http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/grr.2020(V-IV).12      10.31703/grr.2020(V-IV).12      Published : Dec 4
Authored by : SabaAslamKhan , ImranSabir , RahatShah

12 Pages : 118-127


  • Abbasi, K. (2016). Schools Shocked by NGO's claim about drug use among students. The Dawn. https://www.dawn.com/news/1291516
  • Arnett, J. J. (2000). Emerging adulthood: A theory of development from the late teens through the twenties.American psychologist,55(5), 469
  • Baloch, M. (2016). Rapid increase in drug abuse. Daily Times. https://dailytimes.com.pk/38383/rapid-increase-in-drug-abuse/
  • Bandura, A. (2001). Social cognitive theory: An agentic perspective.Annual review of psychology,52(1), 1-26
  • Baumeister, R. F. (2017). Addiction, cigarette smoking, and voluntary control of action: Do cigarette smokers lose their free will?Addictive behaviors reports,5, 67-84
  • Bennett, T. H., & Holloway, K. R. (2015). Drug use among college and university students: findings from a national survey.Journal of Substance Use,20(1), 50-55
  • Bray, J. H., Adams, G. J., Getz, J. G., & McQueen, A. (2003). Individuation, peers, and adolescent alcohol use: A latent growth analysis.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,71(3), 553
  • Brown, D. (2017). How Pakistan succumbed to a hard-drug epidemic. The Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk
  • Cleveland, M. J., Feinberg, M. E., Osgood, D. W., & Moody, J. (2012). Do peers' parents matter? A new link between positive parenting and adolescent substance use.Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs,73(3), 423-433
  • DiClemente, R. J., Hansen, W. B., & Ponton, L. E. (1996). Adolescents at risk. InHandbook of adolescent health risk behavior(pp. 1-4). Springer, Boston, MA
  • Eurpeon Mnetering Centerfor Drug and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA). (2007). Drug Use and Related Problems Among VeryYoung People(Under 15 Years Old). p.10
  • Hallfors, D., & Van Dorn, R. A. (2002). Strengthening the role of two key institutions in the prevention of adolescent substance abuse.Journal of adolescent health,30(1), 17-28
  • Hawkins, J. D., Graham, J. W., Maguin, E., Abbott, R., Hill, K. G., & Catalano, R. F. (1997). Exploring the effects of age of alcohol use initiation and psychosocial risk factors on subsequent alcohol misuse.Journal of studies on alcohol,58(3), 280-290
  • Hogue, A., Dauber, S., Chinchilla, P., Fried, A., Henderson, C., Inclan, J., Reigner, R.H. & Liddle, H. A. (2008). Assessing fidelity in individual and family therapy for adolescent substance abuse.Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment,35(2), 137-147
  • Ilyas, F. (2017, October 5). KP, Sindh most affected by drug use: ANF. The Dawn. https://www.dawn.com/news/1361825
  • Javed, A. (2016, December 19). Drug overdose deaths on the rise. The Nation. http://nation.com.pk/19-Dec-2016/drug-overdose-deaths-on-the-rise
  • Jawaid, A., Zafar, A. M., Rehman, T. U., Nazir, M. R., Ghafoor, Z. A., Afzal, O., & Khan, J. A. (2008). Knowledge, attitudes and practice of university students regarding waterpipe smoking in Pakistan. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease, 12(9), 1077-1084
  • Kandel, D. B., Yamaguchi, K., & Chen, K. (1992). Stages of progression in drug involvement from adolescence to adulthood: further evidence for the gateway theory.Journal of studies on alcohol,53(5), 447-457
  • Karachi Youth Initiative & Drug Free Pakistan Foundation. (2013). Prevalence of Substance Abuse in different areas of Karachi: An Evaluation.p.7
  • Khan, M. M., & Reza, H. (2000). The pattern of suicide in Pakistan.Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention,21(1), 31
  • Liang, W.,& Chikritzhs, T. (2015). Age at first use of alcohol predicts the risk of heavy alcohol use in early adulthood: A longitudinal study in the United States.International Journal of Drug Policy,26(2), 131-134
  • Lawrence, L.(2009). Familial and socioeconomic influences on substance abuse: An ecological smodel.The University of Minnesota Undergraduate Journal of Psychology,2, 5-10.
