http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/grr.2020(V-III).17      10.31703/grr.2020(V-III).17      Published : Sep 3
Authored by : FaheemullahKhan , SalahuddinKhan , ZiaUlIslam

17 Pages : 151-165


  • Acisli, S. (2010). The examination of the influence of the materials generated in compliance with 5e learning model on physics laboratory application. Ataturk University, Turkey.
  • Akar, E. (2005). Effectiveness of 5E's learning model on students' understanding of acid-base concepts. Thesis Master of Education Middle East Technical University Turkey.
  • Balcikanli, C. (2010). Learner autonomy in language learning: Student teachers beliefs. Australian Journal of Teacher Education.
  • Benfer, E. A., & Shanahan, C. F. (2013). Educating the invincibles: Strategies for teaching the millennial generation in law school. Clinical L. Rev.
  • Bhattacharyya, S., Volk, T., & Lumpe, A. (2009). The influence of an extensive inquiry based field experience on pre service elementary student teachers science teaching beliefs. Journal of Science Teacher Education.
  • Boddy, N., Watson, K. & Aubusson, P. (2003). A trial of 5Es: A referent model for constructivist teaching and learning. Research in Science Education.
  • Bozdogan, E. & Altuncekic A. (2007). Science teacher candidates views on the availability of 5E teaching model. Kastamonu Education Journal.
  • Brown, D. & Swanson, L. (2001). Rural Education: Student Achievement University of Michigan. on 22/04/2013 from sitemeller.umich.edu.
  • Brown, J. D. (1998). McGraw-Hill series in social psychology. The self. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Brown, L, L., & Robinson Kuripus, S. E. (1997). Psychosocial factors influencing academic persistence of American Indian college students. Journal of College Student Development
  • Brown, P. L. & Sandra, K. A. (2007). Examining the Learning Cycle. Science and Children
  • Cavallo, A. M. L. & Laubach, T. A. (2001). Students' Science Perceptions and Enrollment Decisions in Differing Learning Cycle Classrooms. Journal of Research in Science Teaching.
  • Cercone, K. (2008). Characteristics of adult learners with implications for online learning design. AACE journal.
  • Ceylan, E. & Geban, O. (2009). Effects of 5E Learning Cycle Model on understanding of state matter and solubility concepts. Hacettepe: University Journal of Education.
  • Corbin, C. B. (2001). The
  • Demircioglu, H. & Atasoy, S. (2006). A model proposal for the development of worksheets. Buca Faculty of Education Journal, 19, 71-79.
  • Dutton, J. E., Roberts, L. M., & Bednar, J. (2010). Pathways for positive identity construction at work: Four types of positive identity and the building of social resources. Academy of management review.
  • Eisenkraft, A. (2003). Expanding the 5E model. The Science Teacher, 70(6), 56-59.
  • Ertmer, P. A., & Newby, T. J. (1993). Behaviorism, cognitive, constructivism: Comparing critical features from an instructional design perspective. Performance Improvement Quarterly.
  • Farrington, C. A., Roderick, M., Allensworth, E., Nagaoka, J., Keyes, T. S., Johnson, D. W., & Beechum, N. O. (2012). Teaching Adolescents to Become Learners: The Role of Noncognitive Factors in Shaping School Performance--A Critical Literature Review. Consortium on Chicago School Research. 1313 East 60th Street, Chicago, IL 60637.
  • Gang, S. (1995). Removing preconceptions with a
  • Ganyaupfu, E. M. (2013). Teaching methods and students' academic performance. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention.
  • Greeff, J. W., Bosker, R. J., Oosterlaan, J., Visscher, C., & Hartman, E. (2018). Effects of physical activity on executive functions, attention and academic performance in preadolescent children: a metaanalysis. Journal of science and medicine in sport.
  • Gyamtso, D., & Maxwell, T. W. (2012). Present Practices and Background to Teaching and Learning at the Royal University of Bhutan (RUB): A Pilot Study. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
  • Hodges, L. C. (2015). Teaching undergraduate science: A guide to overcoming obstacles to student learning. Stylus Publishing, LLC.
