Authored by : Faiza Nazir , Khalid Rashid , Uzma Shahzadi

04 Pages : 32-39


  • Abbassi, L., Rehman, M. Z. U., & Iqbal, Y. M. J. (2016). Employee engagement and high-performance work system: an empirical study. Global Regional Review (GRR), I(I), 114-131.
  • Akram, M. W., Mahar, S., & Ullah, M. (2017). The influence of organization-based self-esteem, role breadth self-efficacy and voluntary learning behavior on career success through mediation of perceived employability: A case of Pakistani banking sector. Global Regional Review (GRR), II(I), 253-272.
  • Aliya, I., Maiya, I., Farah, L., & Hina, M. (2015). Factors affecting the employee's performance: A case study of banking sector in Pakistan. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 4(8), 309-318.
  • Arshad, M., & Ahmad, S. (2018). Effect of Workplace Spirituality Paradigm on Students Achievement. American Based Research Journal (ABRJ), 7(12). pp. 60-66.
  • Arshad, M., & Qamar, A. Z. (2018). Students' personality development paradigm: Public versus private. Case Studies Journal, 7(12), pp.42-48.
  • Arshad, M., Qamar, A. Z., & Ahmad, S. (2018). Workplace spirituality paradigm at public and private schools of Punjab, Pakistan. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research (IJMSBR), 7(12), pp. 35-41.
  • Bartholomew, E., Awa, H. O., & Ukoha, O. (2016). Personality characteristics and employee affective commitment: Nigeria experience. International Journal of Business and Management Review, 4(6), 69-92.
  • Beheshtifar, M., & Nazarian, R. (2013). Role of occupational stress in organizations. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 4(9).
  • Buys, C., Mostert, K., & Wentzel, L. (2009). Work and personal life: Which strategies do secondary school educators use to deal with the interaction? SAJHRM, 7(1), 1-9.
  • Cammilli, K.A. (2004). Teacher job satisfaction and teacher burnout as a product of years of experience in teaching. Unites States of America: Sage Publications.
  • Chang, S.L. (2005). The effects of facilitation on cognitive restructuring in online discussion. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 3(3), 1-30.
  • Chiorri, C., Garbarino, S., Bracco, F., & Magnavita, N. (2015). Personality traits moderate the effect of workload sources on perceived workload in flying column police officers. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1- 14.
  • Corey, G. (2005). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. United States of America: Thompson Brooks.
  • Denissen, J. J., Van Aken, M. A., & Roberts, B. W. (2011). Personality Development across the Life Span. Oxford, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Der Kinderen, S., & Greef, A.P. (2003). Resilience among families where a parent accepted a voluntary teacher's retrenchment package. South African Journal of Psychology, 33(2), 86-94
  • Desa, A., Yusooff, F., Ibrahim, N., & Kadir, N. A. (2014). A study of the relationship and influence of personality on job stress among academic administrators at a university. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 11(4), 355-359.
  • Elisabeth, K. R., & Greenfeld, S. (2013). An investigation of gender differences in occupational stress and general wellbeing. Applied Business Research, 6(4), 35-40.
  • Emsley, R., Emsley, L., & Seedat, S. (2009). Occupational disability on psychiatric grounds in South African school-teachers. African Journal of Psychiatry, 12, 223-226.
  • Gay, L. R., Mills, G. E., & Airasian, P. W. (2009). Educational Research: Competencies for analysis and applications (9th ed.). Columbus, Ohio: Pearson Merrill.
  • Gebrekirstos, H. A. (2015). Occupational stress among secondary school teachers and their coping strategies: The case of central zone of tigray region. International Journal of Academic Research in Education and Review, 3(6), 143-157.
  • Gerber, A. S., Huber, G. A., Doherty, D., Dowling, C. M., Raso, C., & Ha, S. E. (2011). Personality traits and participation in political processes. The Journal of Politics, 73(03), 692-706.
  • Gyllensten, K., & Palmer, S. (2005). The role of gender in workplace stress: A critical literature review. Health Education Journal, 64(3), 271-288.
  • Harzer, C., & Ruch, W. (2015). The relationships of character strengths with coping, work-related stress, and job satisfaction. Frontiers in Psychology.
  • Houtman, I., & Jettinghoff, K. (2007). Raising awareness of stress at work in developing countries. Paris: World Health Organization Protecting Workers' Health Series No. 6 .198
  • Ijaz, M., & Khan, A. (2015). The relationship of big five personality traits with job satisfaction among banking employees. Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences, 5(5), 129-138.
