http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/grr.2020(V-III).22      10.31703/grr.2020(V-III).22      Published : Sep 3
Authored by : Hammna Jillani , Hesan Zahid , Nosheen Rasool

22 Pages : 214-229


  • Amirkiaee, S. Y., & Evangelopoulos, N. (2018). Why do people rideshare? An experimental study. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 55, 9-24.
  • Amjid, S. S. M. Q., Bilal. M. S., Nazir, A., & Hussain. (2011).
  • Asian Development Bank. (2015). Policy brief: a safe public transportation environment for women and girls.
  • Aziz, A., & Bajwa, I. U. (2007). Erroneous mass transit system and its tended relationship with motor vehicular air pollution (An integrated approach for reduction of urban air pollution in Lahore). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 137(1-3), 25-33. doi:10.1007/s10661-007-9717-z
  • Badger, E. (2017). Is Uber Helping or Hurting Mass Transit? - The New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/16/upshot/is-uber-helping-or-hurting-mass-transit.html
  • Beaton, S. P., Bishop, G. A., Zhang, Y., Stedman, D. H., Ashbaugh, L. L., & Lawson, D. R. (1995). On-Road Vehicle Emissions: Regulations, Costs, and Benefits. Science, 268(5213), 991-993. doi:10.1126/science.268.5213.991
  • Bhatt, P. & Pandey, K., & Yadav, P., Tripathi, Brijesh & kanth p, Chandra & Pandey, Manoj & Kumar, Manoj. (2015). Investigating the Charge Carrier Transport within the Hole-Transport Material Free Perovskite Solar Cell Processed in Ambient Air. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 10.1016/j.solmat.2015.04.028.
  • Bianco, M., & Lawson, C. (2011). Trip-Chaining, Childcare, and Personal Safety: Critical Issues in Women's Travel Behavior. PsycEXTRA Dataset. doi:10.1037/e736202011-010
  • Bocker, L., & Meelen, T. (2017). Sharing for people, planet or profit? Analyzing motivations for intended sharing economy participation. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 23, 28-39. doi: 10.1016/j.eist.2016.09.004
  • Dawes, M. (2016). Perspectives on the Ridesourcing Revolution : surveying individual attitudes toward Uber and Lyft to inform urban transportation policymaking. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Duchene, C. (2011) Gender and Transport, Discussion Paper. The International Transport Forum on Transport for Society, Leipzig, 11.
  • Emerson, S. (2016). Uber Wants Us to Think It's Environmentally Friendly, But Is It? - Motherboard. Retrieved from https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/78kkj9/is-uber-good-or-bad-for-the-environment
  • Ertz, M., Karakas, F., & Sarigöllü, E. (2016). Exploring pro-environmental behaviors of consumers: An analysis of contextual factors, attitude, and behaviors. Journal of Business Research, 69(10), 3971-3980.
  • Faiz, A. (1993). Automotive emissions in developing countries-relative implications for global warming, acidification and urban air quality. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 27(3), 167-186. doi:10.1016/0965-8564(93)90057-r
  • Flores, O., & Rayle, L. (2017). How cities use regulation for innovation: the case of Uber, Lyft and Sidecar in San Francisco. Transportation Research Procedia, 25, 3756-3768. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2017.05.232
  • Gardner, N., & Cui, J., & Coiacetto, E. (2017). Harassment on public transport and its impacts on women's travel behaviour. Australian Planner. 54. 1-8. 10.1080/07293682.2017.1299189.
  • Gorham, R. (2002). Air pollution from ground transportation, an assessment of causes, strategies and tactics, and proposed actions for the international community (Rep.). United Nations: Division for Sustainable Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
  • Guria, N. (2015). Population Growth and its Effects on Environment: A Case Study of Bilaspur city. Vindhyan Journal,Rewa (MP). Issue 12. 57-63.
  • Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., & Tatham, R. L. (2009). Multivariate Data Analysis (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education Limited.
  • Han, X., & Naeher, L. P. (2006). A review of traffic-related air pollution exposure assessment studies in the developing world. Environment International, 32(1), 106-120. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2005.05.020
  • Henao, A. (2017). Impacts of ridesourcing - lyft and uber - on transportation including vmt, mode replacement, parking, and travel behavior. University of Colorado at Denver, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. 10265243.
  • Horpedahl, J. (2015). Ideology Über Alles? Economics Bloggers on Uber, Lyft, and Other Transportation Network Companies. Econ Journal Watch, 12(3), 360-374.
