DEMOCRACY AND FEDERALISM IN PAKISTAN AN ANALYSIS OF PPP GOVERNMENT 20082013      10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).05      Published : Mar 1
Authored by : Iltaf Khan , Farman Ullah , Bakhtiar Khan

05 Pages : 36-49


  • Asghar. (25 March 2015). New move in NA for consensus accountability law. The Dawn, Islamabad Islamabad, Available at . Retrieved on 25/08/2019
  • Cookman, C. (2010). The 18 Amendment and Pakistan's Political Transition. Center for American Progress, 1-8
  • Crisis Group Asia Report. (18 September 2013) Parliament Role in Pakistan's Democratic Transition.
  • Crisis Group Asia Report. (30 March 2011). Reforming Pakistan's Electoral System.
  • Dawn (12 August 2011). Major Changes made in FCR: FATA people get political rights. Islamabad also available at , on 25/82019
  • Devotta, N. (2016). An Introduction to South Asian Politics. UK: Routledge Publisher, p. 274
  • FAFEN Report. (2013). Five Years Performance of the 13th National Assembly March 2008-March 2013.p.2 also Available at maarch-2013
  • Fair, C. (2011). The Pakistan Military's New Coup Playbook: Democracy is still on leash in Islamabad. Published by the Council of Foreign Affairs. available at
  • Haider, K. S., & Ali, S. S. (no date). Impact of Benazir Bhutto death on Performance of PPP and Electoral Politics of Pakistan 2008-2013. Pakistan Vision,19(1), 22-35
  • Hamayun, I. (2011). Electoral Malapractices during the 2008 elections in Pakistan. Oxford University Press.
  • Haq, N. (2008). Transition to Democracy. Available on retrived on 16/11/2019 htt://
  • Hiader, K. (2008). The 2008 General Elections in Pakistan. Pakistan Study Centre, Punjab Univrsity.,19 April 2010 at 10 Pm ,19 April 2010 at 10pm
  • Hussain, M., & Ullah, R. (2012). Eighteenth Amendment in the Constitution of Pakistan: Success and Controversies. Asian Social Sciences, 8(1), 82-84
  • Hussain, Z. (2014). The Construction and Deconstruction of Pakistan: The Institution Writ of the State. CIDOB Policy Research Project, 8-9
  • Hussain, Z. (February 6, 2019). Debating 18th amendment. The Dawn, Islamabad
  • Iqbal, M. (2017). The Era of Reconciliation in Pakistan 2006-2017: A Critical Reappraisal. Journal of Research Society of Pakistan, 54(2), 22- 29
  • Islam, F. (2019) Director Pakistan Study Center, University of Peshawar, on 10 December, 2019 2pm at Pakistan Study Centre University of Peshawar
  • Jahangir's World Times. (May 2010). Milestone Reforms, Lahore 4(8), 10-90
  • Jan, F. (2010). Pakistan: A Struggling Nation-State. Democracy and Security. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Javed, A., & Ahamad, Z. (2018). Role and Significance of Senate in the federation of Pakistan: An Analysis before and after the 18th amendment to the constitution of 1973. Margala Papers.
  • Jefrrelot, C. (2016). Pakistan at the Crossroads, domestic dynamics and external pressure. New York; Columbia University Press.
  • Kanwal, L. (2017). Political Development in Pakistan: Continuity and Change During Zardari. Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan, 54(2), 137-153
  • Khan, H. (2012). Constitutional and Political History of Pakistan. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
  • Khan, H. (2016). Constitutional and Political History of Pakistan. Oxford University Press.
  • Khan, B., & Ahmad, S. (2018). Governmentoppositions Relations during First Term of Benazir Bhutto as Prime Minister. Sir Syed Journal of Education & Social Research. Vol. 1, Issue 1.
  • Memon, A. P. (2009). Political Instability: A Case Study of Pakistan. Journal of Political Studies, 18(1), 31-34.
  • Misra, A. (2011). Pakistan Triadic Politics and Chronic Political Instability: Is democracy the Panacea. In Pakistan's stability paradox domestic, regional and international dimensions, Routledge.
  • Nazeer, A. M. (2018). Decade of Democracy in Pakistan: Parliament from 2008 to 2018. Friendric-Ebert-Stifung
  • Noreen, N. (2013). Protection of women rights through legal reforms in Pakistan. Journal of Public Administration and Governance, 3(4), 129- 136.
  • Pakistan 2013 General Elections-11 May 2013 available on, retrieved on 12/8/2019
  • Parveen, S., & Nawaz, B. (2018). Freedom of Expression and Media Censorship in Pakistan. A Historical Study. Journal of Historical Studies, 4(2), 1-21
  • Raise, B. R. (31 October 2018). Accountability or Compromise. The Express Tribune Report of Inter-Parliamentary Union, Women in Parliament: A Review 2017
  • Rizwan, M., Rafi Uddin., Arshad, M., & Waqar, M. (2014). Democratic Milestone in Pakistan: A Serener Transition of Command from PPP to PML-N. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 19(2), 102-108.
