Authored by : Javed Iqbal , Abdul Majeed Khan , Muhammad Nisar

40 Pages : 364-375


  • Aborn, M. (2006). An intelligent use for belief. Education, 127(1), 83-85.
  • Anderson, K. M. (2007). Tips for teaching: Differentiating instruction to include all students. Preventing School Failure, 51(3), 49-54
  • Burke, K., & Burke-Samide, B. (2004). Required changes in the classroom environment
  • Chapman, C., King, R., & King, R. M. (2005). Differentiated assessment strategies: One tool doesn't fit all. Corwin Press.
  • Coubergs, C., et al., (2017) Measuring teachers' perceptions about differentiated instruction: The DI-Quest instrument and model. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 53: p. 41-54
  • De Neve, D. and G. Devos, (2016) How do Professional Learning Communities aid and Hamper Professional Learning of Beginning Teachers Related to Differentiated Instruction? (accepted). Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice,
  • Gaitas, S. and M.A. Martins, (2017) Teacher perceived difficulty in implementing differentiated instructional strategies in primary school. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 21(5): p. 544-556.
  • Gregory, G., & Chapman, C. (2007). Creating a climate for learning. Gregory, GH; Chapman, C. Differentiated Instructional Strategies in Practice: Training, Implementation, and Supervision, 2.
  • Gregory, G. H., & Kuzmich, L. (2014). Data driven differentiation in the standards-based classroom. Corwin Press.
  • Hall, T., Strangman, N., & Meyer, A. (2003). Differentiated instruction and implications for UDL implementation. Wakefield, MA: National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum. Retrieved July, 29, 2010.
  • Heacox, D. (2002). Differentiating Instruction in the Regular Classroom Free Spirit Publishing Inc. (2009) Making Differentiation a Habit Free Spirit Publishing Inc.
  • Ryan, K., & Cooper, J. M. (2007). Those who can, teach, (llth ed.).
  • Raitano, M. and F. Vona Peer (2013) heterogeneity, school tracking and students' performances: evidence from PISA 2006. Applied Economics, 45(32): p. 4516-4532.
  • Subban, P. (2006). Differentiated instruction: A research basis. International education journal, 7(7), 935-947
  • Schleicher, A.e., (2013) Preparing Teachers and Developing School Leaders for the 21st Century. Lessons from around the World., OECD: Paris.
  • Smets, W., (2016) Binnenklasdifferentiatie. Lessen uit een innovatietraject. Impuls, 46(3): p. 115-121.
  • Tomlinson, C. A. (1999). The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners. Review of Educational Research (Vol. 85). Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Tomlinson, C.A., (2000a) The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of all learners., Alexandria: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Tomlinson, C. & Allan, S. (2000b). Leadership for differentiating schools and classrooms. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Tomlinson, C. (2001). How to differentiate instruction in mixed ability classrooms (2nd ed). Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Tomlinson, C.A., (2001) Differentiating Instruction in Mixed-ability Classrooms. 2nd ed. Alexandria: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Tomlinson, C. A. (2014). The Differentiated classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
  • Tomlinson, C. A., & Imbeau, M. B. (2010). Leading and Managing A Differentiated Classroom. Virginia: ASCD Publications.
  • Tomlinson, C., Brighton, C., Hertberg, H., Callahan, C., Moon, T., Brimijoin, K., et al. (2003). Differentiating instruction in response to studentreadiness, interest, and learning profile in academically diverse classrooms: A review of the literature. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 27, (2/3), 119-45.
  • Tomlinson, C. & Cunningham-Eidson, C. (2003). Differentiation in practice. Alexandria, VA. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Tomlinson, C. & Eidson. (2003). Differentiation in practice: A resource guide for differentiating curriculum. Alexandria, VA. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Tomlinson, C. & McTighe, J. (2006). Integrating differentiated instruction and understanding by design: Connecting content and kids. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Aborn, M. (2006). An intelligent use for belief. Education, 127(1), 83-85.
  • Anderson, K. M. (2007). Tips for teaching: Differentiating instruction to include all students. Preventing School Failure, 51(3), 49-54
  • Burke, K., & Burke-Samide, B. (2004). Required changes in the classroom environment
  • Chapman, C., King, R., & King, R. M. (2005). Differentiated assessment strategies: One tool doesn't fit all. Corwin Press.
  • Coubergs, C., et al., (2017) Measuring teachers' perceptions about differentiated instruction: The DI-Quest instrument and model. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 53: p. 41-54
  • De Neve, D. and G. Devos, (2016) How do Professional Learning Communities aid and Hamper Professional Learning of Beginning Teachers Related to Differentiated Instruction? (accepted). Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice,
  • Gaitas, S. and M.A. Martins, (2017) Teacher perceived difficulty in implementing differentiated instructional strategies in primary school. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 21(5): p. 544-556.
  • Gregory, G., & Chapman, C. (2007). Creating a climate for learning. Gregory, GH; Chapman, C. Differentiated Instructional Strategies in Practice: Training, Implementation, and Supervision, 2.
  • Gregory, G. H., & Kuzmich, L. (2014). Data driven differentiation in the standards-based classroom. Corwin Press.
  • Hall, T., Strangman, N., & Meyer, A. (2003). Differentiated instruction and implications for UDL implementation. Wakefield, MA: National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum. Retrieved July, 29, 2010.
  • Heacox, D. (2002). Differentiating Instruction in the Regular Classroom Free Spirit Publishing Inc. (2009) Making Differentiation a Habit Free Spirit Publishing Inc.
  • Ryan, K., & Cooper, J. M. (2007). Those who can, teach, (llth ed.).
  • Raitano, M. and F. Vona Peer (2013) heterogeneity, school tracking and students' performances: evidence from PISA 2006. Applied Economics, 45(32): p. 4516-4532.
  • Subban, P. (2006). Differentiated instruction: A research basis. International education journal, 7(7), 935-947
  • Schleicher, A.e., (2013) Preparing Teachers and Developing School Leaders for the 21st Century. Lessons from around the World., OECD: Paris.
  • Smets, W., (2016) Binnenklasdifferentiatie. Lessen uit een innovatietraject. Impuls, 46(3): p. 115-121.
  • Tomlinson, C. A. (1999). The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners. Review of Educational Research (Vol. 85). Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Tomlinson, C.A., (2000a) The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of all learners., Alexandria: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Tomlinson, C. & Allan, S. (2000b). Leadership for differentiating schools and classrooms. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Tomlinson, C. (2001). How to differentiate instruction in mixed ability classrooms (2nd ed). Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Tomlinson, C.A., (2001) Differentiating Instruction in Mixed-ability Classrooms. 2nd ed. Alexandria: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Tomlinson, C. A. (2014). The Differentiated classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
  • Tomlinson, C. A., & Imbeau, M. B. (2010). Leading and Managing A Differentiated Classroom. Virginia: ASCD Publications.
  • Tomlinson, C., Brighton, C., Hertberg, H., Callahan, C., Moon, T., Brimijoin, K., et al. (2003). Differentiating instruction in response to studentreadiness, interest, and learning profile in academically diverse classrooms: A review of the literature. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 27, (2/3), 119-45.
  • Tomlinson, C. & Cunningham-Eidson, C. (2003). Differentiation in practice. Alexandria, VA. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Tomlinson, C. & Eidson. (2003). Differentiation in practice: A resource guide for differentiating curriculum. Alexandria, VA. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
  • Tomlinson, C. & McTighe, J. (2006). Integrating differentiated instruction and understanding by design: Connecting content and kids. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