  • Mansoori, N., Mubeen, S. M., Mohiuddin, S. M., & Ahsan, S. (2018). Factors associated with substance abuse among male illicit drug users in rehabilitation centres of Pakistan.Annals of King Edward Medical University,24(4)
  • Masood, S., & Najam Us Sahar. (2014). An exploratory research on the role of family in youth's drug addiction.Health Psychology and BehavioralMedicine: AnOpen Access Journal,2(1), 820-832
  • Mussadaq, M. (2014, March 5). Addiction rising: Pakistani youth, high going on higher. The Express Tribune. https://tribune.com.pk
  • Muhammad, Q.(2018, june26). Drug abuse in Pakistani youth reaches alarming levels. The News. www.thenews.com.pk/print/333733-drug-abuse-in-pakistani-youth-reaches-alarming-levels
  • Quigley, J.T. (2014, March 24). Pakistan: The most heroin addicted country in the world. The Diplomat. thediplomat.com/2014/03/pakistan-the-most-heroin-addicted-country-in-the-world
  • Sani, M. N. (2010). Drug addiction among undergraduate students of private universities in Bangladesh.Procedia-social and behavioral sciences,5, 498-50
  • Sardar, S. I. (2016). Drug Abuse: Global vs South Asian trends with special reference to India and Pakistan. Institute of Regional Studies, Islamabad, 35(1)
  • Shafiq, M., Shah, Z., Saleem, A., Siddiqi, M. T., Shaikh, K. S., Salahuddin, F. F. & Naqvi, H. (2006). Perceptions of Pakistani medical students about drugs and alcohol: a questionnaire-based survey.Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy,1(1),31
  • Simons-Morton, B., & Chen, R. S. (2006). Over time relationships between early adolescent and peer substance use.Addictive behaviors,31(7), 1211-1223
  • Skara, S., & Sussman, S. (2003). A review of 25 long-term adolescent tobacco and other drug use prevention program evaluations.Preventive medicine,37(5), 451-474
  • Taremian, F., Bolhari, J., Pairavi, H., & Ghazi Tabatabaeii, M. (2008). The prevalence of drug abuse among university students in Tehran.Iranian Journal of psychiatry and clinical psychology,13(4), 335-342
  • The News. (2017, May 23). Weapons, drugs recovered from Mardan University. https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/206115-Weapons-drugs-recovered-from-Mardan-University
  • UNESCO. (2017). Educational Sector Responses to the Use of Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs. p.4
  • UNFPA. (2017). The state of world population 2017. p.127
  • UnitedNations Office on Drug & Crime. (2016). World Drug report
  • United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime(UNODC)Report. (2013). Drug use in Pakistan.
  • UNODC. (2017). International standards for the Treatment of Drug use disorder. p.2
  • Wechsler, H., Kuo, M., Lee, H., & Dowdall, G. W. (2000). Environmental correlates of underage alcohol use and related problems of college students.American journal of preventive medicine,19(1), 24-29
  • Zaman, M., Razzaq, S., Hassan, R., Qureshi, J., Ijaz, H., Hanif, M., & Chughtai, F. R. (2015). Drug abuse among the students.Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Research,1(1), 41-47
  • Abbasi, K. (2016). Schools Shocked by NGO's claim about drug use among students. The Dawn. https://www.dawn.com/news/1291516
  • Arnett, J. J. (2000). Emerging adulthood: A theory of development from the late teens through the twenties.American psychologist,55(5), 469
  • Baloch, M. (2016). Rapid increase in drug abuse. Daily Times. https://dailytimes.com.pk/38383/rapid-increase-in-drug-abuse/
