http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).36      10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).36      Published : Mar 1
Authored by : Saadia Anwar Pasha , Humaira Sharif

36 Pages : 330 - 343


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  • Arasanmi, C. N., & Krishna, A. (2019). Employer branding: perceived organizational support and employee retention-the mediating role of organizational commitment-industrial and Commercial Training.
  • Arimie, C. J. (2019). Employer-employee relations and employee engagement in a tertiary institution in Benin-City, Edo State. Annals of Management and Organization Research, 1(1), 9- 24.
  • Bahr, R., Clarsen, B., & Ekstrand, J. (2018). Why we should focus on the burden of injuries and illnesses, not just their incidence. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 52(16), 1018-1021.
  • Bonaccio, S., Connelly, C. E., Gellatly, I. R., Jetha, A., & Martin Ginis, K. A. (2020). The participation of people with disabilities in the workplace across the employment cycle: Employer concerns and research evidence. Journal of Business and Psychology, 35(2), 135-158.
  • Davidescu, A. A., Apostu, S. A., Paul, A., & Casuneanu, I. (2020). Work flexibility, job satisfaction, and job performance among Romanian employees-Implications for sustainable human resource management. Sustainability, 12(15), 6086.
  • De Vito, L., Brown, A., Bannister, B., Cianci, M., & Mujtaba, B. G. (2018). Employee motivation based on the hierarchy of needs, expectancy and the two-factor theories applied with higher education employees. IJAMEE, 3(1), 20-32.
  • Gandini, A. (2019). Labor process theory and the gig economy. Human relations, 72(6), 1039-1056.
  • Healy, M., Hammer, S., & McIlveen, P. (2020). Mapping graduate employability and career development in higher education research: A citation network analysis. Studies in Higher Education, 1-13
  • Heleno, C. T., Borges, L. O., & Agullo-Tomas, E. (2018). The meaning of work as a predictor of the intention to remain/leave among teachers. RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie, 19.
  • da, R., Saud, M., & Mashud, M. I. (2020). An empirical analysis of social media usage, political learning and participation among youth: a comparative study of Indonesia and Pakistan. Quality & Quantity, 54(4), 1285-1297.
  • Jamil, S. (2020). Ethnic news media in the digital age: the impact of technological convergence in reshaping journalists' practices in Pakistan. Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 15(2), 219-239.
  • Jamil, S. (2021). Increasing accountability using data journalism: Challenges for the Pakistani journalists. Journalism Practice, 15(1), 19-40.
  • Junor, A., & Coventry, H. (2020). Diversity management. In Australian Handbook of Public Sector Management (pp. 86-98). Routledge.
  • Lee, G. T., Williams, D. E., Simmons, J., & Johnson-Patagoc, K. (2018). The right to effective treatment for people with developmental disabilities and severe problem behaviors. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice, 18(4), 436.
  • Leso, V., Fontana, L., & Iavicoli, I. (2018). The occupational health and safety dimension of Industry 4.0. La Medicina del lavoro, 109(5), 327.
  • MacDonald, R., & Giazitzoglu, A. (2019). Youth, enterprise and precarity: or, what is, and what is wrong with, the 'gig economy'?. Journal of Sociology, 55(4), 724-740.
  • Mora, Z., Suharyanto, A., & Yahya, M. (2020). Effect of work safety and work healthy towards employee's productivity in P.T. Sisirau Aceh Tamiang. Burns, 2, 1.
  • Olanipekun, L. O., & Jiboku, J. O. P. (2021). Occupational Health and Safety standards and employee performance in Nigeria: A Theoretical Exposition. Texas Journal of Medical Science, 1(1), 4-12.
  • Ong, J. C., & Cabanes, J. V. A. (2018). Architects of networked disinformation: Behind the scenes of troll accounts and fake news production in the Philippines. Architects of networked disinformation: Behind the scenes of troll accounts and fake news production in the Philippines.
  • Parreira, P., Maher, C. G., Steffens, D., Hancock, M. J., & Ferreira, M. L. (2018). Risk factors for low back pain and sciatica: an umbrella review. The Spine Journal, 18(9), 1715-1721.
  • Pollack, J. M., Ho, V. T., O'Boyle, E. H., & Kirkman, B. L. (2020). Passion at work: A meta‐analysis of individual work outcomes. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 41(4), 311-331.
