Authored by : Urwah Tul Wusqua Khalid , Tazanfal Tehseem , Noman Khalid

05 Pages : 39 - 51


  • Aristotle. (2005). Rhetoric (translated by Roberts W. R.). New York: Dover Publications.
  • Baxtar, J. (2003). Positioning gender in discourse: A feminist methodology. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
  • Bakhtin, M. (1973). Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics. Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis.
  • Basow, S. A. (1992). Gender: Stereotypes and roles (3 rded.). Thomson Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.
  • Bostad. (2004). Bakhtinian perspectives on language and culture: Meaning in language, art, and new media. Hampshire & New York: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Clemency, B. M., Varughese, R., Scheafer, D. K., Ludwig, B., Welch, J. V., McCormack, R. F., & Raab, T. (2020). Symptom criteria for COVID‐19 testing of health care workers. Academic Emergency Medicine, 27(6), 469-474.
  • Cameron, D. (2005). Language, gender, and sexuality: Current issues and new directions. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 26(4), 482-502.
  • Cameron, L. (2006). The emergence of metaphor in discourse. Applied Linguistics, 27, 671- 690.
  • Charteris‐Black, J. (1995). Proverbs in communication. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 16(4), 259- 268.
  • Dickson, A. A., & Mbosowo, M. D. (2014). African proverbs about women: Semantic import and impact in African societies. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(9), 632.
  • Edgar, A., & Sedgwick, P. (2008). Cultural theory: The key concepts (2nd). London & New York: Rutledge.
  • Esimaje, M., & Ezirim. (2014). Proverbs as Iconic and Indexical markers of culture: an exploration of the proverbs of Four Nigerian cultures. African Journal of New Writing. 01(51), 1-17.
  • Ethel, M. A. (1964). Rhetoric, logic, and poetics in Burundi: Culture patterning of Speech Behavior. American Anthropologist: The ethnography of communication, 66(6), 35-54.
  • Fontecha, A. F., & Catalan, R. M. (2003). Semantic derogation in animal metaphor: Contrastive cognitive analysis of two male/female examples in English and Spanish. Journal of Pragmatics, 3(1), 771-797.
  • Ghilzai, S. A., Sultana, A., & Zeeshan, M. (2020). Proverbial rhetoric in the sustenance of gender stereotypes. An Ethnological, 2(1),
  • Gibbs, R. W., Colston, L., & Johnson, M. D. (1996). Proverbs and metaphorical mind. Metaphor and Symbol, 11(3), 207-216.
  • Khan, L. A., Mustafa, R., & Ali, G. (2017). Punjabi proverbs and gender: Construction of multiple identities. Journal of Critical Inquiry, 15(1), 67-90.
  • Krefting, L. (1991). The cultural concept in the everyday practice of occupational and physical therapy. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Practice, 11, 1- 16.
  • Lachman, M. (2001). Midlife psychological development. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 55,
  • Lickerman, A. (2012). The Undefeated Mind: On the science of constructing an indestructible self. Health Communications, 6(1), 13-19
  • Malik, S. (2004). Saade Aakhan (2nded.). Lahore: Aziz Book Depot.
  • Merrotsy, P. (2013). A note on big-C creativity and little-c creativity. Creativity Research Journal, 25(4), 474-476.
  • Mieder, W. (1989). American Proverbs: A study of texts and contexts. New York: Peter Lang.
  • Nesi, H. (1995). A modern bestiary: A contrastive study of the figurative meanings of animal terms. English Language Teaching Journal, 49(3), 272-278
  • Penfield, J., & Duru, M. (1988). Proverbs: Metaphors that teach. Anthropological Quarterly, 119-128.
  • Rokeach, M. (1973). The Nature of Human Values. New York: Free Press.
  • Rubin, G. (1984). The Traffic in Women: Notes on the Political Economy of Sex. In Pleasure and Danger by C. Vance (Ed.). New York: Routledge.
  • Sadikovna, M. M. (2021). The Origin Of Proverbs And Sayings. Academician Globe: Inderscience Research, 2(6), 106- 110.
  • Sahito, A. W. (2011). Some Sindhi Sayings. // /some-sindhi sayings.html.
