Authored by : Sana Sajjad , Asma Aftab , Nafees Parvez

08 Pages : 69-77


  • Beauvoir, S. d. (1949). The second sex. New York: Vintage Books.
  • Braidotti, R. (1991). Patterns of dissonance: An essay on women in contemporary. United States: Cambridge Polity Press.
  • Cixous, H. (1975).
  • Cooke, M. (2001). Women claim Islam: Creating Islamic feminism through literature. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Derrida, J. (1985). Structure, Sign, and Play in the discourse of human sciences, in Literary criticism: A reading. Das, B & Mohanty, J. M. (Eds). Calcutta: Oxford UP.
  • Dunbar-Ortiz, R. (1980). Roots of resistance: Land tenure in New Mexico, 1680-1980. Berkeley: University of California.
  • Elbert, R. (2017). Awake in the dark. University of Chicago Press.
  • Gilbert S. M., & Gubar, S. (1979). Infection in the sentence: The woman writer and the anxiety of authorship. In R. R. Warhol & D. P. Herndl (Eds.), Feminisms: An anthology of literary theory and criticism (pp. 21-32). New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press.
  • Gilligan, C. (1982). In a different voice: Psychological theory and women's development. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
  • Girard, M-E. (2016). Girl Mans Up. Canada: HarperCollins.
  • Hollindale, P. (1997). Signs of childness in children's books. Stroud: Thimble Press.
  • Jachowicz, M. (2010, Spring). Courage, charm, and compassion: Gender roles in Newbery Medal winning books. master's thesis). American University, Washington, D.C
  • Jamal, A. (2013).
  • Kuykendal, L. F., & Brian W. S. (2007).
  • Martin, C. L., & Halverson, C. F., Jr. (1981, Dec). A schematic processing model of sex typing and stereotyping in children. Child development, 52(4), 1119-1134.
  • Mukherjee, B. (1988). The middleman and other stories. New York: Viking Penguin.
  • Murnen, S. K., Greenfield, C., Younger, A., & Boyd, H. (2016). Boys act and girls appear: A contentanalysis of gender stereotypes associated with characters in children's popular culture. Sex roles, 74, 78-91.
  • Nodelman, P. (2008). The Hidden adult: Defining children's literature. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Rich, A. (1973). Diving into the wreck: poems, 1971- 1972. New York: Norton
  • Said, E. W. (1978). Orientalism: Western conception of the orient. London: Penguin.
  • Showalter, E. (1979).
  • Showalter, E. (1979). Toward a feminist poetics. In Showalter, E. (1985), The new feminist criticism: Essayson women literature & theory(125-143). New York, NY: Pantheon Books
  • Singh, M. (2009). r.issues.L.A.html
  • Stephens, J. (1992). Language and ideology in children's fiction. New York: Longman Publishing.
  • Stewart, M. W. (1879). Meditations from the pen of Mrs. Maria W. Stewart: presented to the first African Baptist church and society, in the city of Boston. Boston: Printed by Garrison and Knapp.
  • Trites, R. S. (1997). Waking sleeping beauty: Feminist voices in children's novels. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press.
  • Turner-Bowker, D. M. (1996). Gender stereotyped descriptors in children's picture books: Does curious jane exist in the literature?. Sex Roles, 35(7-8), 461-488. USA Today's bestselling book list.
  • Wollstonecraft, M. (1797). A Vindication of the rights of woman: With strictures on political and moral subjects. New York: G. Vale.
  • Zia, A. S. (2018). Faith and feminism in Pakistan: Religious agency or secular autonomy? Sussex Academic Press.
  • Beauvoir, S. d. (1949). The second sex. New York: Vintage Books.
  • Braidotti, R. (1991). Patterns of dissonance: An essay on women in contemporary. United States: Cambridge Polity Press.
  • Cixous, H. (1975).
  • Cooke, M. (2001). Women claim Islam: Creating Islamic feminism through literature. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Derrida, J. (1985). Structure, Sign, and Play in the discourse of human sciences, in Literary criticism: A reading. Das, B & Mohanty, J. M. (Eds). Calcutta: Oxford UP.
  • Dunbar-Ortiz, R. (1980). Roots of resistance: Land tenure in New Mexico, 1680-1980. Berkeley: University of California.
  • Elbert, R. (2017). Awake in the dark. University of Chicago Press.
  • Gilbert S. M., & Gubar, S. (1979). Infection in the sentence: The woman writer and the anxiety of authorship. In R. R. Warhol & D. P. Herndl (Eds.), Feminisms: An anthology of literary theory and criticism (pp. 21-32). New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press.
  • Gilligan, C. (1982). In a different voice: Psychological theory and women's development. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
  • Girard, M-E. (2016). Girl Mans Up. Canada: HarperCollins.
  • Hollindale, P. (1997). Signs of childness in children's books. Stroud: Thimble Press.
  • Jachowicz, M. (2010, Spring). Courage, charm, and compassion: Gender roles in Newbery Medal winning books. master's thesis). American University, Washington, D.C
  • Jamal, A. (2013).
  • Kuykendal, L. F., & Brian W. S. (2007).
  • Martin, C. L., & Halverson, C. F., Jr. (1981, Dec). A schematic processing model of sex typing and stereotyping in children. Child development, 52(4), 1119-1134.
  • Mukherjee, B. (1988). The middleman and other stories. New York: Viking Penguin.
  • Murnen, S. K., Greenfield, C., Younger, A., & Boyd, H. (2016). Boys act and girls appear: A contentanalysis of gender stereotypes associated with characters in children's popular culture. Sex roles, 74, 78-91.
  • Nodelman, P. (2008). The Hidden adult: Defining children's literature. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Rich, A. (1973). Diving into the wreck: poems, 1971- 1972. New York: Norton
  • Said, E. W. (1978). Orientalism: Western conception of the orient. London: Penguin.
  • Showalter, E. (1979).
  • Showalter, E. (1979). Toward a feminist poetics. In Showalter, E. (1985), The new feminist criticism: Essayson women literature & theory(125-143). New York, NY: Pantheon Books
  • Singh, M. (2009). r.issues.L.A.html
  • Stephens, J. (1992). Language and ideology in children's fiction. New York: Longman Publishing.
  • Stewart, M. W. (1879). Meditations from the pen of Mrs. Maria W. Stewart: presented to the first African Baptist church and society, in the city of Boston. Boston: Printed by Garrison and Knapp.
  • Trites, R. S. (1997). Waking sleeping beauty: Feminist voices in children's novels. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press.
  • Turner-Bowker, D. M. (1996). Gender stereotyped descriptors in children's picture books: Does curious jane exist in the literature?. Sex Roles, 35(7-8), 461-488. USA Today's bestselling book list.
  • Wollstonecraft, M. (1797). A Vindication of the rights of woman: With strictures on political and moral subjects. New York: G. Vale.
  • Zia, A. S. (2018). Faith and feminism in Pakistan: Religious agency or secular autonomy? Sussex Academic Press.

