Authored by : Babar Ali , Nagina Gul , Saba Aziz

06 Pages : 52 - 70


  • Athukorala, P-C. (2009). Trends and Patters of Foreign Direct Investment in Asia: A Comparative Perspective. Margin- The Journal of Applied Economic Research. 4, 365-408 #
  • Ayub, M.(2017). “Infrastructure development, CPEC and FDI in Pakistan: is there any connection?”, TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS REVIEW, #
  • Barro, R., & Sala-I-M. X. (1997). Technological Diffusion, Convergence, and Growth. Journal of Economic Growth, 2(1), 1-26. #
  • Choi, Y., & Baek, J. (2017). Does FDI Really Matter to Economic Growth in India? Economies, 5(2), 20. 0020
  • Chun, H. L. (2008). Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Telecommunication Industries: A Developing Countries’ Perspective. Contemporary Management Research, 4, 29-42. DOI:10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.16.11.1205 0 #
  • Fahad, A., Benish, K., Umar, Y., Imran, S. R., Abdul, R. G. & Muhammad, B. J. (2010). Telecommunication Sector, Its Role, Contribution To FBR Revenue, Problems And Issues. h_synndicate_%20rports/6.pdf
  • Grossman, G., & Helpman, E. (1990). Comparative Advantage and Long-Run Growth. The American Economic Review,80 (4), 796-815. #
  • Gulam, H., Mohamed, A., & Abou, S. S. (2013). “ Foreign Direct Investment, Human Capital and Economic Growth in Malaysia.”, Online at http://mpra.ub.uni-
  • Hassan, M. A., Muhammad, A. & Zahid, I. (2017). “The Terrorism And Foreign Direct Investment: The Case Of Pakistan” Journal of Research Society of Pakistan,54(1). #
  • Kanwal, Z., Pervez, A., & Afzal, M. (2008). Telecommunication Infrastructure Development and Economic Growth: A Panel Data Approach. The Pakistan Development Review, 711-726. #
  • Khalid, A., & Chaudhry, S.A. (2017). “Factors Affecting FDI in Pakistan”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 8(10), #
  • Khalid, M. L. (2017). Tax Incentives and Impact on Investment In Pakistan. Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences, 10(1). #
  • Lily, J., Kogid, M., Mulok, D., Thien Sang, L., & Asid, R. (2014). Exchange Rate Movement and Foreign Direct Investment in Asean Economies. Economics Research International, 2014, 1–10.
  • Mahmood, P., & Qaisar.(2010). Factors Influencing FDI in the Pakistan Telecom Sector. Masters of Business Administration, School of Management Blekinge Institute of Technology. #
  • Mehdi, B. (2012). Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: Evidence from Southern Asia. Atlantic Review of Economics. 2nd Volume #
  • Mehmood, K. A. & Faridi, M.(2015). “Effects of privatization on economic performance in Pakistan.” Middle East Journal of Scientific Research 16 (11), 1566-1580 #
  • Muhammad, A., Saleem, K., Zalina, B. Z., Namasivayam, K., & Farah, K. (2015). “Foreign direct investment and human capital: evidence from developing countries”, Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 12(3-1), #
  • Muhammad, I., Javaid, A.,Yasir, K., & Sumayya, N. A. (2009). The Causal Link Between Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) And Economic Growth In Pakistan Economy. The Journal of Commerce, 4, ISSN: 2220-6043 #
  • Muhammad, o., Chaudhry, & Kalsoom, A. (2016). “The impact of trade liberalization on economic growth in pre and post financial liberalization era: a case study of pakistan”, The Government: Research Journal of Political Science 5, #
