Authored by : ShahFaisal , NabiBuxJumani , SeemaGul

07 Pages : 55-63


  • Alderman, M. K. (2004). Motivation for achievement: Possibilities for teaching and learning (2nd Ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Apple, M. W. (1986). Teachers and texts: A political economy of class and gender relations in schools. New York: Routledge.
  • Apple, M. W. (1995). Education and power (2nd Ed.). New York: Routledge.
  • Apple, M. W. (2004). Ideology and curriculum (3rd Ed.). New York: RoutledgeFalmer.
  • Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191-215.
  • Bandura, A. (2006). Guide for constructing self-efficacy scales. In F. Pajares & T. Urdan (Eds.), Self-efficacy beliefs of adolescents (pp.307-337). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
  • Boaler, J., & Greeno, J. (2000). Identity, agency, and knowing in Mathematics worlds. In J. Boaler (Ed.), Multiple perspectives on mathematics learning and teaching (pp. 171-200). Westport, CT: Ablex.
  • Bruno, F. J. (2002). Psychology: A self-teaching guide. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Caprara, G. V., Scabini, E., Barbaranelli, C., Pastorelli, C., Regalia, C., & Bandura, A. (1999). Autoefficaciapercepitaemotiva e interpersonale e buonfunzionamentosociale. [Perceived emotional and interpersonal self-efficacy and good social functioning.] Giornakltuliano di Psicologia, 26, 769-789.
  • Carnoy, M. (1982). Education, economy, and the state. In M. W. Apple (Ed.), Cultural and economic reproduction in education: Essays on class, ideology, and the state. London: Routledge.
  • Carr, A. (2004). Positive psychology: The science of happiness and human strengths. Hove: Brunner-Routledge.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., Morrison, K., & Wyse, D. (2010). A guide to teaching practice (Rev. 5th Ed.). London: Routledge.
  • Colley, H., Hodkinson, P., & Malcolm, J. (2003). Informality and formality in learning: A report for the Learning and Skills Research Centre. London: Learning and Skills Research Centre.
  • Constitution of Pakistan. (1973). Islamabad: Government of Pakistan.
  • Ewart, C. K. (1992). Role of physical self-efficacy in recovery from heart attack. In R. Schwarzer (Ed.), Selfefficacy: Thought control of action (pp. 287-304). Washington, DC: Hemisphere.
  • Ewing, R. (2010). Curriculum and assessment: A narrative approach. Australia: Oxford University Press.
  • Foucault, M. (1980). Power/knowledge: Selected interviews and other writings 1972-1977 (Trans.C. Gordon, L. Marshall, J. Mepham, & K. Soper). New York: Pantheon
  • Foucault, M. (1981a). The history of sexuality Vol. 1: An introduction (Trans. Robert Hurley). London: Penguin.
  • Foucault, M. (1981b). Power/knowledge: Selected interviews and other writings, 1972-1977. USA: Random House.
  • Freire, P. (1970/2000). Pedagogy of the oppressed. New York: Continuum.
  • Gill, P. (2004). Mathematics. In J. White (Ed.), Rethinking the school curriculum: Values, aims and purposes (pp.104- 116). London: RoutledgeFalmer.
  • Government of Pakistan. (2009). National education policy 2009. Islamabad: Ministry of Education
  • Gramsci, A. (1971/1992). Selections from the prison notebooks (Ed. & Trans. Q. Hoare & G. Nowell-Smith). London: Lawrence & Wishart.
  • Hand, M. (2004). Religious education. In J. White (Ed.), Rethinking the school curriculum: Values, aims and purposes (pp.152-164). London: RoutledgeFalmer
  • Hazlett-Stevens, H. (2008). Psychological approaches to generalized anxiety disorder: A clinician's guide to assessment and treatment. New York: Springer.
  • Jorgensen, M., & Phillips, L. J. (2002). Discourse analysis as theory and method. London: SAGE Publications.
  • Khalique, H. (2007). The Urdu-English relationship and its impact on Pakistan's social development. The Annual of Urdu Studies, 22, 99-112.
  • Marsh, C. J. (2004). Key concepts for understanding curriculum (3rd Ed.). London: RoutledgeFalmer
  • Martin, G. N., Carlson, N. R., & Buskist, W. (2010). Psychology, (4th Ed.). Harlow: Pearson.
  • Mojavezi, A., & Tamiz, M. P. (2012). The impact of teacher self-efficacy on the students' motivation and achievement. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2(3), 483-491.
