http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/grr.2021(VI-III).07      10.31703/grr.2021(VI-III).07      Published : Sep 3
Authored by : Fazal Rabbi , Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad , Munib Ahmed

07 Pages : 60-66


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  • Ahmad, M. (2010). Implications of the War on Terror for Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies, (3), 102-104.
  • Ashraf, S. I. (2011).Pashtuns in Pakistan: Why the war on terror is being lost. https://www.boell.de/en/intlpolitics/asia- pakistan-reasons-for-losing-war-on-terror- 13641.html
  • Census. (1998). Government of Pakistan. http://www.census.gov.pk/AreaDensity.htm
  • Census. (2017). Government of Pakistan. https://www.pbs.gov.pk/content/final-results- census-2017.
  • Central Intelligence Agency. (2008). The CIA world factbook 2009. Skyhorse Publishing Inc..
  • Crawford, N. C. (2015). War-related death, injury, and displacement in Afghanistan and Pakistan 2001- 2014. Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University. http://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/files/co w/imce/papers/2015/War Related C asualties
  • Farooq, U. (2013). Civilians Bear Brunt of Pakistan's War in the Northwest. Foreign Policy, 11.
  • Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. (2010). Post Crisis Needs Assessment Report (September 2010), pp. 24-26, http://khyberpakhtunkhwa.gov.pk/cms/dow nloads/PNCA Report.pdf.
  • Haqq, N. U. (2008). FATA a profile of Socio- Economic development. Islamabad Policy Research Institute. Available at: http://environmentcellfata.
  • Khattak, A. (2016). Deeping fault lines. The Nation.
  • Nawaz, S., & De Borchgrave, A. (2009). FATA-A most dangerous place. Center for Strategic and International Studies, 15.
  • Rabbi, F. (2012). War against Terrorism and its Repercussions for Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of History and Culture, 33(2), 71-90.
  • Rana, M. A. (2009). Mapping the madrasa mindset: political attitudes of Pakistani Madaris. Conflict and peace studies, 2(1), 1-13.
  • Salaman, M. (2012). An analysis of Pakistan policy in the war against terrorism and its implications in KPK Pakistan. International journal of business and social science, 3(5).
  • Secretariat, (2012). History of FATA. http://fata.gov.pk/index.php?option=com_co ntent
  • The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973 (2010). Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs.
  • Woodward, B. (2002). Bush at war. Simon and Schuster.

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    CHICAGO : Rabbi, Fazal, Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad, and Munib Ahmed. 2021. "War on Terror and Pak-Afghan Borderland." Global Regional Review, VI (III): 60-66 doi: 10.31703/grr.2021(VI-III).07
    HARVARD : RABBI, F., AHMAD, M. S. & AHMED, M. 2021. War on Terror and Pak-Afghan Borderland. Global Regional Review, VI, 60-66.
    MHRA : Rabbi, Fazal, Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad, and Munib Ahmed. 2021. "War on Terror and Pak-Afghan Borderland." Global Regional Review, VI: 60-66
    MLA : Rabbi, Fazal, Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad, and Munib Ahmed. "War on Terror and Pak-Afghan Borderland." Global Regional Review, VI.III (2021): 60-66 Print.
    OXFORD : Rabbi, Fazal, Ahmad, Muhammad Shakeel, and Ahmed, Munib (2021), "War on Terror and Pak-Afghan Borderland", Global Regional Review, VI (III), 60-66