Authored by : Farhat Ullah Khan , Aman Ullah Khan , Inayat Ullah

55 Pages : 600-611


  • Abbas, M., Azid, T., & Besar, M. H. A. H. (2016). Efficiency, effectiveness and performance profile of Islamic and conventional banks in Pakistan. Humanomics.
  • Ahmad, H. K., Mujaddad, H. G., & Nadeem, M. (2015). An Analysis Of Banks Performance In PakistanUsing Two-Step Double Bootstrap Dea Approach. Pakistan Economic and Social Review, 331-350
  • Ahmad, M. F., Ishtiaq, M., Hamid, K., Usman Khurram, M., & Nawaz, A. (2017). Data envelopment analysis and Tobit analysis for firm efficiency in perspective of working capital management in manufacturing sector of Pakistan. International journal of Economics and financial issues, 7(2), 706-713
  • Ahmad, S., & Burki, A. A. (2015). Banking deregulation and allocative efficiency in Pakistan. Applied Economics, 48(13), 1182-1196
  • Banna, H., Shah, S. K. B., Noman, A. H. M., Ahmad, R., & Masud, M. M. (2019). Determinants of sino-ASEAN banking efficiency: how do countries differ? Economies, 7(1), 13
  • Banya, R., & Biekpe, N. (2018). BankingEfficiency and its determinants in selected Frontier African Markets. Economic Change and Restructuring, 51(1), 69-9
  • Batir, T. E., Volkman, D. A., & Gungor, B. (2017). Determinants of bank efficiency in Turkey: Participation banks versus conventional banks. Borsa Istanbul Review, 17(2), 86-9
  • Chaudhary, G. M., & Arshad, A. (2016). Impact of Privatization upon Efficiency of Enterprises: Evidence from the Banking Sector of Pakistan. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 7(3), 47
  • Cooper, W., Seiford, L., Tone, K., & Zhu, J. (2007). Some models and measures for evaluating performances with DEA: past accomplishments and future prospects. Journal of productivity Analysis, 28(3), 151-163
  • Emrouznejad, A., Parker, B. R., & Tavares, G. (2008). Evaluation ofresearch in efficiency and productivity: A survey and analysis of the first 30 years of scholarly literature in DEA. Socio-economic planning sciences, 42(3), 151-157.
  • Fernandes, F. D. S., Stasinakis, C., & Bardarova, V. (2018). Two-stage DEA-Truncated Regression: Application in banking efficiency and financial development. Expert Systems with Applications, 96, 284-301.
  • Fethi, M. D., Jackson, P. M., & Weyman-Jones, T. G. (2000). Measuring the efficiency of European airlines: an application of DEA and Tobit Analysis.
  • Gishkori, M. A., & Ullah, N. (2013). Technical efficiency of Islamic and commercial banks: evidence from Pakistan using DEA model (2007-2011). Journal of Business and Management, 7(4), 68-76.
  • Grmanová, E., & Strunz, H. (2017). Efficiency of insurance companies: Application of DEA and Tobit analyses. Journal of International Studies, 10(3)
  • Hidayati, N., Siregar, H., & Pasaribu, S. H. (2017). Determinant of efficiency of the Islamic banking in Indonesia. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter dan Perbankan, 20(1), 29-48.
  • Kar, S., & Deb, J. (2017). Efficiency determinants of microfinance Institutions in India: two stage DEA analysis. The Central European Review of Economics and Management, 1(4), 87-116
  • Khan, I. U., Ali, S., & Khan, H. N. (2018). Market concentration, risk-taking, and efficiency of commercial banks in Pakistan: An application of the two-stage double bootstrap DEA. Business and Economic Review, 10(2), 65-95
  • Kirigia, J. M., & Asbu, E. Z. (2013). Technical and scale efficiency of public community hospitals in Eritrea: an exploratory study. Health economics review, 3(1), 1-16
  • Kumar, S. (2011). State road transport undertakings in India: technical efficiency and its determinants. Benchmarking: An International Journal.