  • National Curriculum for Islamiyat, grades 3-12 (2006). Islamabad: Ministry of Education.
  • National Curriculum for Mathematics, grades I-XII (2006). Islamabad: Ministry of Education.
  • National Curriculum for Urdu, grades 1-12 (2006). Islamabad: Ministry of Education.
  • National Curriculum of Islamiyat for grades 9-10 (2002). Islamabad: Ministry of Education.
  • Paltridge, B. (2006). Discourse analysis. London: Continuum.
  • Pandya, R. N. (2014). Indian education system: A historical journey. International Journal for Research in Education, 3(3), 46-49.
  • Schunk, D. H. & Pajares, F. (2002). The development of academic self-efficacy. In A. Wigfield & J. S. Eccles (Eds.), Development of achievement motivation (pp.15-31). San Diego, CA: Academic Press, Inc.
  • The World Bank. (November, 2016). Pakistan development updates: Making growth matter. Washington DC: Author
  • Turner, J. C. & Meyer, D. K. (2009). Understanding motivation in Mathematics: What is happening in classrooms? In K. R. Wentzel & A. Wifield (Eds.), Handbook of motivation at school (pp. 527-552). New York: Routledge.
  • Walshaw, M. (2007). Working with Foucault in education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
  • White, J. (2004). Rethinking the school curriculum: Values, aims and purposes (Ed.). London: RoutledgeFalmer
  • Alderman, M. K. (2004). Motivation for achievement: Possibilities for teaching and learning (2nd Ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Apple, M. W. (1986). Teachers and texts: A political economy of class and gender relations in schools. New York: Routledge.
  • Apple, M. W. (1995). Education and power (2nd Ed.). New York: Routledge.
  • Apple, M. W. (2004). Ideology and curriculum (3rd Ed.). New York: RoutledgeFalmer.
  • Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191-215.
  • Bandura, A. (2006). Guide for constructing self-efficacy scales. In F. Pajares & T. Urdan (Eds.), Self-efficacy beliefs of adolescents (pp.307-337). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
  • Boaler, J., & Greeno, J. (2000). Identity, agency, and knowing in Mathematics worlds. In J. Boaler (Ed.), Multiple perspectives on mathematics learning and teaching (pp. 171-200). Westport, CT: Ablex.
  • Bruno, F. J. (2002). Psychology: A self-teaching guide. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Caprara, G. V., Scabini, E., Barbaranelli, C., Pastorelli, C., Regalia, C., & Bandura, A. (1999). Autoefficaciapercepitaemotiva e interpersonale e buonfunzionamentosociale. [Perceived emotional and interpersonal self-efficacy and good social functioning.] Giornakltuliano di Psicologia, 26, 769-789.
  • Carnoy, M. (1982). Education, economy, and the state. In M. W. Apple (Ed.), Cultural and economic reproduction in education: Essays on class, ideology, and the state. London: Routledge.
  • Carr, A. (2004). Positive psychology: The science of happiness and human strengths. Hove: Brunner-Routledge.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., Morrison, K., & Wyse, D. (2010). A guide to teaching practice (Rev. 5th Ed.). London: Routledge.
  • Colley, H., Hodkinson, P., & Malcolm, J. (2003). Informality and formality in learning: A report for the Learning and Skills Research Centre. London: Learning and Skills Research Centre.
  • Constitution of Pakistan. (1973). Islamabad: Government of Pakistan.
  • Ewart, C. K. (1992). Role of physical self-efficacy in recovery from heart attack. In R. Schwarzer (Ed.), Selfefficacy: Thought control of action (pp. 287-304). Washington, DC: Hemisphere.
  • Ewing, R. (2010). Curriculum and assessment: A narrative approach. Australia: Oxford University Press.
  • Foucault, M. (1980). Power/knowledge: Selected interviews and other writings 1972-1977 (Trans.C. Gordon, L. Marshall, J. Mepham, & K. Soper). New York: Pantheon
  • Foucault, M. (1981a). The history of sexuality Vol. 1: An introduction (Trans. Robert Hurley). London: Penguin.
  • Foucault, M. (1981b). Power/knowledge: Selected interviews and other writings, 1972-1977. USA: Random House.
  • Freire, P. (1970/2000). Pedagogy of the oppressed. New York: Continuum.
  • Gill, P. (2004). Mathematics. In J. White (Ed.), Rethinking the school curriculum: Values, aims and purposes (pp.104- 116). London: RoutledgeFalmer.