  • Kamper, G.D., & Steyn, G.M. (2006). Understanding occupational stress among educators: An overview. African Education Review, 3(1), 113-133.
  • Khoeini, F., & Attar, B. N. (2015). Personality characteristics and organizational commitment in Iranian employee. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 1(1), 61-64. DOI:
  • Lateef, A., Dahar, M. A., & Yousaf, M. I. (2019). Influence of type A and type B personality on academic achievement of university students. Global Social Sciences Review (GSSR), IV(II), 80-87.
  • Lin, J. S. J., Lin, S. C., & Lin, B. Y. (2010). The moderating effects of employee personality characteristics on organizational commitment during periods of organizational change. African Journal of Business Management, 4(17), 3681-3690.
  • Malik, S., & Noreen, S. (2015). Perceived organizational support as a moderator of affective well-being and occupational stress among teachers. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences, 9(3), 865-874.
  • Martin, J. (2001). Organizational Behaviour (2nd ed.). London: Thomson Learning.
  • Mehr, N. P., & Dashti, F. (2016). Determining the relationship between organizational commitment and personality trait of nursing managers (case study: selected hospitals in Isfahan province in 2015). International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 5(5S), 114-120.
  • Nekoranec, J., & KmoÅ¡ena, M. (2015). Stress in the workplace sources, effects and coping strategies. Review of the Air Force Academy, 12(8), 163-170.
  • Nelson, D.L., & Quick, J.C. (2006). Organizational behaviour: Foundations, realities and challenges (5th ed.). United States of America: Thomson South-Western.
  • Ngidi, D. P., & Sibaya, P. T. (2002). Black teachers' personality dimensions and work-related stress factors. South African Journal of Psychology, 32(3), 7-15.
  • Njoku, E. C., Ebeh, R. E., & Mbaeri, S. O. (2017). Personality traits as predictors of organizational commitment among public and private sector employees in Enugu, Nigeria. British Journal of Psychology Research, 5(2), 9-23.
  • Oosthuizen, J. (2005). The relationship between stress and salutogenic functioning amongst employees in a stateowned enterprise. Unpublished master's thesis, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town.
  • Rehman, H. (2008). Occupational stress and a functional area of an organization. International Review of Business Research Papers, 4(4), 163-173.
  • Rivera-Torres, P., & Araque-Padilla, R. A. (2013). The importance of emotional and intellectual demands and social support in women. Int. Journal of Environ Res Public Health, 10(1), 375-389.
  • Robertson, I., Healey, M. P., Hodgkinson, G. P., Flint-Taylor, J., & Jones, F. (2014). Leader personality and employees' experience of workplace stressors. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 1(3), 281 - 295.
  • Sabherwal, N., Ahuja, D., George, M., & Handa, A. (2015). A study on occupational stress among faculty members in higher education institutions in Pune. SIMS Journal of Management Research, 1(1), 18-23.
  • Shani, A., & Pizam, A. (2009). Work-related depression among hotel employees. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 50(4), 446-459.
  • Shukla, R. (2014). Dictionary of Education. New Delhi: A.P.H. Publishing Corporation.
  • Syed, N., Saeed, A., & Farrukh, M., (2015). Organizational commitment and five factor model of personality: Theory recapitulation. Journal of Asian Business Strategy, 5(8), 183-190. DOI: 10.18488/journal.1006/2015.5.8/1006.8.183.190.
  • Tahseen, N. (2015). Work-related stress among teacher-educators: Evidence from Punjab. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 30(2), 357-375.
  • Van Tonder, C.L., & Williams, C. (2009). Exploring the origins of burnout among secondary educators. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 35(1), 1-15.
  • Abbassi, L., Rehman, M. Z. U., & Iqbal, Y. M. J. (2016). Employee engagement and high-performance work system: an empirical study. Global Regional Review (GRR), I(I), 114-131.
  • Akram, M. W., Mahar, S., & Ullah, M. (2017). The influence of organization-based self-esteem, role breadth self-efficacy and voluntary learning behavior on career success through mediation of perceived employability: A case of Pakistani banking sector. Global Regional Review (GRR), II(I), 253-272.
  • Aliya, I., Maiya, I., Farah, L., & Hina, M. (2015). Factors affecting the employee's performance: A case study of banking sector in Pakistan. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 4(8), 309-318.