  • Reese, C. D. (2018). Occupational health and safety management: a practical approach. CRC press.
  • Santos-Silva, D. (2021). Innovation in European journalism
  • Spoorthy, M. S., Pratapa, S. K., & Mahant, S. (2020). Mental health problems faced by healthcare workers due to the COVID-19 pandemic-A review. Asian journal of psychiatry, 51, 102119.
  • Stogner, J., Miller, B. L., & McLean, K. (2020). Police stress, mental health, and resiliency during the COVID-19 pandemic. American journal of criminal justice, 45(4), 718-730.
  • Vaitkus, A., Čygas, D., & Skrodenis, D. (2018). Are roadwork zones safe. 7th Transport Re.
  • Waris Khan, D., Nisar, H., & Aziz, I. (2021). Evolution of Worldwide Cable Television and Rating Systems: A Case Study of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of International Affairs, 4(1).
  • Weiss, M., & Morrison, E. W. (2019). Speaking up and moving up: How voice can enhance employees' social status. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40(1), 5-19.
  • Wright, R. K. (2018). Setting them Up to Fail: The Challenge of Employing Project-Based Learning within a Higher Education Environment. Event Management, 22(1), 99-110.
  • Yang, C. (2021). Rules of Origin and Auto-Parts Trade.
  • Ali, B. J., & Anwar, G. (2021). An Empirical Study of Employees' Motivation and its Influence Job Satisfaction. Ali, BJ, & Anwar, G.(2021). An Empirical Study of Employees' Motivation and its Influence Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Engineering, Business and Management, 5(2), 21- 30.
  • Arasanmi, C. N., & Krishna, A. (2019). Employer branding: perceived organizational support and employee retention-the mediating role of organizational commitment-industrial and Commercial Training.
  • Arimie, C. J. (2019). Employer-employee relations and employee engagement in a tertiary institution in Benin-City, Edo State. Annals of Management and Organization Research, 1(1), 9- 24.
  • Bahr, R., Clarsen, B., & Ekstrand, J. (2018). Why we should focus on the burden of injuries and illnesses, not just their incidence. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 52(16), 1018-1021.
  • Bonaccio, S., Connelly, C. E., Gellatly, I. R., Jetha, A., & Martin Ginis, K. A. (2020). The participation of people with disabilities in the workplace across the employment cycle: Employer concerns and research evidence. Journal of Business and Psychology, 35(2), 135-158.
  • Davidescu, A. A., Apostu, S. A., Paul, A., & Casuneanu, I. (2020). Work flexibility, job satisfaction, and job performance among Romanian employees-Implications for sustainable human resource management. Sustainability, 12(15), 6086.
  • De Vito, L., Brown, A., Bannister, B., Cianci, M., & Mujtaba, B. G. (2018). Employee motivation based on the hierarchy of needs, expectancy and the two-factor theories applied with higher education employees. IJAMEE, 3(1), 20-32.
  • Gandini, A. (2019). Labor process theory and the gig economy. Human relations, 72(6), 1039-1056.
  • Healy, M., Hammer, S., & McIlveen, P. (2020). Mapping graduate employability and career development in higher education research: A citation network analysis. Studies in Higher Education, 1-13
  • Heleno, C. T., Borges, L. O., & Agullo-Tomas, E. (2018). The meaning of work as a predictor of the intention to remain/leave among teachers. RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie, 19.
  • da, R., Saud, M., & Mashud, M. I. (2020). An empirical analysis of social media usage, political learning and participation among youth: a comparative study of Indonesia and Pakistan. Quality & Quantity, 54(4), 1285-1297.
  • Jamil, S. (2020). Ethnic news media in the digital age: the impact of technological convergence in reshaping journalists' practices in Pakistan. Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 15(2), 219-239.
  • Jamil, S. (2021). Increasing accountability using data journalism: Challenges for the Pakistani journalists. Journalism Practice, 15(1), 19-40.
  • Junor, A., & Coventry, H. (2020). Diversity management. In Australian Handbook of Public Sector Management (pp. 86-98). Routledge.
  • Lee, G. T., Williams, D. E., Simmons, J., & Johnson-Patagoc, K. (2018). The right to effective treatment for people with developmental disabilities and severe problem behaviors. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice, 18(4), 436.