  • Kanli, U. (2007). The effects of a laboratory based on the 7e model with verification laboratory approach on students? Development of science process skills and conceptual achievement. (Unpublished doctoral thesis), Gazi University, Turkey.
  • Kaynar, D., Tekkaya, C. & Cakiroglu, J. (2009). Effectiveness of 5E Learning Cycle Instruction on Students' Achievement in Cell Concept and Scientific Epistemological Believes. Hacettepe University Journal of Education.
  • Klindienst, D. B. (1993). The Effects of Learning Cycle Lessons Dealing with Electricity on the Cognitive Structures, Attitude toward Science, Achievement of Urban Middle School Students. Thesis: PhD in Education, USA: Pennsylvania State University.
  • Kudryashova, A., Gorbatova, T., Rybushkina, S., & Ivanova, E. (2016). Teacher's roles to facilitate active learning. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences.
  • Lawson, A. E., & Thompson, L. D. (1988). Formal reasoning ability and misconceptions concerning genetics and natural selection. Journal of Research in Science teaching.
  • Lord, T. R. (1997). A comparison between traditional and constructivist teaching in college physical education. Innovative Higher Education.
  • Marek, E. A., Cowan, C. C., & Cavallo, A. M. L. (1994). Students' misconception about diffusion: How can they be eliminated? American Physical education Teacher.
  • Mecit, O. (2006). The effect of 7E's learning cycle model on the improvement of fifth grade student's critical thinking skills. Thesis PhD in Education Turkey Middle East Technical University.
  • Murphy, P., & Wolfenden, F. (2013). Developing a pedagogy of mutuality in a capability approach: Teachers' experiences of using the Open Educational Resources (OER) of the teacher education in sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) programme. International Journal of Educational Development.
  • Odom, A. L., & Kelly, P. V. (2001). Integrating Concept Mapping and the Learning Cycle to Teach Diffusion and Osmosis Concepts to High School Physical education Students. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Science Education.
  • Osborne, J., Simon, S., Christodoulou, A., Howell‐Richardson, C., & Richardson, K. (2013). Learning to argue: A study of four schools and their attempt to develop the use of argumentation as a common instructional practice and its impact on students. Journal of Research in Science Teaching.
  • Purser, R. K., & Renner, J. V. (1983). Results of two tenth grade physical education teaching procedures. Journal of Science Education.
  • Reyes, M. R., Brackett, M. A., Rivers, S. E., White, M., & Salovey, P. (2012). Classroom emotional climate, student engagement, and academic achievement. Journal of educational psychology.
  • Rossum, E., & Hammer, R. (2010). The Meaning of Learning and Knowing, Sense Publishers Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei
  • Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2017). Self-determination theory: Basic psychological needs in motivation, development, and wellness. New York: Guilford Publishing.
  • Safdar, M. (2002). Cognitive Learning Style Field Dependence / Field Independence in the Secondary School Pysics Laboratories. Islamabad: M.Phill Thesis. Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad.
  • Sallis, J. F., Calfas, K. J., Alcaraz, J. E., Gehrman, C., & Johnson, M. F. (1999). Potential mediators of change in a physical activity promotion course for university students: Project GRAD. Annals of Behavioral Medicine.
  • Sallis, J. F., Prochaska, J. J., Taylor, W. C. (2000). A review of correlates of physicalactivity of children and adolescents. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.
  • Scharmann, L. C. (1991). Teaching Angiosperm Reproduction by means of the learning cycle. School Science and Mathematics.
  • Settlage, J. (2000). Understanding the Learning Cycle: Influences on Abilities to Embrace the Approach by Preservice Elementary School Teachers. Science Education.
  • Shadburn, R. G. (1990). An evaluation of a learning cycle intervention method in introductory physical science laboratories in order to promote formal operational thought process. Thesis: PhD in Education. USA: University of Mississippi.