  • Arshad, M., & Ahmad, S. (2018). Effect of Workplace Spirituality Paradigm on Students Achievement. American Based Research Journal (ABRJ), 7(12). pp. 60-66.
  • Arshad, M., & Qamar, A. Z. (2018). Students' personality development paradigm: Public versus private. Case Studies Journal, 7(12), pp.42-48.
  • Arshad, M., Qamar, A. Z., & Ahmad, S. (2018). Workplace spirituality paradigm at public and private schools of Punjab, Pakistan. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research (IJMSBR), 7(12), pp. 35-41.
  • Bartholomew, E., Awa, H. O., & Ukoha, O. (2016). Personality characteristics and employee affective commitment: Nigeria experience. International Journal of Business and Management Review, 4(6), 69-92.
  • Beheshtifar, M., & Nazarian, R. (2013). Role of occupational stress in organizations. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 4(9).
  • Buys, C., Mostert, K., & Wentzel, L. (2009). Work and personal life: Which strategies do secondary school educators use to deal with the interaction? SAJHRM, 7(1), 1-9.
  • Cammilli, K.A. (2004). Teacher job satisfaction and teacher burnout as a product of years of experience in teaching. Unites States of America: Sage Publications.
  • Chang, S.L. (2005). The effects of facilitation on cognitive restructuring in online discussion. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 3(3), 1-30.
  • Chiorri, C., Garbarino, S., Bracco, F., & Magnavita, N. (2015). Personality traits moderate the effect of workload sources on perceived workload in flying column police officers. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1- 14.
  • Corey, G. (2005). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. United States of America: Thompson Brooks.
  • Denissen, J. J., Van Aken, M. A., & Roberts, B. W. (2011). Personality Development across the Life Span. Oxford, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Der Kinderen, S., & Greef, A.P. (2003). Resilience among families where a parent accepted a voluntary teacher's retrenchment package. South African Journal of Psychology, 33(2), 86-94
  • Desa, A., Yusooff, F., Ibrahim, N., & Kadir, N. A. (2014). A study of the relationship and influence of personality on job stress among academic administrators at a university. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 11(4), 355-359.
  • Elisabeth, K. R., & Greenfeld, S. (2013). An investigation of gender differences in occupational stress and general wellbeing. Applied Business Research, 6(4), 35-40.
  • Emsley, R., Emsley, L., & Seedat, S. (2009). Occupational disability on psychiatric grounds in South African school-teachers. African Journal of Psychiatry, 12, 223-226.
  • Gay, L. R., Mills, G. E., & Airasian, P. W. (2009). Educational Research: Competencies for analysis and applications (9th ed.). Columbus, Ohio: Pearson Merrill.
  • Gebrekirstos, H. A. (2015). Occupational stress among secondary school teachers and their coping strategies: The case of central zone of tigray region. International Journal of Academic Research in Education and Review, 3(6), 143-157.
  • Gerber, A. S., Huber, G. A., Doherty, D., Dowling, C. M., Raso, C., & Ha, S. E. (2011). Personality traits and participation in political processes. The Journal of Politics, 73(03), 692-706.
  • Gyllensten, K., & Palmer, S. (2005). The role of gender in workplace stress: A critical literature review. Health Education Journal, 64(3), 271-288.
  • Harzer, C., & Ruch, W. (2015). The relationships of character strengths with coping, work-related stress, and job satisfaction. Frontiers in Psychology.
  • Houtman, I., & Jettinghoff, K. (2007). Raising awareness of stress at work in developing countries. Paris: World Health Organization Protecting Workers' Health Series No. 6 .198
  • Ijaz, M., & Khan, A. (2015). The relationship of big five personality traits with job satisfaction among banking employees. Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences, 5(5), 129-138.
  • Kamper, G.D., & Steyn, G.M. (2006). Understanding occupational stress among educators: An overview. African Education Review, 3(1), 113-133.
  • Khoeini, F., & Attar, B. N. (2015). Personality characteristics and organizational commitment in Iranian employee. International Journal of Scientific Reports, 1(1), 61-64. DOI:
  • Lateef, A., Dahar, M. A., & Yousaf, M. I. (2019). Influence of type A and type B personality on academic achievement of university students. Global Social Sciences Review (GSSR), IV(II), 80-87.
  • Lin, J. S. J., Lin, S. C., & Lin, B. Y. (2010). The moderating effects of employee personality characteristics on organizational commitment during periods of organizational change. African Journal of Business Management, 4(17), 3681-3690.
