Good quality personal hygiene is imperative for both health as well as social reasons. It involves keeping your hands, head and body clean so as to prevent the illness and spread of germs. The present study attempts to find out various social impediments which influence personal hygiene practices of women. The respondent of the study was women from rural Faisalabad. The survey research design was carried out, and the interview schedule was adopted as a data collection tool. Sample of 400 rural women was taken using a convenient sample technique. As a result, women have been shown to be extremely conscious of social impediments to personal hygiene. In addition, it has been found that there is a strong correlation between social impediments and personal hygiene practices. The study emphasizes the importance of good personal hygiene, and rural women's practices in preserving their personal hygiene; therefore, these social impediments need to be addressed.
Key Words
Social Impediments, Women, Hygiene, Public Health, Practices, Cleanliness
Literature Review
Personal hygiene is much important to maintain health and to avoid the health-related issues. Many social researchers focused on overcoming the issue of unhygienic practices and suggesting a number of policy measures. Angus, Kontos, Dyck, McKeever and Poland (2005) concluded that the concept of personal hygiene is widely used in medical and public health practices. It implies keeping our bodies and clothes clean. It’s described as a requirement for self-promoting sanitary practices. Personal hygiene knowledge and practice are important in all of our daily activities. The public health strategic goals of personal hygiene also include prevention of orally transmitted diseases, esthetic values and social impacts.
Vivas et al., (2010) indicated that in less developed countries, personal hygiene is very poor. Good practices of personal hygiene are prerequisites for forming a healthy community. Cooper, (2018) examined that Poor Hygiene in Pakistan is indeed a problem including low hand washing rates and bad water storage habits. UNICEF's 2015 study shows that there are inequalities between rural and urban areas, across quintiles of income and across districts within Punjab, Pakistan. UNICEF (2015 ) states that these inequalities need to be resolved to achieve universal sanitation. In rural areas, open defecation is higher than in urban areas of Punjab (25 percent rural & 10 percent urban in Punjab).
Michael et al., (2020) indicated that females are normally deprived of the resources available in low- and middle-income countries, particularly when it comes to menstrual hygiene issues. In this context, poor knowledge of personal hygiene, lack of formal school guidance, inadequate financial capital and insufficient water and sanitation facilities are identified as being the key reasons for poor personal hygiene practices. According to Hutton & Bartram (2008), one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Clean Water and sanitation positioning at 6, is the two major goals o is to halve the proportion of people without access to sanitation by 2015. Nevertheless, research reveals that forty per cent of the total population of the world still lack access to sanitation.
Bosch, Hommann, Rubio, Sadoff, and Travers (2001) indicated that nearly 1.3 billion citizens in the developing world do not have access to enough amounts of clean water, and almost 3 billion people do not have reasonable means of disposal. An estimated 10,000 people are dying from water- and sanitation-related diseases every day, and thousands more suffer from a variety of chronic diseases. The burden of inadequate water and sanitation facilities primarily falls on the poor. Badly supported by the formal sector, the poor make their own plans, often insufficient, to meet basic survival needs and are unable to follow good hygienic practices. Most fetch water from long distances or end up having to pay premium prices for very limited quantities of water to water vendors. The overwhelming need for adequate water and sanitation facilities for the poor takes on even greater importance when considering the links to other dimensions of poverty. Diseases related to water and sanitation put significant pressures on healthcare services.
Ferguson and Mulwafu (2004) studied that Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) implement most of the hygiene initiatives, and rarely the government. Despite advocating for water sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), there are not enough government programs launched through related ministries to improve hygiene practices. O'Loughlin, Fentie, Flannery and Emerson (2006) studied that lack of facilities, including soap, water and insufficient cleanliness facilities could be two of the key reasons why girls do not wash their hands.
Huq and Tasnim (2008) explored another factor which may affect the practice of hygiene among babies is the lower stage of maternal education. In this research education of the mother was low as the education of the father, respectively. In the country of Ethiopia, the mother is usually family's primary caregiver and is therefore responsible with teaching good health and hygiene practices to her children. A poorly educated mother may have less awareness of teaching proper hygiene standards to her children, resulting in higher infection and disease levels among her children. Taking these observations into account, hygiene teaching, and activity-based health education programs should be launched for siblings and especially for mothers.
