Authored by : Tayyaba Batool Tahir , Rafida Nawaz , Muqarrab Akbar

30 Pages : 269 - 275


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  • Bullock, K. (2002). Rethinking Muslim women and the veil: Challenging historical & modern stereotypes. IIIT.
  • Carol, S., & Koopmans, R. (2013). Dynamics of contestation over Islamic religious rights in Western Europe. Ethnicities, 13(2), 165-190.
  • Ćeman, S., & JaÅ¡ić, M. (2020). The Ban on Wearing Islamic Headscarf in European Law. DruÅ¡tvene i humanističke studije, 1(10), 213-228. article/view/317/249
  • Delaney, C. (1994). Untangling the meanings of hair in Turkish society. Anthropological Quarterly, 159-172.
  • El Guindi, F. (1999). Veil: Modesty, privacy, and resistance. iUniverse.
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  • Freedman, J. (2004). Secularism as a barrier to integration? The French dilemma. International Migration, 42(3), 5-27, doi:10.1111/j.0020- 7985.2004.00287.x
  • Freedman, J. (2007). Women, Islam and rights in Europe: beyond a universalist/culturalist dichotomy. Review of International Studies, 33(1), 29-44. 0
  • GöLe, N. (2002). Islam in Public: New Visibilities and New Imaginaries. Public Culture, 14(1), 173- 190. 1-173
  • Helbling, M. (2014). Opposing Muslims and the Muslim Headscarf in Western Europe. European Sociological Review, 30(2), 242-257.
  • Joppke, C. (2007). State neutrality and Islamic headscarf laws in France and Germany. Theory and Society, 36(4), 313-342.
  • Kahn, R. A. (2006). The headscarf as threat? A comparison of German and American legal discourses. bepress Legal Series,1-24. ?referer=
  • Kastoryano, R. (2004). Religion and incorporation: Islam in France and Germany. International Migration Review, 38(3), 1234-1255.
  • Lewis, B. (2003). What went wrong? the clash between Islam and modernity in the Middle East. Harper Collins.
  • McGoldrick, D. (2006). Human rights and religion-the Islamic headscarf debate in Europe. Hart Publishing.
  • Parekh, B. (2008). European liberalism and'the Muslim question' (Vol. 9). Amsterdam University Press.
  • Pin, A. (2017). Is There a Place for Islam in the West: Adjudicating the Muslim Headscarf in Europe and the United States? Notre Dame L. Rev. Online, 93, 35-43. nt.cgi?article=1041
  • Saharso, S. (2007). Headscarves: a comparison of public thought and public policy in Germany and the Netherlands. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 10(4), 513-530.
  • Sauer, B. (2005, May). Conflicts over values: The issue of Muslim headscarves in Europe. In Conference 'Culture meets Culture', Vienna ,5, 339-52.
  • Schiffauer, W. (2006).
  • Scott, J. W. (2007). The politics of the veil Princeton University Press. Princeton and Oxford.
  • Venel, N. (1999). French Muslim women. Veiled practitioners at the university, Paris: L'Harmattan.
  • Vertovec, S. (1996). Multiculturalism, culturalism, and public incorporation. Ethnic and racial studies, 19(1), 49-69
  • Wiles, E. (2007). Headscarves, human rights, and harmonious multicultural society: Implications of the French ban for interpretations of equality. Law & Society Review, 41(3), 699-736.
  • Anwar, E. (2006). Gender and self in Islam. Routledge.
  • Asad, T. (2008). Europe Against lslam: lslam in Europe. The Blackwell Companion to aContemporary Islamic Thought, 302.
  • Baubérot, J. (2013). The evolution of French secularism. In Making Sense of the Secular ,52-63. Routledge.
  • Bullock, K. (2002). Rethinking Muslim women and the veil: Challenging historical & modern stereotypes. IIIT.
  • Carol, S., & Koopmans, R. (2013). Dynamics of contestation over Islamic religious rights in Western Europe. Ethnicities, 13(2), 165-190.
  • Ćeman, S., & JaÅ¡ić, M. (2020). The Ban on Wearing Islamic Headscarf in European Law. DruÅ¡tvene i humanističke studije, 1(10), 213-228. article/view/317/249
  • Delaney, C. (1994). Untangling the meanings of hair in Turkish society. Anthropological Quarterly, 159-172.
  • El Guindi, F. (1999). Veil: Modesty, privacy, and resistance. iUniverse.
  • Etienne, B. (1989). La France et l'islam. Hachette.
  • Freedman, J. (2004). Secularism as a barrier to integration? The French dilemma. International Migration, 42(3), 5-27, doi:10.1111/j.0020- 7985.2004.00287.x
  • Freedman, J. (2007). Women, Islam and rights in Europe: beyond a universalist/culturalist dichotomy. Review of International Studies, 33(1), 29-44. 0
  • GöLe, N. (2002). Islam in Public: New Visibilities and New Imaginaries. Public Culture, 14(1), 173- 190. 1-173
  • Helbling, M. (2014). Opposing Muslims and the Muslim Headscarf in Western Europe. European Sociological Review, 30(2), 242-257.
  • Joppke, C. (2007). State neutrality and Islamic headscarf laws in France and Germany. Theory and Society, 36(4), 313-342.
  • Kahn, R. A. (2006). The headscarf as threat? A comparison of German and American legal discourses. bepress Legal Series,1-24. ?referer=
  • Kastoryano, R. (2004). Religion and incorporation: Islam in France and Germany. International Migration Review, 38(3), 1234-1255.
  • Lewis, B. (2003). What went wrong? the clash between Islam and modernity in the Middle East. Harper Collins.
  • McGoldrick, D. (2006). Human rights and religion-the Islamic headscarf debate in Europe. Hart Publishing.
  • Parekh, B. (2008). European liberalism and'the Muslim question' (Vol. 9). Amsterdam University Press.
  • Pin, A. (2017). Is There a Place for Islam in the West: Adjudicating the Muslim Headscarf in Europe and the United States? Notre Dame L. Rev. Online, 93, 35-43. nt.cgi?article=1041
  • Saharso, S. (2007). Headscarves: a comparison of public thought and public policy in Germany and the Netherlands. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 10(4), 513-530.
  • Sauer, B. (2005, May). Conflicts over values: The issue of Muslim headscarves in Europe. In Conference 'Culture meets Culture', Vienna ,5, 339-52.
  • Schiffauer, W. (2006).
  • Scott, J. W. (2007). The politics of the veil Princeton University Press. Princeton and Oxford.
  • Venel, N. (1999). French Muslim women. Veiled practitioners at the university, Paris: L'Harmattan.
  • Vertovec, S. (1996). Multiculturalism, culturalism, and public incorporation. Ethnic and racial studies, 19(1), 49-69
  • Wiles, E. (2007). Headscarves, human rights, and harmonious multicultural society: Implications of the French ban for interpretations of equality. Law & Society Review, 41(3), 699-736.

