Authored by : Ali Hussain Arif , Muhammad Majid Mahmood Bagram , Haider Ali

06 Pages : 50-58


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  • Smits, I., Doumen, S., Luyckx, K., Duriez, B., & Goossens, L. (2011). Identity styles and interpersonal behavior in emerging adulthood: The intervening role of empathy. Social Development, 20(4), 664-684.
  • Stone McCown, K., Jensen, A.L., Freedman, J.M., & Rideout, M.S. (1998). Self-Science: The emotional intelligence curriculum. San Mateo, CA: 6Seconds.
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  • Zeidner, Mattews, & Roberts. (2004). Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace: a critical review. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 53 (3), 371-399.
  • Akkoyun. ((1987).). Empatik Egilim ve Ahlaki Yargı. . Psikoloji Dergisi,, 6, ( 21). 91-98.
  • Bar-On, R. (2000). Emotional and Social Intelligence. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
  • Bar-On. (1997). Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory Technical Manual. Toronto: MHS Publications.
  • Elias, M. J., & Weisberg, R. P. (2008). Implementation, sustainability, and scaling up of social-emotional and academic innovations in public schools. School Psychology Review, 32, 303- 319.
  • Elias, M. J., & Weisberg, R. P. (2008). Socialand EmotionalLearning,Moral Education,and Character Education. InL
  • Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional Intelligence. New York: Bantom Book.
  • Greaves, B. (2009). Emotional Intelligence 2.0. SanDiego U.S.A: Talent Smart.
  • Hindi, A. M. (1985). Kanz-ul-Ummal. Beirut: Muassisa-yul-Arrisalat.
  • Houtmeyers, K. A. (2002). Attachment relationships and emotional intelligence in preschoolers. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. 62(10), 4818B
  • Iossifidou P, Iossifidis J (2008). Empathy and emotional intelligence: What is it really about? International Journal of Caring Sciences, 1(3):118- 123
  • Jackson, C. (2009). The Role of Emotional Intelligence and personality in Moral Reasoning. New South Wales Austerlia: Bowen Hills, Old Austerlian Academic Press.
  • Kashani, M. M. (2000). Muhajja-tul-Baidha. Qum: Intisharat Islami.
  • Kiris, T., & Marko, M. (2009). How Morality and ReligisityRelate to Intelligence. Journal of Emprical Theology, 18.
  • Majlisi, M. B. (1983). Bihar-ul-Anwar. Beirut: Ayaul-Turath Arabi.
  • McBride, E. (2010). ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 15.
  • Platsidou, & Salman. (2012). The role of emotional intelligence in predicting burnout and job satisfaction of Greek lawyers. IJLPHL, 1(1), 13- 22.
  • Quran. (2008). Islamabad: Darul Quran.
  • Sadooq, S. (1991). Maani -al-Akhbar. Tehran: Darul Kutuib Islamia.
  • Sakar, A. (2006). Gender Development. New Delhi: Prangun Pulications.
  • Salovey, P.(1990). Emotional Intelligence, Imagination, Cognition.
  • Schutte, N.S., Malouff, J., Simunek, McKenley, & Hollander. (2002). Characteristics emotional intelligence and emotional well-being, Cognition and Emotion, 16(6), 769-785.
  • Schutte. (2001). Emotional Intelligence and Interpersonal Relations. Journal of Social Psychology, 141 (4), 523-536.
  • Sluyter, D., & Slavey, P. (1997). Emotional Development and Emotional Intelligence: Implications for Educator. New York: Basic Books
  • Smits, I., Doumen, S., Luyckx, K., Duriez, B., & Goossens, L. (2011). Identity styles and interpersonal behavior in emerging adulthood: The intervening role of empathy. Social Development, 20(4), 664-684.
  • Stone McCown, K., Jensen, A.L., Freedman, J.M., & Rideout, M.S. (1998). Self-Science: The emotional intelligence curriculum. San Mateo, CA: 6Seconds.
  • Thorndike, E. L. (1920). Intelligence and its uses. Harper Magazine, 140.
  • Thorndike. (1937). An Evaluation of the Attempts to Measure Social Intelligence. Psychological Bulletin, (34), 275-285.
  • Williamson, D. (2009). Emotional Intelligence and Moral Theory.
  • Zeidar. (2012). Emotional Intelligence. Rananna: Open University Press (in Hebrew).
  • Zeidner, Mattews, & Roberts. (2004). Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace: a critical review. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 53 (3), 371-399.

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    APA : Arif, A. H., Bagram, M. M. M., & Ali, H. (2021). The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Moral Stability of the Religious Education Students. Global Regional Review, VI(I), 50-58.
    CHICAGO : Arif, Ali Hussain, Muhammad Majid Mahmood Bagram, and Haider Ali. 2021. "The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Moral Stability of the Religious Education Students." Global Regional Review, VI (I): 50-58 doi: 10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).06
    HARVARD : ARIF, A. H., BAGRAM, M. M. M. & ALI, H. 2021. The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Moral Stability of the Religious Education Students. Global Regional Review, VI, 50-58.
    MHRA : Arif, Ali Hussain, Muhammad Majid Mahmood Bagram, and Haider Ali. 2021. "The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Moral Stability of the Religious Education Students." Global Regional Review, VI: 50-58
    MLA : Arif, Ali Hussain, Muhammad Majid Mahmood Bagram, and Haider Ali. "The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Moral Stability of the Religious Education Students." Global Regional Review, VI.I (2021): 50-58 Print.
    OXFORD : Arif, Ali Hussain, Bagram, Muhammad Majid Mahmood, and Ali, Haider (2021), "The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Moral Stability of the Religious Education Students", Global Regional Review, VI (I), 50-58
    TURABIAN : Arif, Ali Hussain, Muhammad Majid Mahmood Bagram, and Haider Ali. "The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Moral Stability of the Religious Education Students." Global Regional Review VI, no. I (2021): 50-58.