Authored by : FarkhundaRasheedChoudhary , TariqJaved

20 Pages : 160-169


  • Alamolhodaei, H. (2009). A working memory model applied to mathematical word problem solving. Asia Pacific Education Review, 10(2), 183-192. Springer Netherlands, doi: 10.1007/s12564-009-9023-2, 1876-407X
  • Altun, A., &Cakan, M. (2006). Undergraduate students' academic achievement, field dependent/independent cognitive styles, and attitude toward computers. Journal of Educational Technology and Society, 9(1), 289.
  • Angeli, C. (2013). Examining the effects of field dependence-independence on learners' problem-solving performance and interaction with a computer modeling tool: Implications for the design of joint cognitive systems. Computers & Education, 62, 221-230.
  • Bahar, M., &Hansell, M. H. (2000). The relationship between some psychological factors and their effect on the performance of grid questions and word association tests. Educational Psychology,
  • Brown, H. D., &吳一安. (2000). Principles of language learning and teaching.
  • Chen, S. Y., & Macredie, R. D. (2002). Cognitive styles and hypermedia navigation: Development of a learning model. Journal of the American society for information science and technology, 53(1), 3- 15.doi: 10.1002/asi.10023
  • Cultures debate revisited. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 6(1), 31-43. Doi: 10.1016/j.tsc.2010.08.001
  • Daniels, H. L. (1996). Interaction of cognitive style and learner control of presentation mode in a hypermedia environment. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Retrieved on November 6th, 2013 from:
  • Danili, E., & Reid, N. (2004, Online 2010). Some strategies to improve performance in school chemistry, based on two cognitive factors. Research in Science & Technological Education, 22(2), 203-226. 10.1080/0263514042000290903
  • Desanctis, G., &Dunikoski, R. (1983). Group Embedded-Figures Test: Psychometric data for a sample of business students. Perceptual and motor skills, 56(3), 707-710.doi: 10.2466/pms.1983.56.3.707
  • Din, M. (2009). A Study in Indices of Discrepancy between Students' Learning Styles and Their Actual Grade Achievement at Masters' Level. (Ph.D. Unpublished Thesis), National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Feist, G. J. (2012). Predicting interest in and attitudes toward science from personality and need for cognition. Personality and individual differences, 52(7), 771-775.doi:10.1016/j.paid.2012.01.005
  • Fyle, C. O. (2009). The effects of field dependent/independent style awareness on learning strategies and outcomes in an instructional hypermedia module. (PhD Dissertation), Florida State University. (4369)
  • Goldstein, K. M., & Blackman, S. (1978). Cognitive style: Five approaches and relevant research: Wiley New York.
  • Goodenough, D. R. (1976).The role of individual differences in field dependence as a factor in learning and memory. Psychological Bulletin, 83(4), 675-694.
  • Goodenough, D. R. (1986).History of the field dependence construct. Paper presented at the Field Dependence in Psychological Theory, Research, and Application. Two Symposia in Memory of Herman A. Witkin. In Bertini M., Pizzamiglio, L. Wapner L., (Eds), Lawrence Erlbaum Association, Inc., Publishers
  • Hall, J. K. (2000). Field dependence-independence and computer-based instruction in geography. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
  • Handal, B., & Herrington, A. (2004).On being dependent or independent in computer based learning environments'-Journal of Instructional Science and Technology, 7(2).
  • Heywood, J. (2005). Engineering education: Research and development in curriculum and instruction: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Jarvis, M. (2005). The psychology of effective learning and teaching: Nelson Thornes.
  • Javed, T., Buraira, Asghar, M. A. (2019). Effectiveness of Rhyme & Rhythm through Blended Learning, Journal of applied Environmental and Biological sciences, 9 (10), 1-9
  • Korchin, S. J. (1986). Field dependence, personality theory, and clinical research. Paper presented at the Field dependence in psychological theory, research, and application: Two symposia in memory of Herman A. Witkin. In Bertini M., Pizzamiglio, L. Wapner L., (Eds), Lawrence Erlbaum Association, Inc., Publishers
  • Liu, Y., &Ginther, D. (1999). Cognitive styles and distance education. Online journal of distance learning administration, 2(3).