  • Hu, L. T., & Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling, 6(1), 1- 55. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10705519909540118
  • Hyder, A. A., Ghaffar, A. A., Sugerman, D. E., Masood, T. I., & Ali, L. (2006). Health and Road Transport in Pakistan. Public Health, 120, 132-141.
  • Imran, M., & Low, N. (2003). Time to change the old paradigm: Promoting sustainable urban transport in Lahore, Pakistan. World Transport Policy & Practice 9(1): 32-39.
  • Imran, M. (2009). Public Transport in Pakistan: A Critical Overview. Journal of Public Transportation, 12(2), 53- 83. doi:10.5038/2375-0901.12.2.4
  • Intended Nationally Determined Contribution Towards Achieving the Objective of UNFCCC. (2015). http://www4.unfccc.int/submissions/INDC/Published Documents/Brazil/1/BRAZIL iNDC engli sh FINAL.pdf
  • Javid, M. A., Okamura, T., Tanaka, S., Wang, R., & Nakamura, F. (2014). Public Perceptions to Travel Demand Management Measures in Lahore, Pakistan: Analysis and Implications. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, 51(1), 17-29.
  • JICA. (1992). Study on air pollution control in Tokyo.
  • John, G., & Reve, T. (1982). The Reliability and Validity of Key Informant Data from Dyadic Relationships in Marketing Channels. Journal of Marketing Research, 19(4), 517-524. doi:10.2307/3151724
  • Kakouei, A., Vatani, A., & Idris, A. K. (2012). An estimation of traffic related CO2 emissions motor vehicles in the capital city of, Iran. Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering, 9(1), 13. doi:10.1186/1735-2746-9-13
  • Kampa, M., & Castanas, E. (2008). Human health effects of air pollution. Environmental Pollution, 151(2), 362- 367. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2007.06.012
  • Lindau, T. (2015). Transport Plays a Key Role in Urban Air Quality | World Resources Institute. http://www.wri.org/blog/2015/02/transport-plays-key-role-urban-air-quality
  • Mirza, A. I. (2013). Systematized Traffic Pattern-Solution for Multiple Problems: A case study of traffic pattern at selected roads (Shahrah-e-Quaid-e- Azam) in Lahore. South Asian Studies, 28(2), 467- 477.
  • Mittal, R. (2013). Impact of population explosion on environment. Weschool Knowledge builder - the national journal.
  • Mohamad, J., & Kiggundu, A. T. (2007). The Rise of The Private Car in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. IATSS Research, 31(1), 69-77. doi:10.1016/s0386-1112(14)60185-0
  • Office of Transportation and Air Quality US EPA. (2014). Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Typical Passenger Vehicle. https://www.epa.gov/regulations-emissions-vehicles-and-engines/regulations-greenhousegas-emissions-passenger-cars-and
  • Pakistan Economic Survey. (2007-2008), (2013-2014), (2015-2016), (2016-2017)
  • Priya Utang, T., Singh, Y. J., & Helen Hagen, O. (2019). Social sustainability and transport: Making 'smart mobility 'socially sustainable. In M. R. Shirazi & R. Keivani (Eds.), Urban social sustainability: Theory, practice and policy (pp.59-77). Routledge.
  • Rasheed, M., & Shahid. (2018). Mobile App-Based Taxi Services and Customer Satisfaction: An Empirical Review from Lahore City, Pakistan. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 4(5). Retrieved from http://ijecm.co.uk/
  • Rayle, L., Dai, D., Chan, N., Cervero, R., & Shaheen, S. (2016). Just a better taxi? A survey-based comparison of taxis, transit, and ridesourcing services in San Francisco. Transport Policy, 45, 168-178. doi: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2015.10.004
  • Rehan, M., & Farhan, M. (2012). Euro Standards for Vehicles. Retrieved from http://www.pakistaneconomist.com/pagesearch/Search-Engine2012/S.E619.php
  • SADAQA. (2018). Gender in Transportation: A Perspective of Women Users of Public Transportation
  • Salman, M., et al. (2014). Factors influencing Impulse Buying of Sports Team Merchandise in Developing Country: An Empirical Investigation. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences, 8(1), 185-200.
  • Sattar, W. (2016). . Retrieved from Reutres. www.reuters.com
  • Schulz, D., & S. Gilbert. 2000. Women and transit security: A new look at an old issue. Women and Transit Security. Women's Travel Issues Second National Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.
  • Segars, A. H. & Grover, V. (1998). Strategic information system planning success: An investigation of the construct and its measures. MIS Quarterly, 139-163.