Shah, Khan, Kanwal and Bernstein (2016), analyzed that increasing community perception and educational resources are critical in bringing about improvements in hygiene behaviour, and also in countering misconceptions that water is safe to drink if it is clear and smells not.
Material and Methods
Universe for the present research comprised of all the villages of district Faisalabad, Punjab Province. Eight villages of district Faisalabad were selected through convenient sampling strategy as a target area, and all the women residing these villages was the population of this research. A woman was the respondent as the topic is associated with personal hygiene practices of women. Multistage sampling technique was used for the selection of the sample. At first, a simple random sampling technique was applied while choosing 2 towns (Samundri Town and Tandlianwala Town) from 8 towns of District Faisalabad. Further, 2, 2 union councils were selected through simple random sampling technique from each of these two selected towns. At the next stage, 2, 2 villages were selected from each of the 4 union councils by applying the simple random sampling technique. In this way, 8 villages were selected, and 400 respondents (50 from each town) were taken from these villages by using Solvin formula. Secondly, convenient sampling technique was applied in selecting the respondents from these villages. Being a female researcher, I prefer convenient sampling method to select respondent because it was much difficult to move in the rural areas for any female. For quantitative method, a well-structured Interview Schedule was developed, and data analysis was done by applying Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) because both descriptive and inferential statistics are applied for analysis and testing of hypotheses.
Results and Discussions
Uni-variant and
multi-variant analysis results are shown below, supported by table
representation. The objective of the study was to identify the different social
impediments/barriers which influencing personal hygiene practice among rural
women in district Faisalabad, Punjab. Total of 400 female respondents was included
in this study.
Table 1. Respondent’s thinking
about there is some Social Impediments which Influence Personal Hygiene
Response |
F |
% |
Yes |
397 |
99.3 |
No |
3 |
0.8 |
Total |
400 |
100.0 |
Table 1
depicted the responses of respondent’s thinking about social impediments which
influence personal hygiene practices of rural women. In the present study,
findings revealed that almost all the respondents think that there are some
social barriers which affect their practices of personal hygiene. Exact
frequency and percentage are given in the table. These findings are the same as
the findings reported in the previous study by (Appiah-Brempong, Harris,
Newton, & Gulis, 2018) Many factors influence
personal hygiene practice, including developmental level, cultural background,
socioeconomic status, personal habits and health status.
Table 2. Respondents’ Opinion
about Social Impediments Influencing Personal Hygiene Practices. n = 400
Social Impediments |
SD |
Disagree |
No Opinion |
Agree |
SA |
Mean |
S. D |
F |
% |
f |
% |
f |
% |
f |
% |
f |
% |
Lack of knowledge on hygiene affects your personal hygiene practices
negatively |
3 |
0.8 |
5 |
1.3 |
6 |
1.5 |
105 |
26.3 |
281 |
70.3 |
4.64 |
.653 |
Financial constraints can prove to be a barrier in practicing
personal hygiene |
2 |
0.5 |
4 |
1.0 |
8 |
2.0 |
112 |
28.0 |
274 |
68.5 |
4.63 |
.628 |
Lack of gender equality affects personal hygiene practices in a
negative way |
6 |
1.5 |
11 |
2.8 |
18 |
4.5 |
98 |
24.5 |
267 |
66.8 |
4.52 |
.828 |
Lack of education affects one’s personal hygiene practices |
3 |
0.8 |
9 |
2.3 |
17 |
4.3 |
93 |
23.3 |
278 |
69.5 |
4.58 |
.744 |
Lack of parental education acts as a barrier in practicing personal
hygiene |
4 |
1.0 |
9 |
2.3 |
19 |
4.8 |
94 |
23.5 |
274 |
68.5 |
4.56 |
.773 |
Lack of role model in family can prove to be a barrier in practicing
personal hygiene |
6 |
1.5 |
8 |
2.0 |
21 |
5.3 |
105 |
26.3 |
260 |
65.0 |
4.51 |
.810 |
Irregular water supply affects your personal hygiene practices
negatively |
4 |
1.0 |
9 |
2.3 |
23 |
5.8 |
99 |
24.8 |
265 |
66.3 |
4.53 |
.788 |
Poor sanitation acts as a constraint in practicing personal hygiene |
4 |
1.0 |
4 |
1.0 |
23 |
5.8 |
110 |
27.5 |
259 |
64.8 |
4.54 |
.738 |
Poor health seeking behavior can prove to be a barrier in practicing
personal hygiene |
4 |
1.0 |
14 |
3.5 |
18 |
4.5 |
111 |
27.8 |
253 |
63.3 |
4.49 |
.819 |
Table 2 shows that a large majority of 96.6% of
respondents believed that a lack of knowledge of hygiene had a negative impact
on personal hygiene practices. Current results supported by Rajesh Kumar et al.