  • Rizwan, M., Waqar, M., & Arshad, M. (2014). Revitalization of Parliamentary Democracy in Pakistan. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 19(2), 149-156.
  • Role and Powers of Senate: Senate of Pakistan.
  • Shafqat, S. (2016). Pakistan: Military, the Transition to Democracy and Future Relations with United States. Journal of International Affairs.
  • Shah, A. (2012). The 18th Constitutional Amendment: Glue or Solvent for Nation Building and Citizenship in Pakistan. Journal of Economics, 6(2), 387-391
  • Tahir, S. (June 01, 2018). Mainstreaming FATA and the PPP role. The Express Tribune
  • Talbot, I. (2012). Pakistan: A New History. Karachi; Oxford University Press, p.203-205
  • The Dawan, 26 March, 2008, Islamabad
  • The Dawan, 01 April 2008, Islamabad.
  • The Dawn (16 May 2006). The Charter of Democracy. Islamabad
  • The Dawn (July 26, 2018). Record number of 171 women in the run for NA general seats. Islamabad
  • The Dawn, 08 September 2009
  • The Dawn, 19 December 2019. Islamabad
  • The Dawn, 20 March, 2008, Islamabad
  • The Dawn, 21 September, 2008, Islamabad
  • The Nation, 01 April, 2008, Islamabad
  • The Nation, 09 April, Islamabad
  • The Nation, 24 April, 2008, Islamabad
  • The Report on Constitutional Eighteenth Amendment Bill, 2010. Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Reforms, National Assembly of Pakistan, Article 175 A. also available on
  • The Statistical Portal, Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments of Pakistan from 2005 to 2017. Also available on , on 17/12/2019 http://wwww.Statista.Com/Statistics/730579 /pakistan-proportion-of-seats-held-by-womenin-national-parliament
  • The Tribune Express. (22 December 2010). The National Assembly Approves the 19th amendment bill. Islamabad.
  • Asghar. (25 March 2015). New move in NA for consensus accountability law. The Dawn, Islamabad Islamabad, Available at . Retrieved on 25/08/2019
  • Cookman, C. (2010). The 18 Amendment and Pakistan's Political Transition. Center for American Progress, 1-8
  • Crisis Group Asia Report. (18 September 2013) Parliament Role in Pakistan's Democratic Transition.
  • Crisis Group Asia Report. (30 March 2011). Reforming Pakistan's Electoral System.
  • Dawn (12 August 2011). Major Changes made in FCR: FATA people get political rights. Islamabad also available at , on 25/82019
  • Devotta, N. (2016). An Introduction to South Asian Politics. UK: Routledge Publisher, p. 274
  • FAFEN Report. (2013). Five Years Performance of the 13th National Assembly March 2008-March 2013.p.2 also Available at maarch-2013
  • Fair, C. (2011). The Pakistan Military's New Coup Playbook: Democracy is still on leash in Islamabad. Published by the Council of Foreign Affairs. available at
  • Haider, K. S., & Ali, S. S. (no date). Impact of Benazir Bhutto death on Performance of PPP and Electoral Politics of Pakistan 2008-2013. Pakistan Vision,19(1), 22-35
  • Hamayun, I. (2011). Electoral Malapractices during the 2008 elections in Pakistan. Oxford University Press.
  • Haq, N. (2008). Transition to Democracy. Available on retrived on 16/11/2019 htt://
  • Hiader, K. (2008). The 2008 General Elections in Pakistan. Pakistan Study Centre, Punjab Univrsity.,19 April 2010 at 10 Pm ,19 April 2010 at 10pm
  • Hussain, M., & Ullah, R. (2012). Eighteenth Amendment in the Constitution of Pakistan: Success and Controversies. Asian Social Sciences, 8(1), 82-84
  • Hussain, Z. (2014). The Construction and Deconstruction of Pakistan: The Institution Writ of the State. CIDOB Policy Research Project, 8-9
  • Hussain, Z. (February 6, 2019). Debating 18th amendment. The Dawn, Islamabad
  • Iqbal, M. (2017). The Era of Reconciliation in Pakistan 2006-2017: A Critical Reappraisal. Journal of Research Society of Pakistan, 54(2), 22- 29
  • Islam, F. (2019) Director Pakistan Study Center, University of Peshawar, on 10 December, 2019 2pm at Pakistan Study Centre University of Peshawar
  • Jahangir's World Times. (May 2010). Milestone Reforms, Lahore 4(8), 10-90
  • Jan, F. (2010). Pakistan: A Struggling Nation-State. Democracy and Security. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Javed, A., & Ahamad, Z. (2018). Role and Significance of Senate in the federation of Pakistan: An Analysis before and after the 18th amendment to the constitution of 1973. Margala Papers.
  • Jefrrelot, C. (2016). Pakistan at the Crossroads, domestic dynamics and external pressure. New York; Columbia University Press.
