Authored by : GhulamMuhammadNagra , GhulamMustafa , MuhammadImran

07 Pages : 57-66


  • Ahmadzai, S. (2010). India and Pakistan: Proxy War in Afghanistan. Center for Conflict and Peace Studies, 1-5
  • Akhtar, N & Malik, A. H. (2016). India's Involvement in Afghanistan:An Analytic Perspective of Current Interests and Future Prospects. International Journal of Political Science and Development, 4(8), 286-292
  • Ali, S. (2012). Islam and Education: Conflict and Conformity in Pakistan's Madrassas. Karachi: Oxford University Press. 39-46
  • Allen, J, Flournoy, M & Hanlon, M. (2013, May). Toward a Successful Outcome in Afghanistan.Center for a New American Security
  • Asif, A.U. (2002, January 1). New Phase in Indo-Afghan Relations. The Mill Gazette. Retrieved on April 21
  • Ashraf, F. (2007). India-Afghanistan relations: Post-9/11. Institute of Strategic Studies. 27(2), 6
  • Bajoria, J. (2009). India-Afghanistan Relations. Council on Foreign Relations Backgrounder
  • Cheema, P. I & Nuri, M. H. eds. (2005). Tribal Areas of Pakistan: Challenges and Responses.Islamabad: Islamabad Policy Research.
  • Christine, F. C. (2004). The Counterterror coalitions: Cooperation with Pakistan and India. Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corp. 145
  • Fair, C. C. (2010). India in Afghanistan and Beyond: Opportunities and Constraints. The Century Foundation report. Available at SSRN168175
  • Fishstein, P & Amiryar, M. E. (2015). Afghan economic policy, institutions and society since 2001. US Institute of Peace
  • Ganguly, S. (2012). India's Role in Afghanistan, Sources of Tension in Afghanistan and Pakistan: A Regional Perspective. CIDOB Policy Research Project
  • Ganguly, S & Howenstein, N. (2009). India-Pakistan Rivalry inAfghanistan. Journal of International Affairs, 63(1), 127-140
  • Gilles Kepel, G. (2008). Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam.Masssachusetts, MA: Harvard University Press, 102-103
  • Ghosh, M. S. (2009). India's
  • Hussain, R. (2002). Pakistan's Relations with Afghanistan: Continuity and Change. Journal of Institute of Strategic Studies, 12(4), 15-32
  • India hands over strategic highway to Afghanistan. (2009, January 23). The Hindu (New Delhi). Retrieved on April 10, 2019
  • Jalalzai, M. K. (2003). The Crisis of Governance in Pakistan: Kashmir, Afghanistan, Sectarian Violence and Economic Crisis. Lahore: Sang-e-Meel Publication. 149-154
  • Javaid, U & Fatima, Q. (2012). US Foreign Policy Parameters towards Pakistan and India (2001-2008). Journal of Political Studies, 19(2
  • Javaid, U & Javaid, R. (2016). Indian Influence in Afghanistan and its implications for Pakistan. Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan,53(1
  • Jones, S. G. (2008). The Rise of Afghanistan's Insurgency: State Failure and Jihad. International Security 32, no.(4). 7-40
  • Kasturi, B. (2012, February 18). Geopolitics: India's Role in Afghanistan-II. Indian. Indian Defense Review. Retrieved on March 21, 2019
  • Khan, R. M. (2011).Afghanistan and Pakistan-Conflict, Extremism, and Resistance to Modernity. Karachi: Oxford University Pres
  • Laub, Z. (2014, July 4). The Taliban in Afghanistan. Center for a New American Security.