stated that 71.3 percent of respondents claimed that complete information
relating to personal/individual hygiene practices is of the utmost importance
for the implementation of personal hygiene practices.(Oyibo, 2012)Reported
that this result coincides with UAE and India research but in contrast with
Egypt findings. This inconsistency in the score of knowledge could be because
of differences in family choices, social and cultural disparities and a
physiological higher want for female hygiene.
Most of the rural women also considered financial
constraints as a barrier to practising personal hygiene. This result is
stated in harmony by (Ngorima,
Nkuna, & Manase, 2008) which showed that the
respondents in the inferior rank in community had a bad lower hygiene activity as
compared to the respondents in the upper and middle class.
(Garriga & Foguet, 2013)Argued that because of
poverty, it is difficult for communities to use the only soap available to a
family for hand washing. Likewise, the handwashing facilities that are used
during a toilet visit are usually temporary and are constructed from products
that are not durable.
Another 91% of respondents reported that lack of
gender equality hampered practices of personal hygiene. Women and
girl’s participation is key to successful water and sanitation projects.(Montgomery & Elimelech, 2007) It has been concluded
that women in developing countries bear the bulk of the responsibility of
bringing, using and securing water. They do have the greatest responsibility
for environmental sanitation and safety and home hygiene.(Greed, 2011)reported that
there is a lack of gender inclusion in planning and designing.
Out of the total, 93% of respondents said lack of
education responsible for practising poor personal hygiene. The outcome
of another study by (Odonkor, Kitcher, Okyere, & Mahami, 2019)
suggested lower education was the most important obstacle to
personal/individual cleanliness from the point of view of the respondent. This
is followed by lethargy and has no time for such activities. (Ahmadu et al., 2013)
observed that personal hygiene can be improved in educating individual in
The majority, 92% of Rural
women, felt the lack of parental education presented as an obstacle to personal
hygiene practice.(Aslam & Kingdon, 2012) Parental literacy and household
income have been found to play a crucial role in assessing rural women's
hygienic rates. (Mangal,
Kumar, Varghese, & Chauhan, 2019)also demonstrated
that parental literacy and per capita monthly income of family were positively
correlated with women's personal hygiene practice scores.
Maximum respondents, i.e. 91 percent of respondents
reported that the lack of a role model in the family proved a barrier to the
practice of personal hygiene. According to the study (ALBashtawy, 2015)
the main sources of knowledge on individual hygiene were teachers and family,
as found in Jordan and Columbia. This finding demonstrated that the parents
play an important role in conveying personal hygiene knowledge and practices in
child's early life and could be a role because clean people behave as
motivation for children.
A large majority of 91 percent of rural women
believed that irregular water supply was the main cause of personal hygiene
practice. (Murthy, 2017) In 2012 report presenting 2010 estimates that the MDG
target to reduce the population by 50 percent without access to safe drinking
water was met by the world, but these global estimates mask regional
disparities and access inequalities between urban and rural populations. In
2015, 663 million people used improved water supplies (compared to 1.3 billion
in 1990), while since 1990, 2.6 billion people have gained access to quality water.
