Authored by : Muhammad Arif Khan , Shahnawaz Muhammad Khan , Iltaf Khan

14 Pages : 147-155


  • Adnan, M., Islam, S., & Khan, A. (2019). Media and Foreign Policy Relationships: The Case Study of Pakistan-India Relations in the Nation and The Hindu. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS) 39.1
  • Ahmed, R. Q. (2022). India-Pakistan Relations Under the Indian National Congress (2008–14). In Pakistan Factor and the Competing Perspectives in India 89-102. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.
  • Ali, S., Chaudhry, S., Aslam, R., & Faridi, A. (2012). Portrayal of Muslim characters in the Indian movies. Pakistan Journal of History and Culture, 33(1), 137-159.
  • Ali, Z., & Ajaz, N. (2014). Social media and Indo-Pak relations: Applying agenda setting theory. Journal of Asian Development Studies, 3(1),
  • Ashraf, M. T., & Shah, A. S. (2021). Impact of Security Issues on Pakistan-India Relations: Remedies and Political Advantages. sjesr, 4(1), 315-323.
  • Batool, F. (2013) The Dual Role Of Media In Indo-Pak Peace Process: From “Aman Ki Asha” To “Propaganda Warfare”.
  • Chohan, U. W. (2022). The Economic Dimensions of Pakistan-India Reengagement.
  • Cohen, B. C. (1963). The Press and Foreign Policy. Institute of Governmental Studies University of California, Berkeley, Reprinted 1993.
  • Gillani, A. H., Nazir, J., & Pirzada, G. (2021). Media As A Weapon Of Narrative Building: A Case Of Fifth Generation War. Pakistan Journal of International Affairs, 4(4),
  • Hafeez, E. (2015). Role of Media in Fostering the Relationship Between India and Pakistan. Journal of Mass Communication Department, Dept of Mass Communication, University of Karachi, 13,
  • Haider, M. W., & Azad, T. M. (2021). The Role of Confidence-Building Measures In TheEvolution Of Relations Between Pakistan And India. World Affairs, 184(3), 294-317.
  • Ijaz, A. (2016). Pakistan-India Relations under Prime Minister Modi’s Government (2014-16). Studies, 31(1), 187-205.
  • Irum, W., Mittal, D., & Afzal, M. M. (2019). Understanding Pakistani Perspective in the Prism of Pakistan–India Relations. In India in South Asia 187-202. Springer, Singapore.
  • Jabbar, J. (1994). The media factor in the Pakistan-India relationship. South Asian Survey, 1(2), 231-237
  • Javaid, P. (2020). Reassessing the Narratives of Rancor in South Asia. South Asian Studies, 33(1),
  • Joshi, M. (2015). The media in the making of Indian foreign policy. The Oxford Handbook of Indian Foreign Policy, 259- 270.
  • Kamboh, M. K., Masood, S., Mustafa, G., & Shabbir, N. (2021). Mapping of Outsource Diplomatic Initiatives: A Case of Pakistan-India Relations. Journal of Indian Studies, 7(1), 93-106
  • Karim, J., & Hussain, S. (2019). An Analysis of Viewers’ Perception Regarding Role of News Media in Promoting Peace between Pakistan and India. JPDC, 3(2)
  • Khalid, H. (2014). Role of peace journalism in Indo-Pak relations: A case study of Aman Ki Asha. NDU Journal, 28, 1-22.
  • Khan, M. A., Khan, M. R., & Raza, A. (2021). Cinematic Presentation of Pakistan- India Relations: A Comparative Study of Lollywood and Bollywood Movies (2000-2013). Journal of Media Studies, 36(1),
  • Khaver, A. A., Umar, M. A., & Ahmad, S. M. (2019). Evaluating Foreign Policy of Pakistan in the context of Strategic Coercion. Sustainable Development Policy Institute
  • Minhas, D. S. (2019). Coverage of War on Terror: A Comparative Analysis of Pakistani, Indian and American Print Media. The Dialogue, 13(4),
  • Mustafa, Z. (2004). Pakistan-India relations: The media in Pakistan. Pakistan Horizon, 57(3), 55-65
  • Nasir, M. T. A., Jan, A., Farmanulllah, N. H., & Ahmad, Q. (2021). Confidence BuildingMeasures between India and Pakistan 1998-2004 (Critical Analysis). Multicultural Education, 7(8),
  • Raina, P. (2011). Framing of the Mumbai terror attacks by the Indian and the Pakistani print media (Doctoral dissertation, The George Washington University).
