OXFORD : Mehboob, Fariah (2024), "Analytical Examination of Malaysia-Pakistan Bilateral Relations: Historical Foundations and Contemporary Challenges in the 21st Century", Global Regional Review, IX (III), 192-200
    TURABIAN : Mehboob, Fariah. "Analytical Examination of Malaysia-Pakistan Bilateral Relations: Historical Foundations and Contemporary Challenges in the 21st Century." Global Regional Review IX, no. III (2024): 192-200.