Poor sanitation is responsible for reduced personal hygiene practices
said 92% of respondents. Similarly, in the study done by (Berendes,
Sumner, & Brown, 2017) it was shown that latrines are non-existent in a most
rural village. People used to dump excreta near sources of water, which
polluted water. 91% of rural women believed that poor health-seeking behavior
was the main barrier in practising personal hygiene. (Das, Biswas, & Raza, 2017)Most of the respondents
(65 percent) did not use soap and water after defecation, and 31 percent used
water alone, and 4 percent used ash/soil water for handwashing. (SarkinGobir
& SarkinGobir, 2017) Contended that most
respondents had no knowledge of personal hygiene and practised open defecation,
leading to severe health problems. Therefor appropriate hand washing procedure
needs to be performed by women to minimize the risk of microbial spread as
highlighted by some studies; the majority of respondents had no knowledge of
personal hygiene and practice open defecation, leading to serious health
Testing of Hypotheses
Hypothesis 1: Higher the Knowledge
about Personal Hygiene, more Personal Hygiene Practices
Table 3. Relation among
Knowledge about Personal Hygiene and Personal Hygiene Practices
Knowledge |
Hygiene Practices |
Total |
Low |
Medium |
High |
F |
% |
F |
% |
f |
% |
f |
% |
Low |
177 |
93.2 |
7 |
3.7 |
6 |
3.2 |
190 |
100.0 |
Medium |
36 |
31.0 |
75 |
64.7 |
5 |
4.3 |
116 |
100.0 |
High |
8 |
8.5 |
5 |
5.3 |
81 |
86.2 |
94 |
100.0 |
Total |
221 |
55.3 |
87 |
21.8 |
92 |
23.0 |
400 |
100.0 |
?2 value = 515.70 d.f = 4 p = 0.000**
Gamma (?) value = 0.979 p = 0.000**
** = Highly Significant
table displays a significant (?2 = 515.70, p = .000) association knowledge
about personal hygiene and personal hygiene practices. Gamma
statistic (? = -0.979, p = .000) showed a significant and positive relation
among the variable (knowledge and practices of personal hygiene). It means, if
there is more knowledge about personal hygiene practices then their they had
more personal hygiene practices. Study outcome conformed that if the study
population had less knowledge, then their practices are low (93.2%), medium
(3.7%) and high (3.2%) level personal hygiene
practices, on the other
side of the respondents had more knowledge about personal hygiene practices
then they had low (8.5), medium (5.3%) and high (86.2%) level personal hygiene practices. So, the hypothesis “Higher the knowledge about personal hygiene, more personal hygiene
practices” is accepted. This was a very promising result,
similar to the study carried out by (Vivas
et al. 2010), which recorded good level of awareness in Angolela,
Ethiopia affecting personal hygiene practices among 52 per cent. The preceding
results were similar to studies conducted by (Omidvar
& Begum, 2010), which revealed that
knowledge and attitude regarding hygiene affected personal hygiene.