  • Saeed, S., & Siddiqua, A. (2021). Role of Pakistani Press in Constructing National Identity with Reference to India. Journal of Media Studies, 36(1)
  • Saffee, A. (2016). Media and Foreign Policy Discourses. Strategic Studies, 36(1), 92- 113.
  • Shad, M. R., Uzzaman, M. S., Qadri, M. A., & Iqbal, S. (2021). The Role of Media in Shaping Narratives on the India-Pakistan War of 1971. Pakistan Journal of Society, Education and Language (PJSEL) 7(2)
  • Singh, G. P. (2022). Press as Negotiator or Instigator between India and Pakistan: ACase Study of Ceasefire Violation Incident Occurred in January 2013. Jadavpur Journal of International Relations, 09735984221087493
  • Siraj, S. A. (2008). War or peace journalism in elite US newspapers: Exploring news framing in Pakistan-India conflict. Strategic Studies, 28(1), 194-222
  • Sriram, Akash. (2019, March 08). A War of Words? Conflicting Media Narratives Between India and Pakistan. The Diplomat pakistan/
  • Yaseen, Z., Jathol, I., & Muzaffar, M. (2016). Pakistan and India relations: A political analysis of conflicts and regional security in South Asia. Global Political Review, 1(1), 1-9
  • Zia, A., & Syedah, H. (2015). Use of print media for conflict resolution and peacebuilding: A case study of Kashmir dispute. NDU Journal, 29(1), 161-180.
  • Adnan, M., Islam, S., & Khan, A. (2019). Media and Foreign Policy Relationships: The Case Study of Pakistan-India Relations in the Nation and The Hindu. Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS) 39.1
  • Ahmed, R. Q. (2022). India-Pakistan Relations Under the Indian National Congress (2008–14). In Pakistan Factor and the Competing Perspectives in India 89-102. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.
  • Ali, S., Chaudhry, S., Aslam, R., & Faridi, A. (2012). Portrayal of Muslim characters in the Indian movies. Pakistan Journal of History and Culture, 33(1), 137-159.
  • Ali, Z., & Ajaz, N. (2014). Social media and Indo-Pak relations: Applying agenda setting theory. Journal of Asian Development Studies, 3(1),
  • Ashraf, M. T., & Shah, A. S. (2021). Impact of Security Issues on Pakistan-India Relations: Remedies and Political Advantages. sjesr, 4(1), 315-323.
  • Batool, F. (2013) The Dual Role Of Media In Indo-Pak Peace Process: From “Aman Ki Asha” To “Propaganda Warfare”.
  • Chohan, U. W. (2022). The Economic Dimensions of Pakistan-India Reengagement.
  • Cohen, B. C. (1963). The Press and Foreign Policy. Institute of Governmental Studies University of California, Berkeley, Reprinted 1993.
  • Gillani, A. H., Nazir, J., & Pirzada, G. (2021). Media As A Weapon Of Narrative Building: A Case Of Fifth Generation War. Pakistan Journal of International Affairs, 4(4),
  • Hafeez, E. (2015). Role of Media in Fostering the Relationship Between India and Pakistan. Journal of Mass Communication Department, Dept of Mass Communication, University of Karachi, 13,
  • Haider, M. W., & Azad, T. M. (2021). The Role of Confidence-Building Measures In TheEvolution Of Relations Between Pakistan And India. World Affairs, 184(3), 294-317.
  • Ijaz, A. (2016). Pakistan-India Relations under Prime Minister Modi’s Government (2014-16). Studies, 31(1), 187-205.
  • Irum, W., Mittal, D., & Afzal, M. M. (2019). Understanding Pakistani Perspective in the Prism of Pakistan–India Relations. In India in South Asia 187-202. Springer, Singapore.
  • Jabbar, J. (1994). The media factor in the Pakistan-India relationship. South Asian Survey, 1(2), 231-237
  • Javaid, P. (2020). Reassessing the Narratives of Rancor in South Asia. South Asian Studies, 33(1),
  • Joshi, M. (2015). The media in the making of Indian foreign policy. The Oxford Handbook of Indian Foreign Policy, 259- 270.