  • Spencer, B. H., & Guillaume, A. M. (2006). Integrating curriculum through the learning cycle: Content-based reading and vocabulary instruction. The Reading Teacher.
  • Strike, K. A. (1983). Misconceptions and conceptual change: Philosophical reflections on the research program. International Seminar on Misconceptions in Science and Mathematics, Cornell University.
  • Tanaka, M. T. (2015). Transformative inquiry in teacher education: Evoking the soul of what matters. Teacher Development, 19(2), 133-150.
  • Treagust, D. F. (2012). Diagnostic assessment in science as a means to improving teaching, learning and retention. In Proceedings of The Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education. Formerly University Serve Science Conference
  • Trendowski, T. (2014). A case study on teaching practices in physical education.
  • Vighnarajah, L., & Bakar. (2008). The Shift in the Role of Teachers in the Learning Process. European Journal of Social Sciences.
  • Wang, M. T., & Degol, J. L. (2016). School climate: A review of the construct, measurement, and impact on student outcomes. Educational Psychology Review.
  • Wilder, M., & Shuttlewoth, P. (2005). Cell Inquiry: A 5E learning cycle lesson. Science Activities
  • Acisli, S. (2010). The examination of the influence of the materials generated in compliance with 5e learning model on physics laboratory application. Ataturk University, Turkey.
  • Akar, E. (2005). Effectiveness of 5E's learning model on students' understanding of acid-base concepts. Thesis Master of Education Middle East Technical University Turkey.
  • Balcikanli, C. (2010). Learner autonomy in language learning: Student teachers beliefs. Australian Journal of Teacher Education.
  • Benfer, E. A., & Shanahan, C. F. (2013). Educating the invincibles: Strategies for teaching the millennial generation in law school. Clinical L. Rev.
  • Bhattacharyya, S., Volk, T., & Lumpe, A. (2009). The influence of an extensive inquiry based field experience on pre service elementary student teachers science teaching beliefs. Journal of Science Teacher Education.
  • Boddy, N., Watson, K. & Aubusson, P. (2003). A trial of 5Es: A referent model for constructivist teaching and learning. Research in Science Education.
  • Bozdogan, E. & Altuncekic A. (2007). Science teacher candidates views on the availability of 5E teaching model. Kastamonu Education Journal.
  • Brown, D. & Swanson, L. (2001). Rural Education: Student Achievement University of Michigan. on 22/04/2013 from sitemeller.umich.edu.
  • Brown, J. D. (1998). McGraw-Hill series in social psychology. The self. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Brown, L, L., & Robinson Kuripus, S. E. (1997). Psychosocial factors influencing academic persistence of American Indian college students. Journal of College Student Development
  • Brown, P. L. & Sandra, K. A. (2007). Examining the Learning Cycle. Science and Children
  • Cavallo, A. M. L. & Laubach, T. A. (2001). Students' Science Perceptions and Enrollment Decisions in Differing Learning Cycle Classrooms. Journal of Research in Science Teaching.
  • Cercone, K. (2008). Characteristics of adult learners with implications for online learning design. AACE journal.
  • Ceylan, E. & Geban, O. (2009). Effects of 5E Learning Cycle Model on understanding of state matter and solubility concepts. Hacettepe: University Journal of Education.
  • Corbin, C. B. (2001). The
  • Demircioglu, H. & Atasoy, S. (2006). A model proposal for the development of worksheets. Buca Faculty of Education Journal, 19, 71-79.
  • Dutton, J. E., Roberts, L. M., & Bednar, J. (2010). Pathways for positive identity construction at work: Four types of positive identity and the building of social resources. Academy of management review.
  • Eisenkraft, A. (2003). Expanding the 5E model. The Science Teacher, 70(6), 56-59.
  • Ertmer, P. A., & Newby, T. J. (1993). Behaviorism, cognitive, constructivism: Comparing critical features from an instructional design perspective. Performance Improvement Quarterly.