Hypothesis 2: Higher the Education
Level of Respondent, Better the Personal Hygiene Practices
Table 4. Relation Among
Education of the Study Population and their Personal Hygiene Practices
Education level |
hygiene practices |
Total |
Low |
Medium |
High |
F |
% |
f |
% |
F |
% |
f |
% |
Illiterate |
61 |
82.4 |
8 |
10.8 |
5 |
6.8 |
74 |
100.0 |
Up to 8 |
111 |
91.0 |
6 |
4.9 |
5 |
4.1 |
122 |
100.0 |
9-12 |
40 |
34.2 |
68 |
58.1 |
9 |
7.7 |
117 |
100.0 |
13- above |
9 |
10.3 |
5 |
5.7 |
73 |
83.9 |
87 |
100.0 |
Total |
221 |
55.3 |
87 |
21.8 |
92 |
23.0 |
400 |
100.0 |
?2 value = 400.48
d.f = 6 p = 0.000**
Gamma (?) value = 0.817 p = 0.000**
** = Highly significant
Above table revealed a significant (?2 = 400.48, p = .000) association among
education level of the study population
and their personal hygiene practices. Gamma
statistic (? = 0.817, p = .000) showed a significant and positive relationship
among the variable (education and personal hygiene practices variables). It
tells that majority of the
educated population had more personal hygiene
practices as compared to an illiterate population. It is clear from the above findings illiterate population were having
low (82.4%), medium (10.8%) and high (6.8%) level practice of personal hygiene,on the other
side highly qualified (13-above years of education) population had low
(10.0.3%), medium (5.7%) and high (83.9%) level personal
hygiene practices. So, the hypothesis “Higher the education level of the respondent, better the personal hygiene
practices” is accepted.(Joshi, Prasad,
Kasav, Segan, & Singh, 2014)Concluded that a significant relationship (P ? 0.001) exists between
rural women's qualifications and personal hygiene practices.
Personal Hygiene has long been a significant topic in global public health. Personal hygiene deficiency disease has been described as a significant public health concern, and people often affected are rural women. These were due to poor knowledge of personal hygiene and their practices. Significant (?2 = 515.70, p = .000) association was observed towards the knowledge about personal hygiene and personal hygiene practices while the Gamma value (? = -0.979, p = .000) expressed the positivity among the relationship of different variable like knowledge and practices of personal hygiene). It means more knowledge towards personal hygiene practices push the women towards more personal hygiene practices. On the other hand, study results show lower knowledge towards personal hygiene importance; then their practices are low (93.2%), medium (3.7%) and high (3.2%) level personal hygiene practices, on the other side of the respondents had more knowledge about personal hygiene practices then they had low (8.5), medium (5.3%) and high (86.2%) level personal hygiene practices. The preceding results were similar to studies conducted by (Omidvar & Begum, 2010), which revealed that knowledge and attitude regarding hygiene affected personal hygiene. A significant (?2 = 400.48, p = .000) association among education level of the study population and their personal hygiene practices. Gamma statistic (? = 0.817, p = .000) showed a significant and positive relationship among the variable (education and personal hygiene practices variables). It tells that majority of the educated population had more personal hygiene practices as compared to an illiterate population. It is clear from the above findings illiterate population were having low (82.4%), medium (10.8%) and high (6.8%) level practice of personal hygiene, on the other side highly qualified (13-above years of education) population had low (10.0.3%), medium (5.7%) and high (83.9%) level personal hygiene practices. Joshi, P. 2014) also did the study on the same field and concluded that a significant relationship (P ? 0.001) exists between rural women's qualifications and personal hygiene practices. Based on the study’s results, it can be inferred that most respondents possessed strong knowledge about social impediments. They claimed there are various social impediments that affect rural women's personal hygiene practices. The study revealed that diverse factors such as lack of education, financial restrictions, gender inequality, lack of clean water, inadequate sanitation facilities and poor health-seeking behavior posed serious threats to the successful implementation of women's personal hygiene practices in rural Faisalabad, Punjab. There was a statistically significant association between social impediments and personal hygiene practices for women. This means that the barriers need to be resolved for effective personal hygiene practices if we are to understand the benefits of personal hygiene practices.
Based on the results of the descriptive and inferential analysis, the researcher recommends the following important recommendation;’
• Awareness campaigns among growing children and parents towards the importance of personal hygiene should be launched.
• It is suggested based on the results that for improving parental literacy combined with economic empowerment of rural families will play a crucial role in enhancing our rural women's personal hygiene.
• Student training in personal hygiene education and practice will be carried out with the active participation of parents and teachers. By providing proper water and sanitation facilities, dustbins, toilet doors with locks, privacy, personal hygiene can be improving.
• Different organization (governmental and non-governmental) should be active in providing women's personal hygiene-related facilities.