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    APA : Sajjad, S., Aftab, A., & Parvez, N. (2021). Humanizing Women in Children Fiction: A Deconstructionist Reading of Girard's Girl Mans Up. Global Regional Review, VI(I), 69-77.
    CHICAGO : Sajjad, Sana, Asma Aftab, and Nafees Parvez. 2021. "Humanizing Women in Children Fiction: A Deconstructionist Reading of Girard's Girl Mans Up." Global Regional Review, VI (I): 69-77 doi: 10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).08
    HARVARD : SAJJAD, S., AFTAB, A. & PARVEZ, N. 2021. Humanizing Women in Children Fiction: A Deconstructionist Reading of Girard's Girl Mans Up. Global Regional Review, VI, 69-77.
    MHRA : Sajjad, Sana, Asma Aftab, and Nafees Parvez. 2021. "Humanizing Women in Children Fiction: A Deconstructionist Reading of Girard's Girl Mans Up." Global Regional Review, VI: 69-77
    MLA : Sajjad, Sana, Asma Aftab, and Nafees Parvez. "Humanizing Women in Children Fiction: A Deconstructionist Reading of Girard's Girl Mans Up." Global Regional Review, VI.I (2021): 69-77 Print.
    OXFORD : Sajjad, Sana, Aftab, Asma, and Parvez, Nafees (2021), "Humanizing Women in Children Fiction: A Deconstructionist Reading of Girard's Girl Mans Up", Global Regional Review, VI (I), 69-77
    TURABIAN : Sajjad, Sana, Asma Aftab, and Nafees Parvez. "Humanizing Women in Children Fiction: A Deconstructionist Reading of Girard's Girl Mans Up." Global Regional Review VI, no. I (2021): 69-77.