  • Farrington, C. A., Roderick, M., Allensworth, E., Nagaoka, J., Keyes, T. S., Johnson, D. W., & Beechum, N. O. (2012). Teaching Adolescents to Become Learners: The Role of Noncognitive Factors in Shaping School Performance--A Critical Literature Review. Consortium on Chicago School Research. 1313 East 60th Street, Chicago, IL 60637.
  • Gang, S. (1995). Removing preconceptions with a
  • Ganyaupfu, E. M. (2013). Teaching methods and students' academic performance. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention.
  • Greeff, J. W., Bosker, R. J., Oosterlaan, J., Visscher, C., & Hartman, E. (2018). Effects of physical activity on executive functions, attention and academic performance in preadolescent children: a metaanalysis. Journal of science and medicine in sport.
  • Gyamtso, D., & Maxwell, T. W. (2012). Present Practices and Background to Teaching and Learning at the Royal University of Bhutan (RUB): A Pilot Study. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
  • Hodges, L. C. (2015). Teaching undergraduate science: A guide to overcoming obstacles to student learning. Stylus Publishing, LLC.
  • Kanli, U. (2007). The effects of a laboratory based on the 7e model with verification laboratory approach on students? Development of science process skills and conceptual achievement. (Unpublished doctoral thesis), Gazi University, Turkey.
  • Kaynar, D., Tekkaya, C. & Cakiroglu, J. (2009). Effectiveness of 5E Learning Cycle Instruction on Students' Achievement in Cell Concept and Scientific Epistemological Believes. Hacettepe University Journal of Education.
  • Klindienst, D. B. (1993). The Effects of Learning Cycle Lessons Dealing with Electricity on the Cognitive Structures, Attitude toward Science, Achievement of Urban Middle School Students. Thesis: PhD in Education, USA: Pennsylvania State University.
  • Kudryashova, A., Gorbatova, T., Rybushkina, S., & Ivanova, E. (2016). Teacher's roles to facilitate active learning. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences.
  • Lawson, A. E., & Thompson, L. D. (1988). Formal reasoning ability and misconceptions concerning genetics and natural selection. Journal of Research in Science teaching.
  • Lord, T. R. (1997). A comparison between traditional and constructivist teaching in college physical education. Innovative Higher Education.
  • Marek, E. A., Cowan, C. C., & Cavallo, A. M. L. (1994). Students' misconception about diffusion: How can they be eliminated? American Physical education Teacher.
  • Mecit, O. (2006). The effect of 7E's learning cycle model on the improvement of fifth grade student's critical thinking skills. Thesis PhD in Education Turkey Middle East Technical University.
  • Murphy, P., & Wolfenden, F. (2013). Developing a pedagogy of mutuality in a capability approach: Teachers' experiences of using the Open Educational Resources (OER) of the teacher education in sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) programme. International Journal of Educational Development.
  • Odom, A. L., & Kelly, P. V. (2001). Integrating Concept Mapping and the Learning Cycle to Teach Diffusion and Osmosis Concepts to High School Physical education Students. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Science Education.
  • Osborne, J., Simon, S., Christodoulou, A., Howell‐Richardson, C., & Richardson, K. (2013). Learning to argue: A study of four schools and their attempt to develop the use of argumentation as a common instructional practice and its impact on students. Journal of Research in Science Teaching.
  • Purser, R. K., & Renner, J. V. (1983). Results of two tenth grade physical education teaching procedures. Journal of Science Education.
  • Reyes, M. R., Brackett, M. A., Rivers, S. E., White, M., & Salovey, P. (2012). Classroom emotional climate, student engagement, and academic achievement. Journal of educational psychology.
  • Rossum, E., & Hammer, R. (2010). The Meaning of Learning and Knowing, Sense Publishers Rotterdam/Boston/Taipei
  • Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2017). Self-determination theory: Basic psychological needs in motivation, development, and wellness. New York: Guilford Publishing.