  • Malik, S., & Noreen, S. (2015). Perceived organizational support as a moderator of affective well-being and occupational stress among teachers. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences, 9(3), 865-874.
  • Martin, J. (2001). Organizational Behaviour (2nd ed.). London: Thomson Learning.
  • Mehr, N. P., & Dashti, F. (2016). Determining the relationship between organizational commitment and personality trait of nursing managers (case study: selected hospitals in Isfahan province in 2015). International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 5(5S), 114-120.
  • Nekoranec, J., & KmoÅ¡ena, M. (2015). Stress in the workplace sources, effects and coping strategies. Review of the Air Force Academy, 12(8), 163-170.
  • Nelson, D.L., & Quick, J.C. (2006). Organizational behaviour: Foundations, realities and challenges (5th ed.). United States of America: Thomson South-Western.
  • Ngidi, D. P., & Sibaya, P. T. (2002). Black teachers' personality dimensions and work-related stress factors. South African Journal of Psychology, 32(3), 7-15.
  • Njoku, E. C., Ebeh, R. E., & Mbaeri, S. O. (2017). Personality traits as predictors of organizational commitment among public and private sector employees in Enugu, Nigeria. British Journal of Psychology Research, 5(2), 9-23.
  • Oosthuizen, J. (2005). The relationship between stress and salutogenic functioning amongst employees in a stateowned enterprise. Unpublished master's thesis, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town.
  • Rehman, H. (2008). Occupational stress and a functional area of an organization. International Review of Business Research Papers, 4(4), 163-173.
  • Rivera-Torres, P., & Araque-Padilla, R. A. (2013). The importance of emotional and intellectual demands and social support in women. Int. Journal of Environ Res Public Health, 10(1), 375-389.
  • Robertson, I., Healey, M. P., Hodgkinson, G. P., Flint-Taylor, J., & Jones, F. (2014). Leader personality and employees' experience of workplace stressors. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 1(3), 281 - 295.
  • Sabherwal, N., Ahuja, D., George, M., & Handa, A. (2015). A study on occupational stress among faculty members in higher education institutions in Pune. SIMS Journal of Management Research, 1(1), 18-23.
  • Shani, A., & Pizam, A. (2009). Work-related depression among hotel employees. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 50(4), 446-459.
  • Shukla, R. (2014). Dictionary of Education. New Delhi: A.P.H. Publishing Corporation.
  • Syed, N., Saeed, A., & Farrukh, M., (2015). Organizational commitment and five factor model of personality: Theory recapitulation. Journal of Asian Business Strategy, 5(8), 183-190. DOI: 10.18488/journal.1006/2015.5.8/1006.8.183.190.
  • Tahseen, N. (2015). Work-related stress among teacher-educators: Evidence from Punjab. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 30(2), 357-375.
  • Van Tonder, C.L., & Williams, C. (2009). Exploring the origins of burnout among secondary educators. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 35(1), 1-15.

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    APA : Nazir, F., Rashid, K., & Shahzadi, U. (2020). Relationship of Personality Characteristics with Organizational Commitment among Secondary School Teachers. Global Regional Review, V(III), 32-39.
    CHICAGO : Nazir, Faiza, Khalid Rashid, and Uzma Shahzadi. 2020. "Relationship of Personality Characteristics with Organizational Commitment among Secondary School Teachers." Global Regional Review, V (III): 32-39 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-III).04
    HARVARD : NAZIR, F., RASHID, K. & SHAHZADI, U. 2020. Relationship of Personality Characteristics with Organizational Commitment among Secondary School Teachers. Global Regional Review, V, 32-39.
    MHRA : Nazir, Faiza, Khalid Rashid, and Uzma Shahzadi. 2020. "Relationship of Personality Characteristics with Organizational Commitment among Secondary School Teachers." Global Regional Review, V: 32-39
    MLA : Nazir, Faiza, Khalid Rashid, and Uzma Shahzadi. "Relationship of Personality Characteristics with Organizational Commitment among Secondary School Teachers." Global Regional Review, V.III (2020): 32-39 Print.
    OXFORD : Nazir, Faiza, Rashid, Khalid, and Shahzadi, Uzma (2020), "Relationship of Personality Characteristics with Organizational Commitment among Secondary School Teachers", Global Regional Review, V (III), 32-39
    TURABIAN : Nazir, Faiza, Khalid Rashid, and Uzma Shahzadi. "Relationship of Personality Characteristics with Organizational Commitment among Secondary School Teachers." Global Regional Review V, no. III (2020): 32-39.