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- Elassy, N., 2015, 'The concepts of quality, quality assurance and quality enhancement', Quality Assurance in Education, 23(3), pp. 250-61.
- Harvey, L. (2004). Analytical quality glossary. Retrieved 2013, from Quality research international:
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- Hayward, F. M. (2006, June). Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Higher Education in Africa. Retrieved September 15, 2015, from 1121703274255/1439264-1137083592502/QA_accreditation_HE_Africa.pdf
- HEC. (2008). HEC Report 2002-2008. Retrieved August 27, 2015, from Higher Education Commission, Pakistan: enhancing-quality.pdf
- Hina, K., & Ajmal, M. (2016). Quality Assurance and Enhancement Mechanism in Tertiary Education of Pakistan: Recent Status, Issues and Expectations. Pakistan Journal of Education, 33(1). Retrieved on July 20, 2020 from journal/ index.php/PJE/ article/view/13
- Isani, U., & Virk, L. (2003). Higher Education in Pakistan. A Historical and Futuristic Perspective. Islamabad: National Book Foundation
- Ismail, M. (2014). EXTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE OF PAKISTANI UNIVERSITIES. Retrieved August 23, 2015, from
- Khwaja, A. A., Zafar, F., Aslam, T., & Hussain, A. (2012). Quality Assurance and accreditation Practices in Pakistan. Retrieved August 7, 2015, from Report/Pakistan/paper KL12 - PAKISTAN.pdf
- Martin, M., & Stella, A. (2007). External quality assurance in higher education: making choices. Paris: UNESCO: International Institute for Educational Planning.
- Mykerezi, P. K. (2003). Vocational and Technical Education's Potential Contributions to the Future Social-Economic Development of Albania. Retrieved July 17, 2015, from
- Natarajan, R. (2000). The Role of Accreditation in Promoting Quality Assurance of Technical Education. International Journal of Engineering Education , 16 (2), 85-96.
- Nicholson, K. (2011). Quality Assurance in Higher Education: A Review of the Literature. Retrieved October 2, 2015, from Assurance Literature Review.pdf
- Obadara, O.E & Alaka, A.A (2013). Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Nigerian Universities Retrieved on July 20, 2020 from
- Patil, A. S., & Pudlowsk. (2005). Important Issues of Accreditataion and Quality Assurance and a Strategy in the Development of an Accreditation Framework for Engineering Courses. Global Journal of Engineering Education , 9 (1).
- Puzziferro, M. & Shelton, K. (2008). A model for developing high-quality online courses: Integrating a systems approach with learning theory. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 12(3-4). Newbury, MA: Online Learning Consortium
- Sanyal, B. &. (2007). Quality Assurance and the role of Accreditation: An Overview. Retrieved October 4, 2015, from
- Shelton, K. (2014). Quality scorecard 2014: Criteria for performance excellence in the administration of online programs. Session presented at the Online Learning Consortium International Conference, Orlando, FL.
- Stella, A., & Gnanam, A. (2004). Quality assurance in distance education: The challenges to be addressed. Higher Education, 47, 143-160.
- Stella, A., & Woodhouse, D. (2011). Evolving dimensions of transnational education. In A. Stella & S. Bhushan (Eds.), Quality assurance of transnational higher education: The experiences of Australia and India . New Dehli, India: AUQA/NUEPA.
- University of Aberdeen, 2015, Academic Quality Handbook. Section 2: Quality assurance in Higher Education: An Overview. Retrieved on July 20, 2020 from
- Venkataram, P., & Giridharan, A. (2007, September). Quality Assurance and Assessment in Technical Education System: A Web Based Approach. Retrieved May 11, 2015, from
- Williams, J. (2016). Quality assurance and quality enhancement: is there a relationship? Retrieved on July 20, 2020 from
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APA : Ashraf, I., & Huma, A. (2020). Role of Accreditation in Quality Enhancement of Technical and Engineering Education. Global Regional Review, V(I), 308-322.
CHICAGO : Ashraf, Imran, and Afshan Huma. 2020. "Role of Accreditation in Quality Enhancement of Technical and Engineering Education." Global Regional Review, V (I): 308-322 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-I).34
HARVARD : ASHRAF, I. & HUMA, A. 2020. Role of Accreditation in Quality Enhancement of Technical and Engineering Education. Global Regional Review, V, 308-322.
MHRA : Ashraf, Imran, and Afshan Huma. 2020. "Role of Accreditation in Quality Enhancement of Technical and Engineering Education." Global Regional Review, V: 308-322
MLA : Ashraf, Imran, and Afshan Huma. "Role of Accreditation in Quality Enhancement of Technical and Engineering Education." Global Regional Review, V.I (2020): 308-322 Print.
OXFORD : Ashraf, Imran and Huma, Afshan (2020), "Role of Accreditation in Quality Enhancement of Technical and Engineering Education", Global Regional Review, V (I), 308-322
TURABIAN : Ashraf, Imran, and Afshan Huma. "Role of Accreditation in Quality Enhancement of Technical and Engineering Education." Global Regional Review V, no. I (2020): 308-322.