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    APA : Iqbal, J., Khan, A. M., & Nisar, M. (2020). Impact of Differentiated Instruction on Student Learning: Perception of Students and Teachers. Global Regional Review, V(I), 364-375.
    CHICAGO : Iqbal, Javed, Abdul Majeed Khan, and Muhammad Nisar. 2020. "Impact of Differentiated Instruction on Student Learning: Perception of Students and Teachers." Global Regional Review, V (I): 364-375 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-I).40
    HARVARD : IQBAL, J., KHAN, A. M. & NISAR, M. 2020. Impact of Differentiated Instruction on Student Learning: Perception of Students and Teachers. Global Regional Review, V, 364-375.
    MHRA : Iqbal, Javed, Abdul Majeed Khan, and Muhammad Nisar. 2020. "Impact of Differentiated Instruction on Student Learning: Perception of Students and Teachers." Global Regional Review, V: 364-375
    MLA : Iqbal, Javed, Abdul Majeed Khan, and Muhammad Nisar. "Impact of Differentiated Instruction on Student Learning: Perception of Students and Teachers." Global Regional Review, V.I (2020): 364-375 Print.
    OXFORD : Iqbal, Javed, Khan, Abdul Majeed, and Nisar, Muhammad (2020), "Impact of Differentiated Instruction on Student Learning: Perception of Students and Teachers", Global Regional Review, V (I), 364-375
    TURABIAN : Iqbal, Javed, Abdul Majeed Khan, and Muhammad Nisar. "Impact of Differentiated Instruction on Student Learning: Perception of Students and Teachers." Global Regional Review V, no. I (2020): 364-375.