  • Samovar, L. A. et al., (2000). Communication between cultures (3rd). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
  • Saussure, F. (1983). Course in General Linguistics (translated by Harris R.). London: Duckworth.
  • Seligman, M. E. P., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2014). Positive Psychology: An Introduction. In: Flow and the foundations of positive psychology . springer, 94-017-9088-8_18
  • Siddiqui, S. (2013). Language, gender, and power: The politics of representation and hegemony in South Asia. Karachi: OUP.
  • Speake, J. (2015). The Oxford dictionary of proverbs (6thed.). Oxford University Press, USA.
  • Sunderland, J. (2004). Gendered Discourses. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Ta'ir, M. N., & Edwards, T. C. (1982). Rohi Matloona (Pashto Proverbs). Peshawar: Pushto Academy; University of Peshawar.
  • Tylor, E. B. (2005). Primitive Culture: Researches into the development of mythology, philosophy, religion, language, art, and custom. Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press.
  • Voloshinov, V. N. (1986). Marxism and the Philosophy of Language (translated by Marksizm). Massachusetts & London: Harvard University Press.
  • Zhao, W. (2012). An analysis of social proverbs from the perspective of cultural semiotics. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2(10), pp. 2073- 2080. 2073-2080
  • Aristotle. (2005). Rhetoric (translated by Roberts W. R.). New York: Dover Publications.
  • Baxtar, J. (2003). Positioning gender in discourse: A feminist methodology. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
  • Bakhtin, M. (1973). Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics. Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis.
  • Basow, S. A. (1992). Gender: Stereotypes and roles (3 rded.). Thomson Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.
  • Bostad. (2004). Bakhtinian perspectives on language and culture: Meaning in language, art, and new media. Hampshire & New York: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Clemency, B. M., Varughese, R., Scheafer, D. K., Ludwig, B., Welch, J. V., McCormack, R. F., & Raab, T. (2020). Symptom criteria for COVID‐19 testing of health care workers. Academic Emergency Medicine, 27(6), 469-474.
  • Cameron, D. (2005). Language, gender, and sexuality: Current issues and new directions. Journal of Applied Linguistics, 26(4), 482-502.
  • Cameron, L. (2006). The emergence of metaphor in discourse. Applied Linguistics, 27, 671- 690.
  • Charteris‐Black, J. (1995). Proverbs in communication. Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development, 16(4), 259- 268.
  • Dickson, A. A., & Mbosowo, M. D. (2014). African proverbs about women: Semantic import and impact in African societies. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(9), 632.
  • Edgar, A., & Sedgwick, P. (2008). Cultural theory: The key concepts (2nd). London & New York: Rutledge.
  • Esimaje, M., & Ezirim. (2014). Proverbs as Iconic and Indexical markers of culture: an exploration of the proverbs of Four Nigerian cultures. African Journal of New Writing. 01(51), 1-17.
  • Ethel, M. A. (1964). Rhetoric, logic, and poetics in Burundi: Culture patterning of Speech Behavior. American Anthropologist: The ethnography of communication, 66(6), 35-54.
  • Fontecha, A. F., & Catalan, R. M. (2003). Semantic derogation in animal metaphor: Contrastive cognitive analysis of two male/female examples in English and Spanish. Journal of Pragmatics, 3(1), 771-797.
  • Ghilzai, S. A., Sultana, A., & Zeeshan, M. (2020). Proverbial rhetoric in the sustenance of gender stereotypes. An Ethnological, 2(1),
  • Gibbs, R. W., Colston, L., & Johnson, M. D. (1996). Proverbs and metaphorical mind. Metaphor and Symbol, 11(3), 207-216.
  • Khan, L. A., Mustafa, R., & Ali, G. (2017). Punjabi proverbs and gender: Construction of multiple identities. Journal of Critical Inquiry, 15(1), 67-90.
  • Krefting, L. (1991). The cultural concept in the everyday practice of occupational and physical therapy. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Practice, 11, 1- 16.
  • Lachman, M. (2001). Midlife psychological development. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 55,
  • Lickerman, A. (2012). The Undefeated Mind: On the science of constructing an indestructible self. Health Communications, 6(1), 13-19
  • Malik, S. (2004). Saade Aakhan (2nded.). Lahore: Aziz Book Depot.
