http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).43      10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).43      Published : Jun 2
Authored by : AnitaBilal , AkhtarAli , AhmedBilalBurki

43 Pages : 404-411


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  • Marshall, Catherine, and Gretchen B. Rossman.Designing qualitative research. Sage publications, 2011
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  • Raza, H., Mohiuddin, Z. A., Zaidi, S. S. Z., & Osama, A. (2018). CPEC: Pakistan-China Cordial Ties-A Boost to Pakistan's Economy.Journal of Accounting, Business and Finance Research,2(1), 1-6.
  • Ritchie, J., Lewis, J., Nicholls, C. M., & Ormston, R. (Eds.). (2013).Qualitative research practice: A guide for social science students and researchers. sage
  • Rizvi, H. A. (2014). The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.Strategic Studies,34, 1-17.
  • Rudolph, Jürgen.
  • Saeed, M. (2007). Education System of Pakistan and the UK: Comparisons in Context to Inter-provincial and Inter-countries Reflections.Bulletin of Education & Research,29(2), 43-57
  • Stake, R. E. (2005). Qualitative case studies. N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.). The Sage handbook of qualitative research(3rd ed.), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, (2005): 433-466
  • Webdesk, (2016). 300 factories to generate 40,000 jobs at Gwadar Port. Retrieved from http://www.businessplustv.pk/2016/06/20/300-factories
  • Afolabi, F. O., & Loto, A. B. (2012). Socio-political Vicissitudes and Bureaucratic Constraints on Educational Formulation and Implementation in Nigeria.issues and Trends in Nigeria
  • Aftab, M. (2016). CPEC will be attracting $150b investment for Pakistan', Khaleej Times.Retrieved from 11 September. Ret http://www.khaleejtimes.com/business/economy 0/ cpec-set-to-attract-150b-investment-in-Pakistan (accessed on 11 September 2016).
  • Ahmad, I., Rauf, M., Rashid, A., urRehman, S., & Salam, M. (2013). Analysis of the problems of primary education system in Pakistan: Critical review of literature.Academic Research International,4(2), 324.
  • Ahmed, R., & Mustafa, U. (2014). Impact of CPEC projects on agriculture sector ofPakistan: Infrastructure and agricultural output linkages.Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE): Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Ali, F. H., & Qazi, A. A. (2018). Exploring the awareness of China Pakistan Economic Corridor: A stakeholder's perspective.South Asian Studies,33(1), 107-116.
  • Ali, L., Mi, J., Shah, M., Shah, S. J., Khan, S., Ullah, R., & Bibi, K. (2018). Local residents' attitude towards road and transport infrastructure (a case of China Pakistan economic corridor).Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies,11(1), 104-120
  • Aslam, S., Khan, F., & Rafi, A. (2016). CPEC: Pakistan's way to success.Special Report. IICR
  • Bassey, M. (1999).Case study research in educational settings. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
  • Chawla, M. I. (2017). One belt one road summit 2017 and its implications for CPEC: an overview.South Asian Studies,32(2), 277-284.
  • Chen, X., Joseph, S. K., & Tariq, H. (2018). Betting big on CPEC
  • China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), (2019).Long Term Planfor China Pakistan Economic Corridor(2017-2030). Retrieved from(Assessed on 1-09-2019) http://cpec.gov.pk/ index
  • Fasasi,Y. A. (2011). Planning and Development of Higher Education in Kwara State,Nigeria.Academic Research International, 1(3), 125-129.Bulletin of Education and Research December 2017,Vol. 39, No. 3 pp. 75-92.
  • Husain, A. (2018). CPEC and Pakistan's Economy: A Way Forward: A Publication For Center Of Excellence For CPEC Islamabad.Retrievedfrom web page on 17th of August 2019 http://cpec.gov.pk/brain/public/uploads/documents/workingpaper028.pdf
  • Kayani, M. (2017). Analysis of Socio-Economic Benefits of Education in Developing Countries: A Example of Pakistan.Bulletin of Education and Research,39(3), 75-92.
  • Kingdom, E.,Orji, M., & Job, R. (2013). Role of Education in National Development.European Scientific Journal, 9(28), 1857 -7881.
  • Maekae, J. (2013). The role of education in national development: Nigerian experience.European Scientific Journal,9(28).
  • Makhdoom, A. S., Shah, A. B., & Sami, K. (2018). Pakistan on the roadway to socio-economic development: A comprehensive study of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).The Government-Annual Research Journal of Political Science.,6(6).
  • Marshall, Catherine, and Gretchen B. Rossman.Designing qualitative research. Sage publications, 2011
  • Mehar, A. (2017). Infrastructure development, CPEC and FDI in Pakistan: is there any connection?.Transnational corporations review,9(3), 232-241
  • Mobley, T. (2019). The Belt and Road Initiative.Strategic Studies Quarterly,13(3), 52-72
  • Rakisits, C. (2015). A path to the sea: China's Pakistan plan.World Affairs, 67-74.
  • Ramachandran, S. (2015). China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: Road to Riches?.China Brief,15(15), 1-4.
  • Raza, H., Mohiuddin, Z. A., Zaidi, S. S. Z., & Osama, A. (2018). CPEC: Pakistan-China Cordial Ties-A Boost to Pakistan's Economy.Journal of Accounting, Business and Finance Research,2(1), 1-6.
  • Ritchie, J., Lewis, J., Nicholls, C. M., & Ormston, R. (Eds.). (2013).Qualitative research practice: A guide for social science students and researchers. sage
  • Rizvi, H. A. (2014). The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.Strategic Studies,34, 1-17.
  • Rudolph, Jürgen.
  • Saeed, M. (2007). Education System of Pakistan and the UK: Comparisons in Context to Inter-provincial and Inter-countries Reflections.Bulletin of Education & Research,29(2), 43-57
  • Stake, R. E. (2005). Qualitative case studies. N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.). The Sage handbook of qualitative research(3rd ed.), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, (2005): 433-466
  • Webdesk, (2016). 300 factories to generate 40,000 jobs at Gwadar Port. Retrieved from http://www.businessplustv.pk/2016/06/20/300-factories

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    CHICAGO : Bilal, Anita, Akhtar Ali, and Ahmed Bilal Burki. 2019. "CPEC's Educational Scope in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV (II): 404-411 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).43
    HARVARD : BILAL, A., ALI, A. & BURKI, A. B. 2019. CPEC's Educational Scope in Pakistan. Global Regional Review, IV, 404-411 .
    MHRA : Bilal, Anita, Akhtar Ali, and Ahmed Bilal Burki. 2019. "CPEC's Educational Scope in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV: 404-411
    MLA : Bilal, Anita, Akhtar Ali, and Ahmed Bilal Burki. "CPEC's Educational Scope in Pakistan." Global Regional Review, IV.II (2019): 404-411 Print.
    OXFORD : Bilal, Anita, Ali, Akhtar, and Burki, Ahmed Bilal (2019), "CPEC's Educational Scope in Pakistan", Global Regional Review, IV (II), 404-411