  • OECD. (2000). Main Determinants and Impacts of Foreign Direct Investment on China’s Economy, Working papers on International Investment. PTA Annual report 2013-14 #
  • Papori, B., & Rashmi, B. (2014). “ Telecom Sector in India: Past, Present and Future”, International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies (IJHSSS), 1(3), 147- 156 #
  • Qazi, M., Adnan, H. & Shahida, W.(2013).“ Impact Of Financial Liberalization On Economic Growth: A Case Study Of Pakistan”, Asian Economic and Financial Review,3(2):270-282 #
  • Qazi, M., Adnan, H. & Lau, W. Y. (2017). "Economic Liberalization and Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis of Pakistan," Asian Economic and Financial Review, Asian Economic and Social Society,7(12), 1256-1302. #
  • Rivera-Batiz, L. A. & Romer, P.M. (1991). International trade with endogenous technological change. European Economic Review, 35(4), 971-1001. #
  • Romer, P. (1994): The Origins of Endogenous Growth. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 8(1), 3-22. #
  • Syed, Y. I., Mahmood, A. K. & Mustafa, S. (2015). Telecom sector of Pakistan: Potential, challenges and business Opportunities. Telematics and Informatics, 32, 254–258 #
  • Zulfiqar, B., Fareed, Z., Shehzad, U., Shahzad, F., & Nabi, S. (2014). The Impact of Terrorism on FDI inflow in Pakistan. European Journal of Economic Studies, 10(4), 279–284.
  • Athukorala, P-C. (2009). Trends and Patters of Foreign Direct Investment in Asia: A Comparative Perspective. Margin- The Journal of Applied Economic Research. 4, 365-408 #
  • Ayub, M.(2017). “Infrastructure development, CPEC and FDI in Pakistan: is there any connection?”, TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS REVIEW, #
  • Barro, R., & Sala-I-M. X. (1997). Technological Diffusion, Convergence, and Growth. Journal of Economic Growth, 2(1), 1-26. #
  • Choi, Y., & Baek, J. (2017). Does FDI Really Matter to Economic Growth in India? Economies, 5(2), 20. 0020
  • Chun, H. L. (2008). Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Telecommunication Industries: A Developing Countries’ Perspective. Contemporary Management Research, 4, 29-42. DOI:10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.16.11.1205 0 #
  • Fahad, A., Benish, K., Umar, Y., Imran, S. R., Abdul, R. G. & Muhammad, B. J. (2010). Telecommunication Sector, Its Role, Contribution To FBR Revenue, Problems And Issues. h_synndicate_%20rports/6.pdf
  • Grossman, G., & Helpman, E. (1990). Comparative Advantage and Long-Run Growth. The American Economic Review,80 (4), 796-815. #
  • Gulam, H., Mohamed, A., & Abou, S. S. (2013). “ Foreign Direct Investment, Human Capital and Economic Growth in Malaysia.”, Online at http://mpra.ub.uni-
  • Hassan, M. A., Muhammad, A. & Zahid, I. (2017). “The Terrorism And Foreign Direct Investment: The Case Of Pakistan” Journal of Research Society of Pakistan,54(1). #
  • Kanwal, Z., Pervez, A., & Afzal, M. (2008). Telecommunication Infrastructure Development and Economic Growth: A Panel Data Approach. The Pakistan Development Review, 711-726. #
  • Khalid, A., & Chaudhry, S.A. (2017). “Factors Affecting FDI in Pakistan”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 8(10), #
  • Khalid, M. L. (2017). Tax Incentives and Impact on Investment In Pakistan. Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences, 10(1). #
  • Lily, J., Kogid, M., Mulok, D., Thien Sang, L., & Asid, R. (2014). Exchange Rate Movement and Foreign Direct Investment in Asean Economies. Economics Research International, 2014, 1–10.
