15 Pages : 211-227      10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).15      Published : Dec 2017

Organizational Agility Determinants and Performance: A Case of Pakistani Telecommunication Sector

    This study examined the effect of organizational agility determinants on firm performance. Organizations are facing challenges to respond to uncertainties and technological advancement. Agile organizations have more capability to respond uncertain situations and challenges when occur. The analysis of 126 respondents from telecom sectors revealed that Human Resource Agility (HRAg), Innovation Agility and technological advancement play significant role in enhancing organizational performance. This study will be beneficial for managers to boost organizational performance and gain agile position in the market. In this study recommendations will be helpful to conduct further research in future.

    Organizational Agility, Performance, Innovation, Telecom Sector
    (1) Saeed Jalal
    COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Virtual Campus, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Jehangir
    Assistant Professor,Institute of Business and Leadership, Abdul Wali Khan Universty, Mardan,
    (3) Zia Ullah
    Assistant Professor, Department of Tourism and Hospitality, Abdul Wali Khan Universty, Mardan, KP, Pakistan
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    APA : Jalal, S., Jehangir, M., & Ullah, Z. (2017). Organizational Agility Determinants and Performance: A Case of Pakistani Telecommunication Sector. Global Regional Review, II(I), 211-227.
    CHICAGO : Jalal, Saeed, Muhammad Jehangir, and Zia Ullah. 2017. "Organizational Agility Determinants and Performance: A Case of Pakistani Telecommunication Sector." Global Regional Review, II (I): 211-227 doi: 10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).15
    HARVARD : JALAL, S., JEHANGIR, M. & ULLAH, Z. 2017. Organizational Agility Determinants and Performance: A Case of Pakistani Telecommunication Sector. Global Regional Review, II, 211-227.
    MHRA : Jalal, Saeed, Muhammad Jehangir, and Zia Ullah. 2017. "Organizational Agility Determinants and Performance: A Case of Pakistani Telecommunication Sector." Global Regional Review, II: 211-227
    MLA : Jalal, Saeed, Muhammad Jehangir, and Zia Ullah. "Organizational Agility Determinants and Performance: A Case of Pakistani Telecommunication Sector." Global Regional Review, II.I (2017): 211-227 Print.
    OXFORD : Jalal, Saeed, Jehangir, Muhammad, and Ullah, Zia (2017), "Organizational Agility Determinants and Performance: A Case of Pakistani Telecommunication Sector", Global Regional Review, II (I), 211-227
    TURABIAN : Jalal, Saeed, Muhammad Jehangir, and Zia Ullah. "Organizational Agility Determinants and Performance: A Case of Pakistani Telecommunication Sector." Global Regional Review II, no. I (2017): 211-227.