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    CHICAGO : Tahir, Tayyaba Batool, Rafida Nawaz, and Muqarrab Akbar. 2021. "The Islamic Headscarf: A threat to Secularity, Modernity, and Integration." Global Regional Review, VI (II): 269 - 275 doi: 10.31703/grr.2021(VI-II).30
    HARVARD : TAHIR, T. B., NAWAZ, R. & AKBAR, M. 2021. The Islamic Headscarf: A threat to Secularity, Modernity, and Integration. Global Regional Review, VI, 269 - 275.
    MHRA : Tahir, Tayyaba Batool, Rafida Nawaz, and Muqarrab Akbar. 2021. "The Islamic Headscarf: A threat to Secularity, Modernity, and Integration." Global Regional Review, VI: 269 - 275
    MLA : Tahir, Tayyaba Batool, Rafida Nawaz, and Muqarrab Akbar. "The Islamic Headscarf: A threat to Secularity, Modernity, and Integration." Global Regional Review, VI.II (2021): 269 - 275 Print.
    OXFORD : Tahir, Tayyaba Batool, Nawaz, Rafida, and Akbar, Muqarrab (2021), "The Islamic Headscarf: A threat to Secularity, Modernity, and Integration", Global Regional Review, VI (II), 269 - 275
    TURABIAN : Tahir, Tayyaba Batool, Rafida Nawaz, and Muqarrab Akbar. "The Islamic Headscarf: A threat to Secularity, Modernity, and Integration." Global Regional Review VI, no. II (2021): 269 - 275.