  • Mahmood, P., & Qaisar.(2010). Factors Influencing FDI in the Pakistan Telecom Sector. Masters of Business Administration, School of Management Blekinge Institute of Technology. #
  • Mehdi, B. (2012). Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: Evidence from Southern Asia. Atlantic Review of Economics. 2nd Volume #
  • Mehmood, K. A. & Faridi, M.(2015). “Effects of privatization on economic performance in Pakistan.” Middle East Journal of Scientific Research 16 (11), 1566-1580 #
  • Muhammad, A., Saleem, K., Zalina, B. Z., Namasivayam, K., & Farah, K. (2015). “Foreign direct investment and human capital: evidence from developing countries”, Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 12(3-1), #
  • Muhammad, I., Javaid, A.,Yasir, K., & Sumayya, N. A. (2009). The Causal Link Between Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) And Economic Growth In Pakistan Economy. The Journal of Commerce, 4, ISSN: 2220-6043 #
  • Muhammad, o., Chaudhry, & Kalsoom, A. (2016). “The impact of trade liberalization on economic growth in pre and post financial liberalization era: a case study of pakistan”, The Government: Research Journal of Political Science 5, #
  • OECD. (2000). Main Determinants and Impacts of Foreign Direct Investment on China’s Economy, Working papers on International Investment. PTA Annual report 2013-14 #
  • Papori, B., & Rashmi, B. (2014). “ Telecom Sector in India: Past, Present and Future”, International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies (IJHSSS), 1(3), 147- 156 #
  • Qazi, M., Adnan, H. & Shahida, W.(2013).“ Impact Of Financial Liberalization On Economic Growth: A Case Study Of Pakistan”, Asian Economic and Financial Review,3(2):270-282 #
  • Qazi, M., Adnan, H. & Lau, W. Y. (2017). "Economic Liberalization and Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis of Pakistan," Asian Economic and Financial Review, Asian Economic and Social Society,7(12), 1256-1302. #
  • Rivera-Batiz, L. A. & Romer, P.M. (1991). International trade with endogenous technological change. European Economic Review, 35(4), 971-1001. #
  • Romer, P. (1994): The Origins of Endogenous Growth. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 8(1), 3-22. #
  • Syed, Y. I., Mahmood, A. K. & Mustafa, S. (2015). Telecom sector of Pakistan: Potential, challenges and business Opportunities. Telematics and Informatics, 32, 254–258 #
  • Zulfiqar, B., Fareed, Z., Shehzad, U., Shahzad, F., & Nabi, S. (2014). The Impact of Terrorism on FDI inflow in Pakistan. European Journal of Economic Studies, 10(4), 279–284.

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    APA : Ali, B., Gul, N., & Aziz, S. (2022). Foreign Direct Investment in Telecommunications Sector of Pakistan: A Determinative Approach. Global Regional Review, VII(II), 52 - 70.
    CHICAGO : Ali, Babar, Nagina Gul, and Saba Aziz. 2022. "Foreign Direct Investment in Telecommunications Sector of Pakistan: A Determinative Approach." Global Regional Review, VII (II): 52 - 70 doi: 10.31703/grr.2022(VII-II).06
    HARVARD : ALI, B., GUL, N. & AZIZ, S. 2022. Foreign Direct Investment in Telecommunications Sector of Pakistan: A Determinative Approach. Global Regional Review, VII, 52 - 70.
    MHRA : Ali, Babar, Nagina Gul, and Saba Aziz. 2022. "Foreign Direct Investment in Telecommunications Sector of Pakistan: A Determinative Approach." Global Regional Review, VII: 52 - 70
    MLA : Ali, Babar, Nagina Gul, and Saba Aziz. "Foreign Direct Investment in Telecommunications Sector of Pakistan: A Determinative Approach." Global Regional Review, VII.II (2022): 52 - 70 Print.
    OXFORD : Ali, Babar, Gul, Nagina, and Aziz, Saba (2022), "Foreign Direct Investment in Telecommunications Sector of Pakistan: A Determinative Approach", Global Regional Review, VII (II), 52 - 70
    TURABIAN : Ali, Babar, Nagina Gul, and Saba Aziz. "Foreign Direct Investment in Telecommunications Sector of Pakistan: A Determinative Approach." Global Regional Review VII, no. II (2022): 52 - 70.