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- Das, S. R., Biswas, C., & Raza, A. M. (2017). Awareness Regarding Personal Hygiene among Patients Attending in a Upazilla Health Complex of Bangladesh. Religion, 45(11), 10
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- Joshi, A., Prasad, S., Kasav, J. B., Segan, M., & Singh, A. K. (2014). Water and sanitation hygiene knowledge attitude practice in urban slum settings. Global journal of health science, 6(2), 23
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- Mihelcic, J. R., Fry, L. M., Myre, E. A., Phillips, L. D., & Barkdoll, B. D. (2009). Field guide to environmental engineering for development workers: Water, sanitation, and indoor air
- Montgomery, M. A., & Elimelech, M. (2007). Water and sanitation in developing countries: including health in the equation: ACS Publications
- Ngorima, E., Nkuna, Z., & Manase, G. (2008). Addressing rural health and poverty through water sanitation and Hygiene: Gender perspectives
- Odonkor, S. T., Kitcher, J., Okyere, M., & Mahami, T. (2019). Self-assessment of hygiene practices towards predictive and preventive medicine intervention: a case study of university students in Ghana. BioMed research international, 2019
- Omidvar, S., & Begum, K. (2010). Factors influencing hygienicpractices during menses among girls from south India-A cross sectional study. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health, 2(12), 0-0
- Organization, W. H. (2015). Improving nutrition outcomes with better water, sanitation and hygiene: practical solutions for policies and programmes
- Oyibo, P. (2012). Basic personal hygiene: knowledge and practices among school children aged 6-14 years in Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria. Continental Journal of Tropical Medicine, 6(1), 5.
- SarkinGobir, Y., & SarkinGobir, S. (2017). Open defecation, a threat to public health and sustainable development goals: a case study of Gwadabawa Local Government, Sokoto state, Nigeria. Inter. J. Med. Biosci, 1(1), 28-37
- Supply, W. U. J. W., & Programme, S. M. (2014). Progress on drinking water and sanitation: 2014 update: World Health Organization.
- Vivas, A., Gelaye, B., Aboset, N., Kumie, A., Berhane, Y., & Williams, M. A. (2010). Knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of Hygiene among school children in Angolela, Ethiopia. Journal of preventive medicine and hygiene, 51(2), 73
- Ahmadu, B. U., Rimamchika, M., Ibrahim, A., Nnanubumom, A. A., Godiya, A., & Emmanuel, P. (2013). State of personal Hygiene among primary school children: a community based cohort study. Sudanese journal of paediatrics, 13(1), 38.
- ALBashtawy, M. (2015).Personal hygiene in school children aged 6-12 years in Jordan. British Journal of School Nursing, 10(8), 395-398
- Appiah-Brempong, E., Harris, M. J., Newton, S., & Gulis, G. (2018). A framework for designing hand hygiene educational interventionsin schools. International Journal of Public Health, 63(2), 251-259
- Aslam, M., & Kingdon, G. G. (2012). Parental education and child health-understanding the pathways of impact in Pakistan. World Development, 40(10), 2014-2032.
- Budhathoki, C. B. (2019). Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Situation in Nepal: A Review. Journal of Health Promotion, 7, 65-76
- Das, S. R., Biswas, C., & Raza, A. M. (2017). Awareness Regarding Personal Hygiene among Patients Attending in a Upazilla Health Complex of Bangladesh. Religion, 45(11), 10
- Garriga, R. G., & Foguet, A. P. (2013). Unravelling the linkages between water, sanitation, hygiene and rural poverty: the WASH poverty index. Water resources management, 27(5), 1501-1515
- Gomm, R. (2008). Social research methodology: A critical introduction: Macmillan International Higher Education
- Greed, C. (2011). Planning for sustainable urban areas or everyday life and inclusion. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Urban Design and Planning, 164(2), 107-119.