  • Shah, R., & Goldstein, S.M. (2006). Use of structural equation modeling in operations management research: Looking back and forward.
  • Shaheen, S. (2016). Mobility and the sharing economy. Transport Policy, 51, 141-142.
  • Stark, J., & Meschik, M. (2018). Women's everyday mobility: Frightening situations and their impacts on travel behaviour. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 54, 311-323.
  • WHO (World Health Organization). 2006. Air Quality Guidelines, Global Update 2005. Regional Office for Europe, WHO.
  • World Bank. (2014). Burden of Disease from the Joint Effects of Household and Ambient Air Pollution for 2012; World Health Organization: Geneva, Switzerland
  • Wright, L., & Fjellstrom, K. (2003). Mass Transit Options. GTZ Transport and Mobility Group.
  • Yamini, J. S. (2019): Is smart mobility also gender-smart? Journal of Gender Studies, DOI: 10.1080/09589236.2019.1650728
  • Yasin, I., & Awan, M. A. N. (2018). Digitization of Transport Service in Pakistan: A Consumer Perspective. International Journal of Business and Management, 2(6), 17-22.
  • Zeb, A. (2017). When Uber Drives higher emissions in Pakistan | Climate Tracker. Retrieved from http://climatetracker.org/when-uber-drives-higher-emissions-in-pakistan/
  • Zhen, C. (2013). Impact of Ride-Sourcing Services On Travel Habits and Transportation Planning. University of Pittsburgh.
  • Amirkiaee, S. Y., & Evangelopoulos, N. (2018). Why do people rideshare? An experimental study. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 55, 9-24.
  • Amjid, S. S. M. Q., Bilal. M. S., Nazir, A., & Hussain. (2011).
  • Asian Development Bank. (2015). Policy brief: a safe public transportation environment for women and girls.
  • Aziz, A., & Bajwa, I. U. (2007). Erroneous mass transit system and its tended relationship with motor vehicular air pollution (An integrated approach for reduction of urban air pollution in Lahore). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 137(1-3), 25-33. doi:10.1007/s10661-007-9717-z
  • Badger, E. (2017). Is Uber Helping or Hurting Mass Transit? - The New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/16/upshot/is-uber-helping-or-hurting-mass-transit.html
  • Beaton, S. P., Bishop, G. A., Zhang, Y., Stedman, D. H., Ashbaugh, L. L., & Lawson, D. R. (1995). On-Road Vehicle Emissions: Regulations, Costs, and Benefits. Science, 268(5213), 991-993. doi:10.1126/science.268.5213.991
  • Bhatt, P. & Pandey, K., & Yadav, P., Tripathi, Brijesh & kanth p, Chandra & Pandey, Manoj & Kumar, Manoj. (2015). Investigating the Charge Carrier Transport within the Hole-Transport Material Free Perovskite Solar Cell Processed in Ambient Air. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 10.1016/j.solmat.2015.04.028.
  • Bianco, M., & Lawson, C. (2011). Trip-Chaining, Childcare, and Personal Safety: Critical Issues in Women's Travel Behavior. PsycEXTRA Dataset. doi:10.1037/e736202011-010
  • Bocker, L., & Meelen, T. (2017). Sharing for people, planet or profit? Analyzing motivations for intended sharing economy participation. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 23, 28-39. doi: 10.1016/j.eist.2016.09.004
  • Dawes, M. (2016). Perspectives on the Ridesourcing Revolution : surveying individual attitudes toward Uber and Lyft to inform urban transportation policymaking. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • Duchene, C. (2011) Gender and Transport, Discussion Paper. The International Transport Forum on Transport for Society, Leipzig, 11.
  • Emerson, S. (2016). Uber Wants Us to Think It's Environmentally Friendly, But Is It? - Motherboard. Retrieved from https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/78kkj9/is-uber-good-or-bad-for-the-environment
  • Ertz, M., Karakas, F., & Sarigöllü, E. (2016). Exploring pro-environmental behaviors of consumers: An analysis of contextual factors, attitude, and behaviors. Journal of Business Research, 69(10), 3971-3980.
  • Faiz, A. (1993). Automotive emissions in developing countries-relative implications for global warming, acidification and urban air quality. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 27(3), 167-186. doi:10.1016/0965-8564(93)90057-r
  • Flores, O., & Rayle, L. (2017). How cities use regulation for innovation: the case of Uber, Lyft and Sidecar in San Francisco. Transportation Research Procedia, 25, 3756-3768. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2017.05.232
  • Gardner, N., & Cui, J., & Coiacetto, E. (2017). Harassment on public transport and its impacts on women's travel behaviour. Australian Planner. 54. 1-8. 10.1080/07293682.2017.1299189.