  • Lucas-Stannard, P. (2003). Cognitive styles: a review of the major theories and their application to information seeking in virtual environments. Information Science Journal, 1-18.
  • Maghsudi, M. (2007). The Interaction between Field Dependent/Independent Learning Styles and Learners' Linguality in Third Language Acquisition. Language in India, 7(5).
  • Malik, M. A., Shah, Z.A., Iqbal, Z., Rauf, M. (2010). Effect of Problem solving teaching strategy on 8th Grade students' attitude towards Science. Journal of Education and Practice, 1(3), 16-27.
  • McKenna, F. P. (1990). Learning implications of field dependence‐independence: Cognitive style versus cognitive ability. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 4(6), 425-437.doi 10.1002/acp.2350040602 (online 2006)
  • McRae, L. S., & Young, J. D. (1988). Group Embedded Figures Test: psychometric data for a sample of Canadian undergraduate business students. Perceptual and motor skills, 67(1), 195-198.doi: 10.2466/pms.1988.67.1.195
  • Murphy, H. J., Doucette, P. A., Kelleher, W. E., & Young, J. D. (1997). The group embedded figures test: Undergraduate business concentration and analytical skills. Journal of Education for Business, 73(1), 39-42. doi: 10.1080/08832329709601613
  • Murphy, H., & Casey, B. (1997). Field dependence/independence and undergraduates' academic performance in an information. College Student Journal, 31(1), 45-50.
  • Musser, (2002); Individual Differences: How Field Dependence-Independence Affects Learners. Retrived on 7th October, 2013 from
  • Myers, B. E., & Dyer, J. E. (2006).The influence of student learning style on critical thinking skill.Journal of Agricultural Education, 47(1), 43.
  • Pithers, R. T. (2002). Cognitive learning style: a review of the field dependent-field independent approach. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 54(1). 117-132. doi:10.1080/13636820200200191
  • Ronning, R. R., McCurdy, D., & Ballinger, R. (1984). Individual differences: A third component in problem‐ solving instruction. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 21(1), 71-82. doi: 10.1002/tea.3660210109
  • Sisco, H., &Leventhal, G. (2007).Effect of prior performance on subsequent performance evaluation by field independent-dependent raters 1.Perceptual and motor skills, 105(3), 852-861.doi: 10.2466/pms.105.3.852-861
  • Soozandehfar, M.A. (2011). The Field-Dependent or the Field-Independent? On the Effects of FieldDependent/Field-Independent Cognitive Styles and Gender on Iranian EFL Learners' Speaking Performance, Language in India Vol 2:11, Feburarry 2011, ISSN 1930-2940
  • Tinajero, C., & Paramo, M. (1998).Field dependence-independence and strategic learning. International Journal of Educational Research, 29(3), 251-262. Field dependence-independence and strategic learning. International Journal of Educational Research, 29(3), 251-262. Doi:10.1016/S0883- 0355(98)00029-9
  • Tsaparlis, G. (2005). Non‐algorithmic quantitative problem solving in university physical chemistry: a correlation study of the role of selective cognitive factors. Research in Science & Technological Education, 23(2), 125-148. doi:10.1080/02635140500266369
  • Vacas, C. T., Pérez, A. M. C., Couñago, M. A. G., & Fernández, M. F. P. (2011). Adaptive teaching and field dependence-independence: Instructional implications. Revista Latino americana de Psicología, 43(3), 497-510. Retrieved 3rd march 2014, from
  • Wang, L.-J., Wang, X., & Ren, M.-Z.(2003). Field-dependent-independent cognitive style in solving dynamics problems. Psychological reports, 92(3), 867-880. doi:10.2466/pr0.2003.92.3.867
  • Weller, H. G., Repman, J., & Rooze, G. E. (1995). The relationship of learning, behavior, and cognitive style in hypermedia-based instruction: implications for design of Hypermedia Based Instruction. Computers in the Schools, 10(3-4), 401-418. doi: 10.1300/J025v10n03_09
  • Wieseman, R. A., Portis, S. C., & Simpson, F. M. (1992). An analysis of the relationship between cognitive styles & grades: New perspectives on success or failure of preservice education majors. College Student Journal. 26(4), 512-517
  • Witkin, H. A. (1949). The nature and importance of individual differences in perception.Journal of personality, 18(2), 145-170.doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6494.1949.tb01237.x
  • Witkin, H. A. (1950). Individual differences in ease of perception of embedded figures*.Journal of personality, 19(1), 1-15.doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6494.1950.tb01084.x
  • Witkin, H. A., Moore, C. A., Oltman, P. K., Goodenough, D. R., Friedman, F., Owen, D. R. &Raskin, E. (1977). Role of the field-dependent and field-independent cognitive styles in academic evolution: A longitudinal study. Journal of Educational Psychology, 69, 197.