  • Mahmood, S, Nasir, M, Zubair, M & Ahmed, Q. A. S. (2016). Indian Influence in Afghanistan and its Impact on Pakistan. Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities,5(2)
  • M. Ilyas Khan, M. I. (2014, September 22). Why Pakistan fears foreign pullout from Afghanistan. BBC News
  • Morgan, G. (1973). Myth and Reality in the Great Game.Asian Affairs 4, no. (1), 55-65
  • Mullen, R. D & Arora, K. (2016). Indian development cooperation with Afghanistan and the 'Afghan-India Friendship Dam'.Policy Brief, Center for Policy Research, link,30
  • Ross, D.G & Vassefi, T. (2012). Available at:
  • Roy, O & Zahab, M. A. (2004). Islamist Networks the Afghan-Pakistan Connection. London: Hurst. 42
  • Steve George, S. (2017 June 27). Trump and Modi Reaffirm India-US Relations with A Hug. CNN, June 27, 2017
  • Tausif, M. (2011). India-Afghanistan Relations and its Impact on Pakistan. New Delhi: Society for the Study of Peace and Conflict
  • Peter, T. A. (2010, June 15). Afghanistan's woeful water management delights neighbors. The Christan Science Moniter. Retrieved on March 02, 2019
  • Taylor, A. (2014). The Soviet War in Afghanistan-1979-1989. The Atlantic, August4
  • Peter, T. A. (2010, June 15). Afghanistan's woeful water management delights neighbors. The Christan Science Moniter. Retrieved on March 02, 2019
  • Varghese K. George, V. K. (2016, September 15). US Open to greater role for India in Afghanistan. The Hindu
  • Weitz, R. (2016, January 14). Global Insights: As U.S. Draws Down, India Raises Security Profile in Afghanistan.Global Political Review
  • Yakolev, S. (2001, September 14). Russia, India, Iran Line Up in Joint Opposition to the Taliban. The Boston Globe. Retrieved on April 21, 2019 .shtml
  • Yusufzai, R. (2002). The Taliban's Years in Power in 'The Anatomy of a Conflict: Afghanistan and 9/11'.New Delhi: Roli Books Pvt. Ltd
  • Ahmadzai, S. (2010). India and Pakistan: Proxy War in Afghanistan. Center for Conflict and Peace Studies, 1-5
  • Akhtar, N & Malik, A. H. (2016). India's Involvement in Afghanistan:An Analytic Perspective of Current Interests and Future Prospects. International Journal of Political Science and Development, 4(8), 286-292
  • Ali, S. (2012). Islam and Education: Conflict and Conformity in Pakistan's Madrassas. Karachi: Oxford University Press. 39-46
  • Allen, J, Flournoy, M & Hanlon, M. (2013, May). Toward a Successful Outcome in Afghanistan.Center for a New American Security
  • Asif, A.U. (2002, January 1). New Phase in Indo-Afghan Relations. The Mill Gazette. Retrieved on April 21
  • Ashraf, F. (2007). India-Afghanistan relations: Post-9/11. Institute of Strategic Studies. 27(2), 6
  • Bajoria, J. (2009). India-Afghanistan Relations. Council on Foreign Relations Backgrounder
  • Cheema, P. I & Nuri, M. H. eds. (2005). Tribal Areas of Pakistan: Challenges and Responses.Islamabad: Islamabad Policy Research.
  • Christine, F. C. (2004). The Counterterror coalitions: Cooperation with Pakistan and India. Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corp. 145
  • Fair, C. C. (2010). India in Afghanistan and Beyond: Opportunities and Constraints. The Century Foundation report. Available at SSRN168175
  • Fishstein, P & Amiryar, M. E. (2015). Afghan economic policy, institutions and society since 2001. US Institute of Peace
  • Ganguly, S. (2012). India's Role in Afghanistan, Sources of Tension in Afghanistan and Pakistan: A Regional Perspective. CIDOB Policy Research Project
  • Ganguly, S & Howenstein, N. (2009). India-Pakistan Rivalry inAfghanistan. Journal of International Affairs, 63(1), 127-140
  • Gilles Kepel, G. (2008). Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam.Masssachusetts, MA: Harvard University Press, 102-103
  • Ghosh, M. S. (2009). India's
  • Hussain, R. (2002). Pakistan's Relations with Afghanistan: Continuity and Change. Journal of Institute of Strategic Studies, 12(4), 15-32
  • India hands over strategic highway to Afghanistan. (2009, January 23). The Hindu (New Delhi). Retrieved on April 10, 2019
  • Jalalzai, M. K. (2003). The Crisis of Governance in Pakistan: Kashmir, Afghanistan, Sectarian Violence and Economic Crisis. Lahore: Sang-e-Meel Publication. 149-154
  • Javaid, U & Fatima, Q. (2012). US Foreign Policy Parameters towards Pakistan and India (2001-2008). Journal of Political Studies, 19(2
  • Javaid, U & Javaid, R. (2016). Indian Influence in Afghanistan and its implications for Pakistan. Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan,53(1
  • Jones, S. G. (2008). The Rise of Afghanistan's Insurgency: State Failure and Jihad. International Security 32, no.(4). 7-40
  • Kasturi, B. (2012, February 18). Geopolitics: India's Role in Afghanistan-II. Indian. Indian Defense Review. Retrieved on March 21, 2019
  • Khan, R. M. (2011).Afghanistan and Pakistan-Conflict, Extremism, and Resistance to Modernity. Karachi: Oxford University Pres
  • Laub, Z. (2014, July 4). The Taliban in Afghanistan. Center for a New American Security.