  • Gorham, R. (2002). Air pollution from ground transportation, an assessment of causes, strategies and tactics, and proposed actions for the international community (Rep.). United Nations: Division for Sustainable Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
  • Guria, N. (2015). Population Growth and its Effects on Environment: A Case Study of Bilaspur city. Vindhyan Journal,Rewa (MP). Issue 12. 57-63.
  • Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., & Tatham, R. L. (2009). Multivariate Data Analysis (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education Limited.
  • Han, X., & Naeher, L. P. (2006). A review of traffic-related air pollution exposure assessment studies in the developing world. Environment International, 32(1), 106-120. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2005.05.020
  • Henao, A. (2017). Impacts of ridesourcing - lyft and uber - on transportation including vmt, mode replacement, parking, and travel behavior. University of Colorado at Denver, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. 10265243.
  • Horpedahl, J. (2015). Ideology Über Alles? Economics Bloggers on Uber, Lyft, and Other Transportation Network Companies. Econ Journal Watch, 12(3), 360-374.
  • Hu, L. T., & Bentler, P. M. (1999). Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling, 6(1), 1- 55. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10705519909540118
  • Hyder, A. A., Ghaffar, A. A., Sugerman, D. E., Masood, T. I., & Ali, L. (2006). Health and Road Transport in Pakistan. Public Health, 120, 132-141.
  • Imran, M., & Low, N. (2003). Time to change the old paradigm: Promoting sustainable urban transport in Lahore, Pakistan. World Transport Policy & Practice 9(1): 32-39.
  • Imran, M. (2009). Public Transport in Pakistan: A Critical Overview. Journal of Public Transportation, 12(2), 53- 83. doi:10.5038/2375-0901.12.2.4
  • Intended Nationally Determined Contribution Towards Achieving the Objective of UNFCCC. (2015). http://www4.unfccc.int/submissions/INDC/Published Documents/Brazil/1/BRAZIL iNDC engli sh FINAL.pdf
  • Javid, M. A., Okamura, T., Tanaka, S., Wang, R., & Nakamura, F. (2014). Public Perceptions to Travel Demand Management Measures in Lahore, Pakistan: Analysis and Implications. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, 51(1), 17-29.
  • JICA. (1992). Study on air pollution control in Tokyo.
  • John, G., & Reve, T. (1982). The Reliability and Validity of Key Informant Data from Dyadic Relationships in Marketing Channels. Journal of Marketing Research, 19(4), 517-524. doi:10.2307/3151724
  • Kakouei, A., Vatani, A., & Idris, A. K. (2012). An estimation of traffic related CO2 emissions motor vehicles in the capital city of, Iran. Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering, 9(1), 13. doi:10.1186/1735-2746-9-13
  • Kampa, M., & Castanas, E. (2008). Human health effects of air pollution. Environmental Pollution, 151(2), 362- 367. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2007.06.012
  • Lindau, T. (2015). Transport Plays a Key Role in Urban Air Quality | World Resources Institute. http://www.wri.org/blog/2015/02/transport-plays-key-role-urban-air-quality
  • Mirza, A. I. (2013). Systematized Traffic Pattern-Solution for Multiple Problems: A case study of traffic pattern at selected roads (Shahrah-e-Quaid-e- Azam) in Lahore. South Asian Studies, 28(2), 467- 477.
  • Mittal, R. (2013). Impact of population explosion on environment. Weschool Knowledge builder - the national journal.
  • Mohamad, J., & Kiggundu, A. T. (2007). The Rise of The Private Car in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. IATSS Research, 31(1), 69-77. doi:10.1016/s0386-1112(14)60185-0
  • Office of Transportation and Air Quality US EPA. (2014). Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Typical Passenger Vehicle. https://www.epa.gov/regulations-emissions-vehicles-and-engines/regulations-greenhousegas-emissions-passenger-cars-and
  • Pakistan Economic Survey. (2007-2008), (2013-2014), (2015-2016), (2016-2017)
  • Priya Utang, T., Singh, Y. J., & Helen Hagen, O. (2019). Social sustainability and transport: Making 'smart mobility 'socially sustainable. In M. R. Shirazi & R. Keivani (Eds.), Urban social sustainability: Theory, practice and policy (pp.59-77). Routledge.