  • Witkin, H., Oltman, P., Raskin, E., & Karp, S. (1971). A manual for the group embedded figures test. Palo Alto, Calif. : Consulting Psychologists Press
  • Wyss, R. (2002). Field independent/dependent learning styles and L2 acquisition. The Weekly Column, Article 102. Retrieved from art1022002.htm
  • Zaman, T. U. (1996). The Use of Information Processing Model to Design and Evaluate a Physics Undergraduate Laboratory, (PhD Thesis), Center for Science Education, Glasgow, Glasgow, UK.
  • Alamolhodaei, H. (2009). A working memory model applied to mathematical word problem solving. Asia Pacific Education Review, 10(2), 183-192. Springer Netherlands, doi: 10.1007/s12564-009-9023-2, 1876-407X
  • Altun, A., &Cakan, M. (2006). Undergraduate students' academic achievement, field dependent/independent cognitive styles, and attitude toward computers. Journal of Educational Technology and Society, 9(1), 289.
  • Angeli, C. (2013). Examining the effects of field dependence-independence on learners' problem-solving performance and interaction with a computer modeling tool: Implications for the design of joint cognitive systems. Computers & Education, 62, 221-230.
  • Bahar, M., &Hansell, M. H. (2000). The relationship between some psychological factors and their effect on the performance of grid questions and word association tests. Educational Psychology,
  • Brown, H. D., &吳一安. (2000). Principles of language learning and teaching.
  • Chen, S. Y., & Macredie, R. D. (2002). Cognitive styles and hypermedia navigation: Development of a learning model. Journal of the American society for information science and technology, 53(1), 3- 15.doi: 10.1002/asi.10023
  • Cultures debate revisited. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 6(1), 31-43. Doi: 10.1016/j.tsc.2010.08.001
  • Daniels, H. L. (1996). Interaction of cognitive style and learner control of presentation mode in a hypermedia environment. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Retrieved on November 6th, 2013 from:
  • Danili, E., & Reid, N. (2004, Online 2010). Some strategies to improve performance in school chemistry, based on two cognitive factors. Research in Science & Technological Education, 22(2), 203-226. 10.1080/0263514042000290903
  • Desanctis, G., &Dunikoski, R. (1983). Group Embedded-Figures Test: Psychometric data for a sample of business students. Perceptual and motor skills, 56(3), 707-710.doi: 10.2466/pms.1983.56.3.707
  • Din, M. (2009). A Study in Indices of Discrepancy between Students' Learning Styles and Their Actual Grade Achievement at Masters' Level. (Ph.D. Unpublished Thesis), National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Feist, G. J. (2012). Predicting interest in and attitudes toward science from personality and need for cognition. Personality and individual differences, 52(7), 771-775.doi:10.1016/j.paid.2012.01.005
  • Fyle, C. O. (2009). The effects of field dependent/independent style awareness on learning strategies and outcomes in an instructional hypermedia module. (PhD Dissertation), Florida State University. (4369)
  • Goldstein, K. M., & Blackman, S. (1978). Cognitive style: Five approaches and relevant research: Wiley New York.
  • Goodenough, D. R. (1976).The role of individual differences in field dependence as a factor in learning and memory. Psychological Bulletin, 83(4), 675-694.