  • Kamboh, M. K., Masood, S., Mustafa, G., & Shabbir, N. (2021). Mapping of Outsource Diplomatic Initiatives: A Case of Pakistan-India Relations. Journal of Indian Studies, 7(1), 93-106
  • Karim, J., & Hussain, S. (2019). An Analysis of Viewers’ Perception Regarding Role of News Media in Promoting Peace between Pakistan and India. JPDC, 3(2)
  • Khalid, H. (2014). Role of peace journalism in Indo-Pak relations: A case study of Aman Ki Asha. NDU Journal, 28, 1-22.
  • Khan, M. A., Khan, M. R., & Raza, A. (2021). Cinematic Presentation of Pakistan- India Relations: A Comparative Study of Lollywood and Bollywood Movies (2000-2013). Journal of Media Studies, 36(1),
  • Khaver, A. A., Umar, M. A., & Ahmad, S. M. (2019). Evaluating Foreign Policy of Pakistan in the context of Strategic Coercion. Sustainable Development Policy Institute
  • Minhas, D. S. (2019). Coverage of War on Terror: A Comparative Analysis of Pakistani, Indian and American Print Media. The Dialogue, 13(4),
  • Mustafa, Z. (2004). Pakistan-India relations: The media in Pakistan. Pakistan Horizon, 57(3), 55-65
  • Nasir, M. T. A., Jan, A., Farmanulllah, N. H., & Ahmad, Q. (2021). Confidence BuildingMeasures between India and Pakistan 1998-2004 (Critical Analysis). Multicultural Education, 7(8),
  • Raina, P. (2011). Framing of the Mumbai terror attacks by the Indian and the Pakistani print media (Doctoral dissertation, The George Washington University).
  • Saeed, S., & Siddiqua, A. (2021). Role of Pakistani Press in Constructing National Identity with Reference to India. Journal of Media Studies, 36(1)
  • Saffee, A. (2016). Media and Foreign Policy Discourses. Strategic Studies, 36(1), 92- 113.
  • Shad, M. R., Uzzaman, M. S., Qadri, M. A., & Iqbal, S. (2021). The Role of Media in Shaping Narratives on the India-Pakistan War of 1971. Pakistan Journal of Society, Education and Language (PJSEL) 7(2)
  • Singh, G. P. (2022). Press as Negotiator or Instigator between India and Pakistan: ACase Study of Ceasefire Violation Incident Occurred in January 2013. Jadavpur Journal of International Relations, 09735984221087493
  • Siraj, S. A. (2008). War or peace journalism in elite US newspapers: Exploring news framing in Pakistan-India conflict. Strategic Studies, 28(1), 194-222
  • Sriram, Akash. (2019, March 08). A War of Words? Conflicting Media Narratives Between India and Pakistan. The Diplomat pakistan/
  • Yaseen, Z., Jathol, I., & Muzaffar, M. (2016). Pakistan and India relations: A political analysis of conflicts and regional security in South Asia. Global Political Review, 1(1), 1-9
  • Zia, A., & Syedah, H. (2015). Use of print media for conflict resolution and peacebuilding: A case study of Kashmir dispute. NDU Journal, 29(1), 161-180.

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    CHICAGO : Khan, Muhammad Arif, Shahnawaz Muhammad Khan, and Iltaf Khan. 2022. "Role of Media in Narrative Building: A Case of Pakistan-India Relations." Global Regional Review, VII (II): 147-155 doi: 10.31703/grr.2022(VII-II).14
    HARVARD : KHAN, M. A., KHAN, S. M. & KHAN, I. 2022. Role of Media in Narrative Building: A Case of Pakistan-India Relations. Global Regional Review, VII, 147-155.
    MHRA : Khan, Muhammad Arif, Shahnawaz Muhammad Khan, and Iltaf Khan. 2022. "Role of Media in Narrative Building: A Case of Pakistan-India Relations." Global Regional Review, VII: 147-155
    MLA : Khan, Muhammad Arif, Shahnawaz Muhammad Khan, and Iltaf Khan. "Role of Media in Narrative Building: A Case of Pakistan-India Relations." Global Regional Review, VII.II (2022): 147-155 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Muhammad Arif, Khan, Shahnawaz Muhammad, and Khan, Iltaf (2022), "Role of Media in Narrative Building: A Case of Pakistan-India Relations", Global Regional Review, VII (II), 147-155
    TURABIAN : Khan, Muhammad Arif, Shahnawaz Muhammad Khan, and Iltaf Khan. "Role of Media in Narrative Building: A Case of Pakistan-India Relations." Global Regional Review VII, no. II (2022): 147-155.