  • Rasheed, M., & Shahid. (2018). Mobile App-Based Taxi Services and Customer Satisfaction: An Empirical Review from Lahore City, Pakistan. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 4(5). Retrieved from http://ijecm.co.uk/
  • Rayle, L., Dai, D., Chan, N., Cervero, R., & Shaheen, S. (2016). Just a better taxi? A survey-based comparison of taxis, transit, and ridesourcing services in San Francisco. Transport Policy, 45, 168-178. doi: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2015.10.004
  • Rehan, M., & Farhan, M. (2012). Euro Standards for Vehicles. Retrieved from http://www.pakistaneconomist.com/pagesearch/Search-Engine2012/S.E619.php
  • SADAQA. (2018). Gender in Transportation: A Perspective of Women Users of Public Transportation
  • Salman, M., et al. (2014). Factors influencing Impulse Buying of Sports Team Merchandise in Developing Country: An Empirical Investigation. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences, 8(1), 185-200.
  • Sattar, W. (2016). . Retrieved from Reutres. www.reuters.com
  • Schulz, D., & S. Gilbert. 2000. Women and transit security: A new look at an old issue. Women and Transit Security. Women's Travel Issues Second National Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.
  • Segars, A. H. & Grover, V. (1998). Strategic information system planning success: An investigation of the construct and its measures. MIS Quarterly, 139-163.
  • Shah, R., & Goldstein, S.M. (2006). Use of structural equation modeling in operations management research: Looking back and forward.
  • Shaheen, S. (2016). Mobility and the sharing economy. Transport Policy, 51, 141-142.
  • Stark, J., & Meschik, M. (2018). Women's everyday mobility: Frightening situations and their impacts on travel behaviour. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 54, 311-323.
  • WHO (World Health Organization). 2006. Air Quality Guidelines, Global Update 2005. Regional Office for Europe, WHO.
  • World Bank. (2014). Burden of Disease from the Joint Effects of Household and Ambient Air Pollution for 2012; World Health Organization: Geneva, Switzerland
  • Wright, L., & Fjellstrom, K. (2003). Mass Transit Options. GTZ Transport and Mobility Group.
  • Yamini, J. S. (2019): Is smart mobility also gender-smart? Journal of Gender Studies, DOI: 10.1080/09589236.2019.1650728
  • Yasin, I., & Awan, M. A. N. (2018). Digitization of Transport Service in Pakistan: A Consumer Perspective. International Journal of Business and Management, 2(6), 17-22.
  • Zeb, A. (2017). When Uber Drives higher emissions in Pakistan | Climate Tracker. Retrieved from http://climatetracker.org/when-uber-drives-higher-emissions-in-pakistan/
  • Zhen, C. (2013). Impact of Ride-Sourcing Services On Travel Habits and Transportation Planning. University of Pittsburgh.

Cite this article

    APA : Jillani, H., Zahid, H., & Rasool, N. (2020). Emergence of Application Based Transportation and its Impacts on Travelling Trends: A Case Study of Lahore. Global Regional Review, V(III), 214-229. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2020(V-III).22
    CHICAGO : Jillani, Hammna, Hesan Zahid, and Nosheen Rasool. 2020. "Emergence of Application Based Transportation and its Impacts on Travelling Trends: A Case Study of Lahore." Global Regional Review, V (III): 214-229 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-III).22
    HARVARD : JILLANI, H., ZAHID, H. & RASOOL, N. 2020. Emergence of Application Based Transportation and its Impacts on Travelling Trends: A Case Study of Lahore. Global Regional Review, V, 214-229.
    MHRA : Jillani, Hammna, Hesan Zahid, and Nosheen Rasool. 2020. "Emergence of Application Based Transportation and its Impacts on Travelling Trends: A Case Study of Lahore." Global Regional Review, V: 214-229
    MLA : Jillani, Hammna, Hesan Zahid, and Nosheen Rasool. "Emergence of Application Based Transportation and its Impacts on Travelling Trends: A Case Study of Lahore." Global Regional Review, V.III (2020): 214-229 Print.
    OXFORD : Jillani, Hammna, Zahid, Hesan, and Rasool, Nosheen (2020), "Emergence of Application Based Transportation and its Impacts on Travelling Trends: A Case Study of Lahore", Global Regional Review, V (III), 214-229
    TURABIAN : Jillani, Hammna, Hesan Zahid, and Nosheen Rasool. "Emergence of Application Based Transportation and its Impacts on Travelling Trends: A Case Study of Lahore." Global Regional Review V, no. III (2020): 214-229. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2020(V-III).22