10 Pages : 85-94      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).10      Published : Dec 2019

Relationship of Pedagogical Skills and Content Knowledge with Pedagogical Design Capacity in Higher Education of Pakistan

    Pedagogical content knowledge is a special type of knowledge possessed by the teachers that not only unravels the teachers understanding of the content but also explains how to teach content (Knowledge of Pedagogy) effectively. The purpose of study was to check the relationship of teacher educators pedagogical content knowledge and pedagogical skills with their pedagogical design capacity. Purposive sampling technique was applied for selecting 200 teachers educators of the Departments of Education of public universities of Punjab and colleges of education in Pakistan. The questionnaire was used for data collection and Pearsons correlation used for data analysis.The results revealed that a significant and moderate relationship existed between teachers PCK and PDC. The result showed a significant and strong relationship between teachers PS and PDC. It is concluded there was a noteworthy and moderate connection between educators PCK and their PDC and positive connection existed between educators PCK, PS, and their PDC.

    Pedagogical Skills, Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Design Capacity
    (1) Samina Rafique
    PhD Scholar, Department of Education, International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Shamsa Aziz
    Chairperson, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Education, International Islamic University, Islamabad Pakistan.
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    APA : Rafique, S., & Aziz, S. (2019). Relationship of Pedagogical Skills and Content Knowledge with Pedagogical Design Capacity in Higher Education of Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV(IV), 85-94.
    CHICAGO : Rafique, Samina, and Shamsa Aziz. 2019. "Relationship of Pedagogical Skills and Content Knowledge with Pedagogical Design Capacity in Higher Education of Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV (IV): 85-94 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).10
    HARVARD : RAFIQUE, S. & AZIZ, S. 2019. Relationship of Pedagogical Skills and Content Knowledge with Pedagogical Design Capacity in Higher Education of Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV, 85-94.
    MHRA : Rafique, Samina, and Shamsa Aziz. 2019. "Relationship of Pedagogical Skills and Content Knowledge with Pedagogical Design Capacity in Higher Education of Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV: 85-94
    MLA : Rafique, Samina, and Shamsa Aziz. "Relationship of Pedagogical Skills and Content Knowledge with Pedagogical Design Capacity in Higher Education of Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV.IV (2019): 85-94 Print.
    OXFORD : Rafique, Samina and Aziz, Shamsa (2019), "Relationship of Pedagogical Skills and Content Knowledge with Pedagogical Design Capacity in Higher Education of Pakistan", Global Regional Review, IV (IV), 85-94
    TURABIAN : Rafique, Samina, and Shamsa Aziz. "Relationship of Pedagogical Skills and Content Knowledge with Pedagogical Design Capacity in Higher Education of Pakistan." Global Regional Review IV, no. IV (2019): 85-94.