  • Kumbhakar, S. C., Lozano-Vivas, A., Lovell, C. K., & Hasan, I. (2001). The effects of deregulation on the performance of financial institutions: the case of Spanish savings banks. journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 101-120.
  • Lv, W., Hong, X., & Fang, K.(2015). Chinese regional energy efficiency change and its determinants analysis: Malmquist index and Tobit model. Annals of Operations Research, 228(1), 9-22.
  • Martins, A. I. (2018). Efficiency Determinants in Portuguese Banking Industry-an application through fractional regression models. Tourism & Management Studies, 14(2), 63-71
  • Monkam, N. F. (2014). Local municipality productive efficiency and its determinants in South Africa. Development Southern Africa, 31(2), 275-298
  • Nowak, A., Kijek, T., & Domańska, K. (2015). Technical efficiency and its determinants in the European Union. Agricultural Economics, 61(6), 275-283
  • Ruggiero, J. (2007). Measuring the cost of meeting minimum educational standards: An application of data envelopment analysis. Education Economics, 15(1), 1-13
  • Saha, A., Ahmad, N. H., & Dash, U. (2015). Drivers of technical efficiency in M alaysian banking: a new empirical insight. Asian‐Pacific Economic Literature, 29(1), 161-173.
  • Said, J., Hasnan, S., Ismail, F., Majid, M. S. A., &Rahim, R. A. (2013). Efficiency of Islamic and conventional banks in Malaysia. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting.
  • Samad, A. (2019). Determinants of Efficiency of the Islamic Banks of Bangladesh during 2008-2012. Journal of Islamic Banking andFinance, 7(1), 1-13
  • Singh, D., & Fida, B. A. (2015). Technical efficiency and its determinants: An empirical study on banking sector of Oman. Problems and Perspectives in Management(13, Iss. 1 (contin.)), 168-175
  • Singh, S. K., & Bajpai, V. K. (2013). Estimation of operational efficiency and its determinants using DEA. International Journal of energy sector management.
  • Stewart, C., Matousek, R., & Nguyen, T. N. (2016). Efficiency in the Vietnamese banking system: A DEA double bootstrap approach. Research in International Business and Finance, 36, 96-111
  • Tamatam, R., Dutta, P., Dutta, G., & Lessmann, S. (2019). Efficiency analysis of Indian banking industry over the period 2008-2017 using data envelopment analysis. Benchmarking: An International Journal
  • Valdmanis, V. G., Rosko, M. D., Leleu, H., & Mukamel, D. B. (2017). Assessing overall, technical, and scale efficiency among home health care agencies. Health care management science, 20(2), 265-275
  • Yahia, F. B., & Essid, H. (2019). Determinants of Tunisian Schools' efficiency: a DEA-Tobit approach. Journal of Applied Management and Investments, 8(1), 44-56.
  • Yilmaz, A., & Güneş, N. (2015). Efficiency comparison of participation and conventional banking sectors in Turkey between 2007-2013. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, 383-392.
  • Abbas, M., Azid, T., & Besar, M. H. A. H. (2016). Efficiency, effectiveness and performance profile of Islamic and conventional banks in Pakistan. Humanomics.
