21 Pages : 187-193      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).21      Published : Dec 2019

Lyotardian Language Games: A Postmodernist Critique of Our Lady of Alice Bhatti

    This research seeks to analyze Our Lady of Alice Bhatti in the light of Lyotardian language games. The novel is written by Muhammad Hanif who is arenowned Pakistani novelist and writer. The novel, through language games, subverts the master narratives of nation, science, justice, culture, and faith. This research explores the role of language to interpret, understand and communicate in the postmodern world as in todays world every idea exists in the form of signs or language. This reading explores the novel through textual analysis, and it is qualitative and exploratory. It ends with the findings and recommendations for further research.

    Postmodernism, Metanarratives, Science, Enlightenment, Lyotard, Language Games
    (1) Ayesha Ashraf Awan
    Lecturer,Department of English, NUML Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Munawar Iqbal Ahmad
    Professor,Department of English,Air University Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (3) Sundes Bashir
    Lecturer, Department of English, The University of Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Awan, A. A., Ahmad, M. I., & Bashir, S. (2019). Lyotardian Language Games: A Postmodernist Critique of Our Lady of Alice Bhatti. Global Regional Review, IV(IV), 187-193.
    CHICAGO : Awan, Ayesha Ashraf, Munawar Iqbal Ahmad, and Sundes Bashir. 2019. "Lyotardian Language Games: A Postmodernist Critique of Our Lady of Alice Bhatti." Global Regional Review, IV (IV): 187-193 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).21
    HARVARD : AWAN, A. A., AHMAD, M. I. & BASHIR, S. 2019. Lyotardian Language Games: A Postmodernist Critique of Our Lady of Alice Bhatti. Global Regional Review, IV, 187-193.
    MHRA : Awan, Ayesha Ashraf, Munawar Iqbal Ahmad, and Sundes Bashir. 2019. "Lyotardian Language Games: A Postmodernist Critique of Our Lady of Alice Bhatti." Global Regional Review, IV: 187-193
    MLA : Awan, Ayesha Ashraf, Munawar Iqbal Ahmad, and Sundes Bashir. "Lyotardian Language Games: A Postmodernist Critique of Our Lady of Alice Bhatti." Global Regional Review, IV.IV (2019): 187-193 Print.
    OXFORD : Awan, Ayesha Ashraf, Ahmad, Munawar Iqbal, and Bashir, Sundes (2019), "Lyotardian Language Games: A Postmodernist Critique of Our Lady of Alice Bhatti", Global Regional Review, IV (IV), 187-193
    TURABIAN : Awan, Ayesha Ashraf, Munawar Iqbal Ahmad, and Sundes Bashir. "Lyotardian Language Games: A Postmodernist Critique of Our Lady of Alice Bhatti." Global Regional Review IV, no. IV (2019): 187-193.