  • Merrotsy, P. (2013). A note on big-C creativity and little-c creativity. Creativity Research Journal, 25(4), 474-476.
  • Mieder, W. (1989). American Proverbs: A study of texts and contexts. New York: Peter Lang.
  • Nesi, H. (1995). A modern bestiary: A contrastive study of the figurative meanings of animal terms. English Language Teaching Journal, 49(3), 272-278
  • Penfield, J., & Duru, M. (1988). Proverbs: Metaphors that teach. Anthropological Quarterly, 119-128.
  • Rokeach, M. (1973). The Nature of Human Values. New York: Free Press.
  • Rubin, G. (1984). The Traffic in Women: Notes on the Political Economy of Sex. In Pleasure and Danger by C. Vance (Ed.). New York: Routledge.
  • Sadikovna, M. M. (2021). The Origin Of Proverbs And Sayings. Academician Globe: Inderscience Research, 2(6), 106- 110.
  • Sahito, A. W. (2011). Some Sindhi Sayings. // /some-sindhi sayings.html.
  • Samovar, L. A. et al., (2000). Communication between cultures (3rd). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
  • Saussure, F. (1983). Course in General Linguistics (translated by Harris R.). London: Duckworth.
  • Seligman, M. E. P., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2014). Positive Psychology: An Introduction. In: Flow and the foundations of positive psychology . springer, 94-017-9088-8_18
  • Siddiqui, S. (2013). Language, gender, and power: The politics of representation and hegemony in South Asia. Karachi: OUP.
  • Speake, J. (2015). The Oxford dictionary of proverbs (6thed.). Oxford University Press, USA.
  • Sunderland, J. (2004). Gendered Discourses. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Ta'ir, M. N., & Edwards, T. C. (1982). Rohi Matloona (Pashto Proverbs). Peshawar: Pushto Academy; University of Peshawar.
  • Tylor, E. B. (2005). Primitive Culture: Researches into the development of mythology, philosophy, religion, language, art, and custom. Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press.
  • Voloshinov, V. N. (1986). Marxism and the Philosophy of Language (translated by Marksizm). Massachusetts & London: Harvard University Press.
  • Zhao, W. (2012). An analysis of social proverbs from the perspective of cultural semiotics. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2(10), pp. 2073- 2080. 2073-2080

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    APA : Khalid, U. T. W., Tehseem, T., & Khalid, N. (2022). Building Hope and Optimism Through Language: A Sociocultural Perspective. Global Regional Review, VII(II), 39 - 51.
    CHICAGO : Khalid, Urwah Tul Wusqua, Tazanfal Tehseem, and Noman Khalid. 2022. "Building Hope and Optimism Through Language: A Sociocultural Perspective." Global Regional Review, VII (II): 39 - 51 doi: 10.31703/grr.2022(VII-II).05
    HARVARD : KHALID, U. T. W., TEHSEEM, T. & KHALID, N. 2022. Building Hope and Optimism Through Language: A Sociocultural Perspective. Global Regional Review, VII, 39 - 51.
    MHRA : Khalid, Urwah Tul Wusqua, Tazanfal Tehseem, and Noman Khalid. 2022. "Building Hope and Optimism Through Language: A Sociocultural Perspective." Global Regional Review, VII: 39 - 51
    MLA : Khalid, Urwah Tul Wusqua, Tazanfal Tehseem, and Noman Khalid. "Building Hope and Optimism Through Language: A Sociocultural Perspective." Global Regional Review, VII.II (2022): 39 - 51 Print.
    OXFORD : Khalid, Urwah Tul Wusqua, Tehseem, Tazanfal, and Khalid, Noman (2022), "Building Hope and Optimism Through Language: A Sociocultural Perspective", Global Regional Review, VII (II), 39 - 51
    TURABIAN : Khalid, Urwah Tul Wusqua, Tazanfal Tehseem, and Noman Khalid. "Building Hope and Optimism Through Language: A Sociocultural Perspective." Global Regional Review VII, no. II (2022): 39 - 51.