  • Government of Pakistan. (2009). National education policy 2009. Islamabad: Ministry of Education
  • Gramsci, A. (1971/1992). Selections from the prison notebooks (Ed. & Trans. Q. Hoare & G. Nowell-Smith). London: Lawrence & Wishart.
  • Hand, M. (2004). Religious education. In J. White (Ed.), Rethinking the school curriculum: Values, aims and purposes (pp.152-164). London: RoutledgeFalmer
  • Hazlett-Stevens, H. (2008). Psychological approaches to generalized anxiety disorder: A clinician's guide to assessment and treatment. New York: Springer.
  • Jorgensen, M., & Phillips, L. J. (2002). Discourse analysis as theory and method. London: SAGE Publications.
  • Khalique, H. (2007). The Urdu-English relationship and its impact on Pakistan's social development. The Annual of Urdu Studies, 22, 99-112.
  • Marsh, C. J. (2004). Key concepts for understanding curriculum (3rd Ed.). London: RoutledgeFalmer
  • Martin, G. N., Carlson, N. R., & Buskist, W. (2010). Psychology, (4th Ed.). Harlow: Pearson.
  • Mojavezi, A., & Tamiz, M. P. (2012). The impact of teacher self-efficacy on the students' motivation and achievement. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2(3), 483-491.
  • National Curriculum for Islamiyat, grades 3-12 (2006). Islamabad: Ministry of Education.
  • National Curriculum for Mathematics, grades I-XII (2006). Islamabad: Ministry of Education.
  • National Curriculum for Urdu, grades 1-12 (2006). Islamabad: Ministry of Education.
  • National Curriculum of Islamiyat for grades 9-10 (2002). Islamabad: Ministry of Education.
  • Paltridge, B. (2006). Discourse analysis. London: Continuum.
  • Pandya, R. N. (2014). Indian education system: A historical journey. International Journal for Research in Education, 3(3), 46-49.
  • Schunk, D. H. & Pajares, F. (2002). The development of academic self-efficacy. In A. Wigfield & J. S. Eccles (Eds.), Development of achievement motivation (pp.15-31). San Diego, CA: Academic Press, Inc.
  • The World Bank. (November, 2016). Pakistan development updates: Making growth matter. Washington DC: Author
  • Turner, J. C. & Meyer, D. K. (2009). Understanding motivation in Mathematics: What is happening in classrooms? In K. R. Wentzel & A. Wifield (Eds.), Handbook of motivation at school (pp. 527-552). New York: Routledge.
  • Walshaw, M. (2007). Working with Foucault in education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
  • White, J. (2004). Rethinking the school curriculum: Values, aims and purposes (Ed.). London: RoutledgeFalmer

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    APA : Faisal, S., Jumani, N. B., & Gul, S. (2019). Curriculum Provisions for Classroom Instruction and Students' Self-Efficacy at Secondary Level in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Global Regional Review, IV(III), 55-63.
    CHICAGO : Faisal, Shah, Nabi Bux Jumani, and Seema Gul. 2019. "Curriculum Provisions for Classroom Instruction and Students' Self-Efficacy at Secondary Level in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa." Global Regional Review, IV (III): 55-63 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-III).07
    HARVARD : FAISAL, S., JUMANI, N. B. & GUL, S. 2019. Curriculum Provisions for Classroom Instruction and Students' Self-Efficacy at Secondary Level in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Global Regional Review, IV, 55-63.
    MHRA : Faisal, Shah, Nabi Bux Jumani, and Seema Gul. 2019. "Curriculum Provisions for Classroom Instruction and Students' Self-Efficacy at Secondary Level in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa." Global Regional Review, IV: 55-63
    MLA : Faisal, Shah, Nabi Bux Jumani, and Seema Gul. "Curriculum Provisions for Classroom Instruction and Students' Self-Efficacy at Secondary Level in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa." Global Regional Review, IV.III (2019): 55-63 Print.
    OXFORD : Faisal, Shah, Jumani, Nabi Bux, and Gul, Seema (2019), "Curriculum Provisions for Classroom Instruction and Students' Self-Efficacy at Secondary Level in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa", Global Regional Review, IV (III), 55-63
    TURABIAN : Faisal, Shah, Nabi Bux Jumani, and Seema Gul. "Curriculum Provisions for Classroom Instruction and Students' Self-Efficacy at Secondary Level in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa." Global Regional Review IV, no. III (2019): 55-63.