  • Kanwal, L. (2017). Political Development in Pakistan: Continuity and Change During Zardari. Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan, 54(2), 137-153
  • Khan, H. (2012). Constitutional and Political History of Pakistan. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
  • Khan, H. (2016). Constitutional and Political History of Pakistan. Oxford University Press.
  • Khan, B., & Ahmad, S. (2018). Governmentoppositions Relations during First Term of Benazir Bhutto as Prime Minister. Sir Syed Journal of Education & Social Research. Vol. 1, Issue 1.
  • Memon, A. P. (2009). Political Instability: A Case Study of Pakistan. Journal of Political Studies, 18(1), 31-34.
  • Misra, A. (2011). Pakistan Triadic Politics and Chronic Political Instability: Is democracy the Panacea. In Pakistan's stability paradox domestic, regional and international dimensions, Routledge.
  • Nazeer, A. M. (2018). Decade of Democracy in Pakistan: Parliament from 2008 to 2018. Friendric-Ebert-Stifung
  • Noreen, N. (2013). Protection of women rights through legal reforms in Pakistan. Journal of Public Administration and Governance, 3(4), 129- 136.
  • Pakistan 2013 General Elections-11 May 2013 available on, retrieved on 12/8/2019
  • Parveen, S., & Nawaz, B. (2018). Freedom of Expression and Media Censorship in Pakistan. A Historical Study. Journal of Historical Studies, 4(2), 1-21
  • Raise, B. R. (31 October 2018). Accountability or Compromise. The Express Tribune Report of Inter-Parliamentary Union, Women in Parliament: A Review 2017
  • Rizwan, M., Rafi Uddin., Arshad, M., & Waqar, M. (2014). Democratic Milestone in Pakistan: A Serener Transition of Command from PPP to PML-N. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 19(2), 102-108.
  • Rizwan, M., Waqar, M., & Arshad, M. (2014). Revitalization of Parliamentary Democracy in Pakistan. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 19(2), 149-156.
  • Role and Powers of Senate: Senate of Pakistan.
  • Shafqat, S. (2016). Pakistan: Military, the Transition to Democracy and Future Relations with United States. Journal of International Affairs.
  • Shah, A. (2012). The 18th Constitutional Amendment: Glue or Solvent for Nation Building and Citizenship in Pakistan. Journal of Economics, 6(2), 387-391
  • Tahir, S. (June 01, 2018). Mainstreaming FATA and the PPP role. The Express Tribune
  • Talbot, I. (2012). Pakistan: A New History. Karachi; Oxford University Press, p.203-205
  • The Dawan, 26 March, 2008, Islamabad
  • The Dawan, 01 April 2008, Islamabad.
  • The Dawn (16 May 2006). The Charter of Democracy. Islamabad
  • The Dawn (July 26, 2018). Record number of 171 women in the run for NA general seats. Islamabad
  • The Dawn, 08 September 2009
  • The Dawn, 19 December 2019. Islamabad
  • The Dawn, 20 March, 2008, Islamabad
  • The Dawn, 21 September, 2008, Islamabad
  • The Nation, 01 April, 2008, Islamabad
  • The Nation, 09 April, Islamabad
  • The Nation, 24 April, 2008, Islamabad
  • The Report on Constitutional Eighteenth Amendment Bill, 2010. Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Reforms, National Assembly of Pakistan, Article 175 A. also available on
  • The Statistical Portal, Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments of Pakistan from 2005 to 2017. Also available on , on 17/12/2019 http://wwww.Statista.Com/Statistics/730579 /pakistan-proportion-of-seats-held-by-womenin-national-parliament
  • The Tribune Express. (22 December 2010). The National Assembly Approves the 19th amendment bill. Islamabad.

Cite this article

    CHICAGO : Khan, Iltaf, Farman Ullah, and Bakhtiar Khan. 2021. "Democracy and Federalism in Pakistan: An Analysis of PPP Government (2008-2013)." Global Regional Review, VI (I): 36-49 doi: 10.31703/grr.2021(VI-I).05
    HARVARD : KHAN, I., ULLAH, F. & KHAN, B. 2021. Democracy and Federalism in Pakistan: An Analysis of PPP Government (2008-2013). Global Regional Review, VI, 36-49.
    MHRA : Khan, Iltaf, Farman Ullah, and Bakhtiar Khan. 2021. "Democracy and Federalism in Pakistan: An Analysis of PPP Government (2008-2013)." Global Regional Review, VI: 36-49
    MLA : Khan, Iltaf, Farman Ullah, and Bakhtiar Khan. "Democracy and Federalism in Pakistan: An Analysis of PPP Government (2008-2013)." Global Regional Review, VI.I (2021): 36-49 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Iltaf, Ullah, Farman, and Khan, Bakhtiar (2021), "Democracy and Federalism in Pakistan: An Analysis of PPP Government (2008-2013)", Global Regional Review, VI (I), 36-49
    TURABIAN : Khan, Iltaf, Farman Ullah, and Bakhtiar Khan. "Democracy and Federalism in Pakistan: An Analysis of PPP Government (2008-2013)." Global Regional Review VI, no. I (2021): 36-49.