- Joshi, A., Prasad, S., Kasav, J. B., Segan, M., & Singh, A. K. (2014). Water and sanitation hygiene knowledge attitude practice in urban slum settings. Global journal of health science, 6(2), 23
- Karn, R. R., Bhandari, B., & Jha, N. (2011). A study on personal hygiene and sanitary practices in a rural village of Mornag District of Nepal. Journal of Nobel Medical College, 1(2), 39-44
- angal, N., Kumar, D., Varghese, K., & Chauhan, M. (2019). A cross sectional study on personal hygiene among rural school students in southern Rajasthan. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 6(6), 2646
- Mihelcic, J. R., Fry, L. M., Myre, E. A., Phillips, L. D., & Barkdoll, B. D. (2009). Field guide to environmental engineering for development workers: Water, sanitation, and indoor air
- Montgomery, M. A., & Elimelech, M. (2007). Water and sanitation in developing countries: including health in the equation: ACS Publications
- Ngorima, E., Nkuna, Z., & Manase, G. (2008). Addressing rural health and poverty through water sanitation and Hygiene: Gender perspectives
- Odonkor, S. T., Kitcher, J., Okyere, M., & Mahami, T. (2019). Self-assessment of hygiene practices towards predictive and preventive medicine intervention: a case study of university students in Ghana. BioMed research international, 2019
- Omidvar, S., & Begum, K. (2010). Factors influencing hygienicpractices during menses among girls from south India-A cross sectional study. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health, 2(12), 0-0
- Organization, W. H. (2015). Improving nutrition outcomes with better water, sanitation and hygiene: practical solutions for policies and programmes
- Oyibo, P. (2012). Basic personal hygiene: knowledge and practices among school children aged 6-14 years in Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria. Continental Journal of Tropical Medicine, 6(1), 5.
- SarkinGobir, Y., & SarkinGobir, S. (2017). Open defecation, a threat to public health and sustainable development goals: a case study of Gwadabawa Local Government, Sokoto state, Nigeria. Inter. J. Med. Biosci, 1(1), 28-37
- Supply, W. U. J. W., & Programme, S. M. (2014). Progress on drinking water and sanitation: 2014 update: World Health Organization.
- Vivas, A., Gelaye, B., Aboset, N., Kumie, A., Berhane, Y., & Williams, M. A. (2010). Knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of Hygiene among school children in Angolela, Ethiopia. Journal of preventive medicine and hygiene, 51(2), 73
Cite this article
APA : Ullah, P. Z., Batool, Z., & Shabbir, M. (2020). Social Impediments of Personal Hygiene Practices Among Females in Rural Faisalabad Punjab Pakistan. Global Regional Review, V(II), 53-60. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2020(V-II).06
CHICAGO : Ullah, Paris Zaka, Zahira Batool, and Muhammad Shabbir. 2020. "Social Impediments of Personal Hygiene Practices Among Females in Rural Faisalabad Punjab Pakistan." Global Regional Review, V (II): 53-60 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-II).06
HARVARD : ULLAH, P. Z., BATOOL, Z. & SHABBIR, M. 2020. Social Impediments of Personal Hygiene Practices Among Females in Rural Faisalabad Punjab Pakistan. Global Regional Review, V, 53-60.
MHRA : Ullah, Paris Zaka, Zahira Batool, and Muhammad Shabbir. 2020. "Social Impediments of Personal Hygiene Practices Among Females in Rural Faisalabad Punjab Pakistan." Global Regional Review, V: 53-60
MLA : Ullah, Paris Zaka, Zahira Batool, and Muhammad Shabbir. "Social Impediments of Personal Hygiene Practices Among Females in Rural Faisalabad Punjab Pakistan." Global Regional Review, V.II (2020): 53-60 Print.
OXFORD : Ullah, Paris Zaka, Batool, Zahira, and Shabbir, Muhammad (2020), "Social Impediments of Personal Hygiene Practices Among Females in Rural Faisalabad Punjab Pakistan", Global Regional Review, V (II), 53-60
TURABIAN : Ullah, Paris Zaka, Zahira Batool, and Muhammad Shabbir. "Social Impediments of Personal Hygiene Practices Among Females in Rural Faisalabad Punjab Pakistan." Global Regional Review V, no. II (2020): 53-60. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2020(V-II).06