  • Ahmad, H. K., Mujaddad, H. G., & Nadeem, M. (2015). An Analysis Of Banks Performance In PakistanUsing Two-Step Double Bootstrap Dea Approach. Pakistan Economic and Social Review, 331-350
  • Ahmad, M. F., Ishtiaq, M., Hamid, K., Usman Khurram, M., & Nawaz, A. (2017). Data envelopment analysis and Tobit analysis for firm efficiency in perspective of working capital management in manufacturing sector of Pakistan. International journal of Economics and financial issues, 7(2), 706-713
  • Ahmad, S., & Burki, A. A. (2015). Banking deregulation and allocative efficiency in Pakistan. Applied Economics, 48(13), 1182-1196
  • Banna, H., Shah, S. K. B., Noman, A. H. M., Ahmad, R., & Masud, M. M. (2019). Determinants of sino-ASEAN banking efficiency: how do countries differ? Economies, 7(1), 13
  • Banya, R., & Biekpe, N. (2018). BankingEfficiency and its determinants in selected Frontier African Markets. Economic Change and Restructuring, 51(1), 69-9
  • Batir, T. E., Volkman, D. A., & Gungor, B. (2017). Determinants of bank efficiency in Turkey: Participation banks versus conventional banks. Borsa Istanbul Review, 17(2), 86-9
  • Chaudhary, G. M., & Arshad, A. (2016). Impact of Privatization upon Efficiency of Enterprises: Evidence from the Banking Sector of Pakistan. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 7(3), 47
  • Cooper, W., Seiford, L., Tone, K., & Zhu, J. (2007). Some models and measures for evaluating performances with DEA: past accomplishments and future prospects. Journal of productivity Analysis, 28(3), 151-163
  • Emrouznejad, A., Parker, B. R., & Tavares, G. (2008). Evaluation ofresearch in efficiency and productivity: A survey and analysis of the first 30 years of scholarly literature in DEA. Socio-economic planning sciences, 42(3), 151-157.
  • Fernandes, F. D. S., Stasinakis, C., & Bardarova, V. (2018). Two-stage DEA-Truncated Regression: Application in banking efficiency and financial development. Expert Systems with Applications, 96, 284-301.
  • Fethi, M. D., Jackson, P. M., & Weyman-Jones, T. G. (2000). Measuring the efficiency of European airlines: an application of DEA and Tobit Analysis.
  • Gishkori, M. A., & Ullah, N. (2013). Technical efficiency of Islamic and commercial banks: evidence from Pakistan using DEA model (2007-2011). Journal of Business and Management, 7(4), 68-76.
  • Grmanová, E., & Strunz, H. (2017). Efficiency of insurance companies: Application of DEA and Tobit analyses. Journal of International Studies, 10(3)
  • Hidayati, N., Siregar, H., & Pasaribu, S. H. (2017). Determinant of efficiency of the Islamic banking in Indonesia. Buletin Ekonomi Moneter dan Perbankan, 20(1), 29-48.
  • Kar, S., & Deb, J. (2017). Efficiency determinants of microfinance Institutions in India: two stage DEA analysis. The Central European Review of Economics and Management, 1(4), 87-116
  • Khan, I. U., Ali, S., & Khan, H. N. (2018). Market concentration, risk-taking, and efficiency of commercial banks in Pakistan: An application of the two-stage double bootstrap DEA. Business and Economic Review, 10(2), 65-95
  • Kirigia, J. M., & Asbu, E. Z. (2013). Technical and scale efficiency of public community hospitals in Eritrea: an exploratory study. Health economics review, 3(1), 1-16
  • Kumar, S. (2011). State road transport undertakings in India: technical efficiency and its determinants. Benchmarking: An International Journal.
  • Kumbhakar, S. C., Lozano-Vivas, A., Lovell, C. K., & Hasan, I. (2001). The effects of deregulation on the performance of financial institutions: the case of Spanish savings banks. journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 101-120.
  • Lv, W., Hong, X., & Fang, K.(2015). Chinese regional energy efficiency change and its determinants analysis: Malmquist index and Tobit model. Annals of Operations Research, 228(1), 9-22.
  • Martins, A. I. (2018). Efficiency Determinants in Portuguese Banking Industry-an application through fractional regression models. Tourism & Management Studies, 14(2), 63-71
  • Monkam, N. F. (2014). Local municipality productive efficiency and its determinants in South Africa. Development Southern Africa, 31(2), 275-298
  • Nowak, A., Kijek, T., & Domańska, K. (2015). Technical efficiency and its determinants in the European Union. Agricultural Economics, 61(6), 275-283
  • Ruggiero, J. (2007). Measuring the cost of meeting minimum educational standards: An application of data envelopment analysis. Education Economics, 15(1), 1-13
  • Saha, A., Ahmad, N. H., & Dash, U. (2015). Drivers of technical efficiency in M alaysian banking: a new empirical insight. Asian‐Pacific Economic Literature, 29(1), 161-173.