  • Safdar, M. (2002). Cognitive Learning Style Field Dependence / Field Independence in the Secondary School Pysics Laboratories. Islamabad: M.Phill Thesis. Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad.
  • Sallis, J. F., Calfas, K. J., Alcaraz, J. E., Gehrman, C., & Johnson, M. F. (1999). Potential mediators of change in a physical activity promotion course for university students: Project GRAD. Annals of Behavioral Medicine.
  • Sallis, J. F., Prochaska, J. J., Taylor, W. C. (2000). A review of correlates of physicalactivity of children and adolescents. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.
  • Scharmann, L. C. (1991). Teaching Angiosperm Reproduction by means of the learning cycle. School Science and Mathematics.
  • Settlage, J. (2000). Understanding the Learning Cycle: Influences on Abilities to Embrace the Approach by Preservice Elementary School Teachers. Science Education.
  • Shadburn, R. G. (1990). An evaluation of a learning cycle intervention method in introductory physical science laboratories in order to promote formal operational thought process. Thesis: PhD in Education. USA: University of Mississippi.
  • Spencer, B. H., & Guillaume, A. M. (2006). Integrating curriculum through the learning cycle: Content-based reading and vocabulary instruction. The Reading Teacher.
  • Strike, K. A. (1983). Misconceptions and conceptual change: Philosophical reflections on the research program. International Seminar on Misconceptions in Science and Mathematics, Cornell University.
  • Tanaka, M. T. (2015). Transformative inquiry in teacher education: Evoking the soul of what matters. Teacher Development, 19(2), 133-150.
  • Treagust, D. F. (2012). Diagnostic assessment in science as a means to improving teaching, learning and retention. In Proceedings of The Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education. Formerly University Serve Science Conference
  • Trendowski, T. (2014). A case study on teaching practices in physical education.
  • Vighnarajah, L., & Bakar. (2008). The Shift in the Role of Teachers in the Learning Process. European Journal of Social Sciences.
  • Wang, M. T., & Degol, J. L. (2016). School climate: A review of the construct, measurement, and impact on student outcomes. Educational Psychology Review.
  • Wilder, M., & Shuttlewoth, P. (2005). Cell Inquiry: A 5E learning cycle lesson. Science Activities

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    APA : Khan, F., Khan, S., & Islam, Z. U. (2020). Effectiveness of Instructions in Academic Achievements: an Experimental Study using 7E's Instructional Model. Global Regional Review, V(III), 151-165. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2020(V-III).17
    CHICAGO : Khan, Faheemullah, Salahuddin Khan, and Zia Ul Islam. 2020. "Effectiveness of Instructions in Academic Achievements: an Experimental Study using 7E's Instructional Model." Global Regional Review, V (III): 151-165 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-III).17
    HARVARD : KHAN, F., KHAN, S. & ISLAM, Z. U. 2020. Effectiveness of Instructions in Academic Achievements: an Experimental Study using 7E's Instructional Model. Global Regional Review, V, 151-165.
    MHRA : Khan, Faheemullah, Salahuddin Khan, and Zia Ul Islam. 2020. "Effectiveness of Instructions in Academic Achievements: an Experimental Study using 7E's Instructional Model." Global Regional Review, V: 151-165
    MLA : Khan, Faheemullah, Salahuddin Khan, and Zia Ul Islam. "Effectiveness of Instructions in Academic Achievements: an Experimental Study using 7E's Instructional Model." Global Regional Review, V.III (2020): 151-165 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Faheemullah, Khan, Salahuddin, and Islam, Zia Ul (2020), "Effectiveness of Instructions in Academic Achievements: an Experimental Study using 7E's Instructional Model", Global Regional Review, V (III), 151-165
    TURABIAN : Khan, Faheemullah, Salahuddin Khan, and Zia Ul Islam. "Effectiveness of Instructions in Academic Achievements: an Experimental Study using 7E's Instructional Model." Global Regional Review V, no. III (2020): 151-165. https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2020(V-III).17