  • Goodenough, D. R. (1986).History of the field dependence construct. Paper presented at the Field Dependence in Psychological Theory, Research, and Application. Two Symposia in Memory of Herman A. Witkin. In Bertini M., Pizzamiglio, L. Wapner L., (Eds), Lawrence Erlbaum Association, Inc., Publishers
  • Hall, J. K. (2000). Field dependence-independence and computer-based instruction in geography. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
  • Handal, B., & Herrington, A. (2004).On being dependent or independent in computer based learning environments'-Journal of Instructional Science and Technology, 7(2).
  • Heywood, J. (2005). Engineering education: Research and development in curriculum and instruction: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Jarvis, M. (2005). The psychology of effective learning and teaching: Nelson Thornes.
  • Javed, T., Buraira, Asghar, M. A. (2019). Effectiveness of Rhyme & Rhythm through Blended Learning, Journal of applied Environmental and Biological sciences, 9 (10), 1-9
  • Korchin, S. J. (1986). Field dependence, personality theory, and clinical research. Paper presented at the Field dependence in psychological theory, research, and application: Two symposia in memory of Herman A. Witkin. In Bertini M., Pizzamiglio, L. Wapner L., (Eds), Lawrence Erlbaum Association, Inc., Publishers
  • Liu, Y., &Ginther, D. (1999). Cognitive styles and distance education. Online journal of distance learning administration, 2(3).
  • Lucas-Stannard, P. (2003). Cognitive styles: a review of the major theories and their application to information seeking in virtual environments. Information Science Journal, 1-18.
  • Maghsudi, M. (2007). The Interaction between Field Dependent/Independent Learning Styles and Learners' Linguality in Third Language Acquisition. Language in India, 7(5).
  • Malik, M. A., Shah, Z.A., Iqbal, Z., Rauf, M. (2010). Effect of Problem solving teaching strategy on 8th Grade students' attitude towards Science. Journal of Education and Practice, 1(3), 16-27.
  • McKenna, F. P. (1990). Learning implications of field dependence‐independence: Cognitive style versus cognitive ability. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 4(6), 425-437.doi 10.1002/acp.2350040602 (online 2006)
  • McRae, L. S., & Young, J. D. (1988). Group Embedded Figures Test: psychometric data for a sample of Canadian undergraduate business students. Perceptual and motor skills, 67(1), 195-198.doi: 10.2466/pms.1988.67.1.195
  • Murphy, H. J., Doucette, P. A., Kelleher, W. E., & Young, J. D. (1997). The group embedded figures test: Undergraduate business concentration and analytical skills. Journal of Education for Business, 73(1), 39-42. doi: 10.1080/08832329709601613
  • Murphy, H., & Casey, B. (1997). Field dependence/independence and undergraduates' academic performance in an information. College Student Journal, 31(1), 45-50.
  • Musser, (2002); Individual Differences: How Field Dependence-Independence Affects Learners. Retrived on 7th October, 2013 from
  • Myers, B. E., & Dyer, J. E. (2006).The influence of student learning style on critical thinking skill.Journal of Agricultural Education, 47(1), 43.