  • Mahmood, S, Nasir, M, Zubair, M & Ahmed, Q. A. S. (2016). Indian Influence in Afghanistan and its Impact on Pakistan. Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities,5(2)
  • M. Ilyas Khan, M. I. (2014, September 22). Why Pakistan fears foreign pullout from Afghanistan. BBC News
  • Morgan, G. (1973). Myth and Reality in the Great Game.Asian Affairs 4, no. (1), 55-65
  • Mullen, R. D & Arora, K. (2016). Indian development cooperation with Afghanistan and the 'Afghan-India Friendship Dam'.Policy Brief, Center for Policy Research, link,30
  • Ross, D.G & Vassefi, T. (2012). Available at:
  • Roy, O & Zahab, M. A. (2004). Islamist Networks the Afghan-Pakistan Connection. London: Hurst. 42
  • Steve George, S. (2017 June 27). Trump and Modi Reaffirm India-US Relations with A Hug. CNN, June 27, 2017
  • Tausif, M. (2011). India-Afghanistan Relations and its Impact on Pakistan. New Delhi: Society for the Study of Peace and Conflict
  • Peter, T. A. (2010, June 15). Afghanistan's woeful water management delights neighbors. The Christan Science Moniter. Retrieved on March 02, 2019
  • Taylor, A. (2014). The Soviet War in Afghanistan-1979-1989. The Atlantic, August4
  • Peter, T. A. (2010, June 15). Afghanistan's woeful water management delights neighbors. The Christan Science Moniter. Retrieved on March 02, 2019
  • Varghese K. George, V. K. (2016, September 15). US Open to greater role for India in Afghanistan. The Hindu
  • Weitz, R. (2016, January 14). Global Insights: As U.S. Draws Down, India Raises Security Profile in Afghanistan.Global Political Review
  • Yakolev, S. (2001, September 14). Russia, India, Iran Line Up in Joint Opposition to the Taliban. The Boston Globe. Retrieved on April 21, 2019 .shtml
  • Yusufzai, R. (2002). The Taliban's Years in Power in 'The Anatomy of a Conflict: Afghanistan and 9/11'.New Delhi: Roli Books Pvt. Ltd

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    CHICAGO : Nagra, Ghulam Muhammad, Ghulam Mustafa, and Muhammad Imran. 2019. "Major Powers' Interest in Afghanistan and the Impact on Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV (II): 57-66 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).07
    HARVARD : NAGRA, G. M., MUSTAFA, G. & IMRAN, M. 2019. Major Powers' Interest in Afghanistan and the Impact on Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV, 57-66.
    MHRA : Nagra, Ghulam Muhammad, Ghulam Mustafa, and Muhammad Imran. 2019. "Major Powers' Interest in Afghanistan and the Impact on Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV: 57-66
    MLA : Nagra, Ghulam Muhammad, Ghulam Mustafa, and Muhammad Imran. "Major Powers' Interest in Afghanistan and the Impact on Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV.II (2019): 57-66 Print.
    OXFORD : Nagra, Ghulam Muhammad, Mustafa, Ghulam, and Imran, Muhammad (2019), "Major Powers' Interest in Afghanistan and the Impact on Pakistan", Global Regional Review, IV (II), 57-66
    TURABIAN : Nagra, Ghulam Muhammad, Ghulam Mustafa, and Muhammad Imran. "Major Powers' Interest in Afghanistan and the Impact on Pakistan." Global Regional Review IV, no. II (2019): 57-66.