  • Bandura, A. (2001). Social cognitive theory: An agentic perspective.Annual review of psychology,52(1), 1-26
  • Baumeister, R. F. (2017). Addiction, cigarette smoking, and voluntary control of action: Do cigarette smokers lose their free will?Addictive behaviors reports,5, 67-84
  • Bennett, T. H., & Holloway, K. R. (2015). Drug use among college and university students: findings from a national survey.Journal of Substance Use,20(1), 50-55
  • Bray, J. H., Adams, G. J., Getz, J. G., & McQueen, A. (2003). Individuation, peers, and adolescent alcohol use: A latent growth analysis.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,71(3), 553
  • Brown, D. (2017). How Pakistan succumbed to a hard-drug epidemic. The Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk
  • Cleveland, M. J., Feinberg, M. E., Osgood, D. W., & Moody, J. (2012). Do peers' parents matter? A new link between positive parenting and adolescent substance use.Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs,73(3), 423-433
  • DiClemente, R. J., Hansen, W. B., & Ponton, L. E. (1996). Adolescents at risk. InHandbook of adolescent health risk behavior(pp. 1-4). Springer, Boston, MA
  • Eurpeon Mnetering Centerfor Drug and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA). (2007). Drug Use and Related Problems Among VeryYoung People(Under 15 Years Old). p.10
  • Hallfors, D., & Van Dorn, R. A. (2002). Strengthening the role of two key institutions in the prevention of adolescent substance abuse.Journal of adolescent health,30(1), 17-28
  • Hawkins, J. D., Graham, J. W., Maguin, E., Abbott, R., Hill, K. G., & Catalano, R. F. (1997). Exploring the effects of age of alcohol use initiation and psychosocial risk factors on subsequent alcohol misuse.Journal of studies on alcohol,58(3), 280-290
  • Hogue, A., Dauber, S., Chinchilla, P., Fried, A., Henderson, C., Inclan, J., Reigner, R.H. & Liddle, H. A. (2008). Assessing fidelity in individual and family therapy for adolescent substance abuse.Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment,35(2), 137-147
  • Ilyas, F. (2017, October 5). KP, Sindh most affected by drug use: ANF. The Dawn. https://www.dawn.com/news/1361825
  • Javed, A. (2016, December 19). Drug overdose deaths on the rise. The Nation. http://nation.com.pk/19-Dec-2016/drug-overdose-deaths-on-the-rise
  • Jawaid, A., Zafar, A. M., Rehman, T. U., Nazir, M. R., Ghafoor, Z. A., Afzal, O., & Khan, J. A. (2008). Knowledge, attitudes and practice of university students regarding waterpipe smoking in Pakistan. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease, 12(9), 1077-1084
  • Kandel, D. B., Yamaguchi, K., & Chen, K. (1992). Stages of progression in drug involvement from adolescence to adulthood: further evidence for the gateway theory.Journal of studies on alcohol,53(5), 447-457
  • Karachi Youth Initiative & Drug Free Pakistan Foundation. (2013). Prevalence of Substance Abuse in different areas of Karachi: An Evaluation.p.7
  • Khan, M. M., & Reza, H. (2000). The pattern of suicide in Pakistan.Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention,21(1), 31
  • Liang, W.,& Chikritzhs, T. (2015). Age at first use of alcohol predicts the risk of heavy alcohol use in early adulthood: A longitudinal study in the United States.International Journal of Drug Policy,26(2), 131-134
  • Lawrence, L.(2009). Familial and socioeconomic influences on substance abuse: An ecological smodel.The University of Minnesota Undergraduate Journal of Psychology,2, 5-10.