  • Pithers, R. T. (2002). Cognitive learning style: a review of the field dependent-field independent approach. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 54(1). 117-132. doi:10.1080/13636820200200191
  • Ronning, R. R., McCurdy, D., & Ballinger, R. (1984). Individual differences: A third component in problem‐ solving instruction. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 21(1), 71-82. doi: 10.1002/tea.3660210109
  • Sisco, H., &Leventhal, G. (2007).Effect of prior performance on subsequent performance evaluation by field independent-dependent raters 1.Perceptual and motor skills, 105(3), 852-861.doi: 10.2466/pms.105.3.852-861
  • Soozandehfar, M.A. (2011). The Field-Dependent or the Field-Independent? On the Effects of FieldDependent/Field-Independent Cognitive Styles and Gender on Iranian EFL Learners' Speaking Performance, Language in India Vol 2:11, Feburarry 2011, ISSN 1930-2940
  • Tinajero, C., & Paramo, M. (1998).Field dependence-independence and strategic learning. International Journal of Educational Research, 29(3), 251-262. Field dependence-independence and strategic learning. International Journal of Educational Research, 29(3), 251-262. Doi:10.1016/S0883- 0355(98)00029-9
  • Tsaparlis, G. (2005). Non‐algorithmic quantitative problem solving in university physical chemistry: a correlation study of the role of selective cognitive factors. Research in Science & Technological Education, 23(2), 125-148. doi:10.1080/02635140500266369
  • Vacas, C. T., Pérez, A. M. C., Couñago, M. A. G., & Fernández, M. F. P. (2011). Adaptive teaching and field dependence-independence: Instructional implications. Revista Latino americana de Psicología, 43(3), 497-510. Retrieved 3rd march 2014, from
  • Wang, L.-J., Wang, X., & Ren, M.-Z.(2003). Field-dependent-independent cognitive style in solving dynamics problems. Psychological reports, 92(3), 867-880. doi:10.2466/pr0.2003.92.3.867
  • Weller, H. G., Repman, J., & Rooze, G. E. (1995). The relationship of learning, behavior, and cognitive style in hypermedia-based instruction: implications for design of Hypermedia Based Instruction. Computers in the Schools, 10(3-4), 401-418. doi: 10.1300/J025v10n03_09
  • Wieseman, R. A., Portis, S. C., & Simpson, F. M. (1992). An analysis of the relationship between cognitive styles & grades: New perspectives on success or failure of preservice education majors. College Student Journal. 26(4), 512-517
  • Witkin, H. A. (1949). The nature and importance of individual differences in perception.Journal of personality, 18(2), 145-170.doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6494.1949.tb01237.x
  • Witkin, H. A. (1950). Individual differences in ease of perception of embedded figures*.Journal of personality, 19(1), 1-15.doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6494.1950.tb01084.x
  • Witkin, H. A., Moore, C. A., Oltman, P. K., Goodenough, D. R., Friedman, F., Owen, D. R. &Raskin, E. (1977). Role of the field-dependent and field-independent cognitive styles in academic evolution: A longitudinal study. Journal of Educational Psychology, 69, 197.
  • Witkin, H., Oltman, P., Raskin, E., & Karp, S. (1971). A manual for the group embedded figures test. Palo Alto, Calif. : Consulting Psychologists Press
  • Wyss, R. (2002). Field independent/dependent learning styles and L2 acquisition. The Weekly Column, Article 102. Retrieved from art1022002.htm
  • Zaman, T. U. (1996). The Use of Information Processing Model to Design and Evaluate a Physics Undergraduate Laboratory, (PhD Thesis), Center for Science Education, Glasgow, Glasgow, UK.

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    APA : Choudhary, F. R., & Javed, T. (2020). Context Factors Affecting Cognition and Performance of Undergraduate Science Students. Global Regional Review, V(I), 160-169.
    CHICAGO : Choudhary, Farkhunda Rasheed, and Tariq Javed. 2020. "Context Factors Affecting Cognition and Performance of Undergraduate Science Students." Global Regional Review, V (I): 160-169 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-I).20
    HARVARD : CHOUDHARY, F. R. & JAVED, T. 2020. Context Factors Affecting Cognition and Performance of Undergraduate Science Students. Global Regional Review, V, 160-169.
    MHRA : Choudhary, Farkhunda Rasheed, and Tariq Javed. 2020. "Context Factors Affecting Cognition and Performance of Undergraduate Science Students." Global Regional Review, V: 160-169
    MLA : Choudhary, Farkhunda Rasheed, and Tariq Javed. "Context Factors Affecting Cognition and Performance of Undergraduate Science Students." Global Regional Review, V.I (2020): 160-169 Print.
    OXFORD : Choudhary, Farkhunda Rasheed and Javed, Tariq (2020), "Context Factors Affecting Cognition and Performance of Undergraduate Science Students", Global Regional Review, V (I), 160-169
    TURABIAN : Choudhary, Farkhunda Rasheed, and Tariq Javed. "Context Factors Affecting Cognition and Performance of Undergraduate Science Students." Global Regional Review V, no. I (2020): 160-169.