  • Said, J., Hasnan, S., Ismail, F., Majid, M. S. A., &Rahim, R. A. (2013). Efficiency of Islamic and conventional banks in Malaysia. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting.
  • Samad, A. (2019). Determinants of Efficiency of the Islamic Banks of Bangladesh during 2008-2012. Journal of Islamic Banking andFinance, 7(1), 1-13
  • Singh, D., & Fida, B. A. (2015). Technical efficiency and its determinants: An empirical study on banking sector of Oman. Problems and Perspectives in Management(13, Iss. 1 (contin.)), 168-175
  • Singh, S. K., & Bajpai, V. K. (2013). Estimation of operational efficiency and its determinants using DEA. International Journal of energy sector management.
  • Stewart, C., Matousek, R., & Nguyen, T. N. (2016). Efficiency in the Vietnamese banking system: A DEA double bootstrap approach. Research in International Business and Finance, 36, 96-111
  • Tamatam, R., Dutta, P., Dutta, G., & Lessmann, S. (2019). Efficiency analysis of Indian banking industry over the period 2008-2017 using data envelopment analysis. Benchmarking: An International Journal
  • Valdmanis, V. G., Rosko, M. D., Leleu, H., & Mukamel, D. B. (2017). Assessing overall, technical, and scale efficiency among home health care agencies. Health care management science, 20(2), 265-275
  • Yahia, F. B., & Essid, H. (2019). Determinants of Tunisian Schools' efficiency: a DEA-Tobit approach. Journal of Applied Management and Investments, 8(1), 44-56.
  • Yilmaz, A., & Güneş, N. (2015). Efficiency comparison of participation and conventional banking sectors in Turkey between 2007-2013. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, 383-392.

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    APA : Khan, F. U., Khan, A. U., & Ullah, I. (2019). The Impact of Bank-Specific Factors on the Efficiency of Pakistan's Commercial Banks: Data Envelopment Analysis and Tobit Regression Model Framework. Global Regional Review, IV(IV), 600-611.
    CHICAGO : Khan, Farhat Ullah, Aman Ullah Khan, and Inayat Ullah. 2019. "The Impact of Bank-Specific Factors on the Efficiency of Pakistan's Commercial Banks: Data Envelopment Analysis and Tobit Regression Model Framework." Global Regional Review, IV (IV): 600-611 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-IV).55
    HARVARD : KHAN, F. U., KHAN, A. U. & ULLAH, I. 2019. The Impact of Bank-Specific Factors on the Efficiency of Pakistan's Commercial Banks: Data Envelopment Analysis and Tobit Regression Model Framework. Global Regional Review, IV, 600-611.
    MHRA : Khan, Farhat Ullah, Aman Ullah Khan, and Inayat Ullah. 2019. "The Impact of Bank-Specific Factors on the Efficiency of Pakistan's Commercial Banks: Data Envelopment Analysis and Tobit Regression Model Framework." Global Regional Review, IV: 600-611
    MLA : Khan, Farhat Ullah, Aman Ullah Khan, and Inayat Ullah. "The Impact of Bank-Specific Factors on the Efficiency of Pakistan's Commercial Banks: Data Envelopment Analysis and Tobit Regression Model Framework." Global Regional Review, IV.IV (2019): 600-611 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Farhat Ullah, Khan, Aman Ullah, and Ullah, Inayat (2019), "The Impact of Bank-Specific Factors on the Efficiency of Pakistan's Commercial Banks: Data Envelopment Analysis and Tobit Regression Model Framework", Global Regional Review, IV (IV), 600-611
    TURABIAN : Khan, Farhat Ullah, Aman Ullah Khan, and Inayat Ullah. "The Impact of Bank-Specific Factors on the Efficiency of Pakistan's Commercial Banks: Data Envelopment Analysis and Tobit Regression Model Framework." Global Regional Review IV, no. IV (2019): 600-611.