http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/grr.2022(VII-II).12      10.31703/grr.2022(VII-II).12      Published : Jun 2
Authored by : Noor Mohammad , Sajid Mahmood Sajid , Muhammad Jamil

12 Pages : 127-135


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  • eh, T.L., Wong, K.L., & Ngerang, M.H. (2011). School principal leadership styles and teachers organisational commitment. A research agenda. 2nd International Conference on Business and Economic Research (2nd ICBER) Proceeding. 165- 172 .
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  • Zembylas, M., & Papanastasiou, E. C. (2005). Modeling teacher empowerment: the role of job satisfaction. Educational Research and Evaluation, 11(5), 433-459.
  • Bartlett, C. A., & Ghoshal, S. (2002). Building competitive advantage through people. MIT Sloan management review, 43(2), 34-41.
  • Bogler, R., & Somech, A. (2004). Influence of teacher empowerment on teachers' organisational commitment, professional commitment and organisational citizenship behavior in schools. Teaching and Teacher Education, 20(3), 277–289. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2004.02.003
  • Boonyarit, I., Chomphupart, S., & Arin N. (2010). Leadership, empowerment, and attitude outcomes. The Journal of Behavioral Science, 5(1), 1-14.
  • Bowen, D. E., & Lawler, E. E. (1994). The empowerment of service workers: What, why, how and when. The training and development sourcebook, HRD Press Inc., Amherst, 413-422.
  • Calbayan, M. L. (2015, December). Teacher empowerment and organisational commitment in state colleges and universities of region XII. Paper presented at 3rd International Conference of Education, Olongapo City, Philippines.
  • Garuba, A. (2004). ‘Continuing education: an essential tool for teacher empowerment in an era of universal basic education in Nigeria. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 23(2), 191–203. https://doi.org/10.1080/0260137042000184219
  • Hulpia, H., Devos, G., & van Keer, H. (2011). The Relation Between School Leadership From a Distributed Perspective and Teachers' Organisational Commitment. Educational Administration Quarterly, 47(5), 728–771. https://doi.org/10.1177/0013161x11402065
  • Lee, M., & Koh, J. (2001). Is empowerment really a new concept? The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 12(4), 684–695. https://doi.org/10.1080/713769649
  • Muthuvelo, R., & Che Rose, R. (2005). Typology of Organisational Commitment. American Journal ofApplied Sciences, 2(6), 1078–1081. https://doi.org/10.3844/ajassp.2005.1078.1081
  • Omebe, C. A. (2014). Human resource management in education: Issues and challenges. British Journal of Education, 2(7), 26-31.
  • Phipps, S. T., Prieto, L. C., & Ndinguri, E. N. (2013). Understanding the impact of employee involvement on organisational productivity: The moderating role of organisational commitment. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, 17(2), 107-120.
  • Selvi, M. S., & Maheswari, G. S. (2020). Effects of Employee Empowerment on Organizational Success. Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology, 12(3), 2018-2025.
  • Spreitzer, G. M. (2007). Taking Stock: A review of more than twenty years of research on empowerment at work. The Handbook of Organizational Behavior, Sage Publications , 1-42.
  • Stander, M., & Rothmann, S. (2009). Psychological empowerment of employees in selected organisations in South Africa. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 35(1). https://doi.org/10.4102/sajip.v35i1.466
  • Sweetland, S. R., & Hoy, W. K. (2000). School Characteristics and Educational Outcomes: Toward an Organisational Model of Student Achievement in Middle Schools. Educational Administration Quarterly, 36(5), 703– 729. https://doi.org/10.1177/00131610021969173
  • eh, T.L., Wong, K.L., & Ngerang, M.H. (2011). School principal leadership styles and teachers organisational commitment. A research agenda. 2nd International Conference on Business and Economic Research (2nd ICBER) Proceeding. 165- 172 .
  • Tindowen, D. J. (2019). Influence of empowerment on teachers' organisational behaviors. European Journal of Educational Research, 8(2), 617- 631.
  • Zainudin, A., Junaidah, H. A., & Nazmi, M. Z. (2010). Modelling job satisfaction and work commitment among lecturers: A case of Uitm kelantan. Journal of Statistical Modeling and Analytic, 1(2), 45-59.
  • Zembylas, M., & Papanastasiou, E. C. (2005). Modeling teacher empowerment: the role of job satisfaction. Educational Research and Evaluation, 11(5), 433-459.

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    APA : Mohammad, N., Sajid, S. M., & Jamil, M. (2022). Teachers' Empowerment and Organisational Commitment: A Perceived Perspective of Secondary School Teachers in Punjab. Global Regional Review, VII(II), 127-135. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2022(VII-II).12
    CHICAGO : Mohammad, Noor, Sajid Mahmood Sajid, and Muhammad Jamil. 2022. "Teachers' Empowerment and Organisational Commitment: A Perceived Perspective of Secondary School Teachers in Punjab." Global Regional Review, VII (II): 127-135 doi: 10.31703/grr.2022(VII-II).12
    HARVARD : MOHAMMAD, N., SAJID, S. M. & JAMIL, M. 2022. Teachers' Empowerment and Organisational Commitment: A Perceived Perspective of Secondary School Teachers in Punjab. Global Regional Review, VII, 127-135.
    MHRA : Mohammad, Noor, Sajid Mahmood Sajid, and Muhammad Jamil. 2022. "Teachers' Empowerment and Organisational Commitment: A Perceived Perspective of Secondary School Teachers in Punjab." Global Regional Review, VII: 127-135
    MLA : Mohammad, Noor, Sajid Mahmood Sajid, and Muhammad Jamil. "Teachers' Empowerment and Organisational Commitment: A Perceived Perspective of Secondary School Teachers in Punjab." Global Regional Review, VII.II (2022): 127-135 Print.
    OXFORD : Mohammad, Noor, Sajid, Sajid Mahmood, and Jamil, Muhammad (2022), "Teachers' Empowerment and Organisational Commitment: A Perceived Perspective of Secondary School Teachers in Punjab", Global Regional Review, VII (II), 127-135
    TURABIAN : Mohammad, Noor, Sajid Mahmood Sajid, and Muhammad Jamil. "Teachers' Empowerment and Organisational Commitment: A Perceived Perspective of Secondary School Teachers in Punjab." Global Regional Review VII, no. II (2022): 127-135. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2022(VII-II).12