  • Mansoori, N., Mubeen, S. M., Mohiuddin, S. M., & Ahsan, S. (2018). Factors associated with substance abuse among male illicit drug users in rehabilitation centres of Pakistan.Annals of King Edward Medical University,24(4)
  • Masood, S., & Najam Us Sahar. (2014). An exploratory research on the role of family in youth's drug addiction.Health Psychology and BehavioralMedicine: AnOpen Access Journal,2(1), 820-832
  • Mussadaq, M. (2014, March 5). Addiction rising: Pakistani youth, high going on higher. The Express Tribune. https://tribune.com.pk
  • Muhammad, Q.(2018, june26). Drug abuse in Pakistani youth reaches alarming levels. The News. www.thenews.com.pk/print/333733-drug-abuse-in-pakistani-youth-reaches-alarming-levels
  • Quigley, J.T. (2014, March 24). Pakistan: The most heroin addicted country in the world. The Diplomat. thediplomat.com/2014/03/pakistan-the-most-heroin-addicted-country-in-the-world
  • Sani, M. N. (2010). Drug addiction among undergraduate students of private universities in Bangladesh.Procedia-social and behavioral sciences,5, 498-50
  • Sardar, S. I. (2016). Drug Abuse: Global vs South Asian trends with special reference to India and Pakistan. Institute of Regional Studies, Islamabad, 35(1)
  • Shafiq, M., Shah, Z., Saleem, A., Siddiqi, M. T., Shaikh, K. S., Salahuddin, F. F. & Naqvi, H. (2006). Perceptions of Pakistani medical students about drugs and alcohol: a questionnaire-based survey.Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy,1(1),31
  • Simons-Morton, B., & Chen, R. S. (2006). Over time relationships between early adolescent and peer substance use.Addictive behaviors,31(7), 1211-1223
  • Skara, S., & Sussman, S. (2003). A review of 25 long-term adolescent tobacco and other drug use prevention program evaluations.Preventive medicine,37(5), 451-474
  • Taremian, F., Bolhari, J., Pairavi, H., & Ghazi Tabatabaeii, M. (2008). The prevalence of drug abuse among university students in Tehran.Iranian Journal of psychiatry and clinical psychology,13(4), 335-342
  • The News. (2017, May 23). Weapons, drugs recovered from Mardan University. https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/206115-Weapons-drugs-recovered-from-Mardan-University
  • UNESCO. (2017). Educational Sector Responses to the Use of Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs. p.4
  • UNFPA. (2017). The state of world population 2017. p.127
  • UnitedNations Office on Drug & Crime. (2016). World Drug report
  • United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime(UNODC)Report. (2013). Drug use in Pakistan.
  • UNODC. (2017). International standards for the Treatment of Drug use disorder. p.2
  • Wechsler, H., Kuo, M., Lee, H., & Dowdall, G. W. (2000). Environmental correlates of underage alcohol use and related problems of college students.American journal of preventive medicine,19(1), 24-29
  • Zaman, M., Razzaq, S., Hassan, R., Qureshi, J., Ijaz, H., Hanif, M., & Chughtai, F. R. (2015). Drug abuse among the students.Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Research,1(1), 41-47

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    APA : Khan, S. A., Sabir, I., & Shah, R. (2020). On-Campus Drug Consumption: Exploring the Trends and Patterns in Metropolitan Cities of Pakistan. Global Regional Review, V(IV), 118-127. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2020(V-IV).12
    CHICAGO : Khan, Saba Aslam, Imran Sabir, and Rahat Shah. 2020. "On-Campus Drug Consumption: Exploring the Trends and Patterns in Metropolitan Cities of Pakistan." Global Regional Review, V (IV): 118-127 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-IV).12
    HARVARD : KHAN, S. A., SABIR, I. & SHAH, R. 2020. On-Campus Drug Consumption: Exploring the Trends and Patterns in Metropolitan Cities of Pakistan. Global Regional Review, V, 118-127.
    MHRA : Khan, Saba Aslam, Imran Sabir, and Rahat Shah. 2020. "On-Campus Drug Consumption: Exploring the Trends and Patterns in Metropolitan Cities of Pakistan." Global Regional Review, V: 118-127
    MLA : Khan, Saba Aslam, Imran Sabir, and Rahat Shah. "On-Campus Drug Consumption: Exploring the Trends and Patterns in Metropolitan Cities of Pakistan." Global Regional Review, V.IV (2020): 118-127 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Saba Aslam, Sabir, Imran, and Shah, Rahat (2020), "On-Campus Drug Consumption: Exploring the Trends and Patterns in Metropolitan Cities of Pakistan", Global Regional Review, V (IV), 118-127
    TURABIAN : Khan, Saba Aslam, Imran Sabir, and Rahat Shah. "On-Campus Drug Consumption: Exploring the Trends and Patterns in Metropolitan Cities of Pakistan." Global Regional Review V, no. IV (2020): 118-127. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2020(V-IV).12