  • Leso, V., Fontana, L., & Iavicoli, I. (2018). The occupational health and safety dimension of Industry 4.0. La Medicina del lavoro, 109(5), 327.
  • MacDonald, R., & Giazitzoglu, A. (2019). Youth, enterprise and precarity: or, what is, and what is wrong with, the 'gig economy'?. Journal of Sociology, 55(4), 724-740.
  • Mora, Z., Suharyanto, A., & Yahya, M. (2020). Effect of work safety and work healthy towards employee's productivity in P.T. Sisirau Aceh Tamiang. Burns, 2, 1.
  • Olanipekun, L. O., & Jiboku, J. O. P. (2021). Occupational Health and Safety standards and employee performance in Nigeria: A Theoretical Exposition. Texas Journal of Medical Science, 1(1), 4-12.
  • Ong, J. C., & Cabanes, J. V. A. (2018). Architects of networked disinformation: Behind the scenes of troll accounts and fake news production in the Philippines. Architects of networked disinformation: Behind the scenes of troll accounts and fake news production in the Philippines.
  • Parreira, P., Maher, C. G., Steffens, D., Hancock, M. J., & Ferreira, M. L. (2018). Risk factors for low back pain and sciatica: an umbrella review. The Spine Journal, 18(9), 1715-1721.
  • Pollack, J. M., Ho, V. T., O'Boyle, E. H., & Kirkman, B. L. (2020). Passion at work: A meta‐analysis of individual work outcomes. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 41(4), 311-331.
  • Reese, C. D. (2018). Occupational health and safety management: a practical approach. CRC press.
  • Santos-Silva, D. (2021). Innovation in European journalism
  • Spoorthy, M. S., Pratapa, S. K., & Mahant, S. (2020). Mental health problems faced by healthcare workers due to the COVID-19 pandemic-A review. Asian journal of psychiatry, 51, 102119.
  • Stogner, J., Miller, B. L., & McLean, K. (2020). Police stress, mental health, and resiliency during the COVID-19 pandemic. American journal of criminal justice, 45(4), 718-730.
  • Vaitkus, A., Čygas, D., & Skrodenis, D. (2018). Are roadwork zones safe. 7th Transport Re.
  • Waris Khan, D., Nisar, H., & Aziz, I. (2021). Evolution of Worldwide Cable Television and Rating Systems: A Case Study of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of International Affairs, 4(1).
  • Weiss, M., & Morrison, E. W. (2019). Speaking up and moving up: How voice can enhance employees' social status. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40(1), 5-19.
  • Wright, R. K. (2018). Setting them Up to Fail: The Challenge of Employing Project-Based Learning within a Higher Education Environment. Event Management, 22(1), 99-110.
  • Yang, C. (2021). Rules of Origin and Auto-Parts Trade.

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    APA : Pasha, S. A., & Sharif, H. (2021). Effects of Working Conditions of Media Organizations on Health of Their Employees. Global Regional Review, VI(I), 330 - 343. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).36
    CHICAGO : Pasha, Saadia Anwar, and Humaira Sharif. 2021. "Effects of Working Conditions of Media Organizations on Health of Their Employees." Global Regional Review, VI (I): 330 - 343 doi: 10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).36
    HARVARD : PASHA, S. A. & SHARIF, H. 2021. Effects of Working Conditions of Media Organizations on Health of Their Employees. Global Regional Review, VI, 330 - 343.
    MHRA : Pasha, Saadia Anwar, and Humaira Sharif. 2021. "Effects of Working Conditions of Media Organizations on Health of Their Employees." Global Regional Review, VI: 330 - 343
    MLA : Pasha, Saadia Anwar, and Humaira Sharif. "Effects of Working Conditions of Media Organizations on Health of Their Employees." Global Regional Review, VI.I (2021): 330 - 343 Print.
    OXFORD : Pasha, Saadia Anwar and Sharif, Humaira (2021), "Effects of Working Conditions of Media Organizations on Health of Their Employees", Global Regional Review, VI (I), 330 - 343
    TURABIAN : Pasha, Saadia Anwar, and Humaira Sharif. "Effects of Working Conditions of Media Organizations on Health of Their Employees." Global Regional Review VI, no. I (2021): 330 - 343. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).36