Authored by : Liaqat Ali , Muhammad Yousaf , Tariq Javaid

38 Pages : 346-355


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  • Adair, J. (2007). Decision Making & Problem-Solving Strategies. London: Kogan Page
  • Armides, R. (2000). Training needs of educational managers at secondary level. Retrieved from http//
  • Caruddin, (2011). Pengiran Kepemimpinan Kepala Escola Dan Kilim Kera Escola Terhadap
  • Chapman, D.W. (2000). Trends in educational administration in developing Asia, Educational Administration Quarterly, 36 (2), Retrieved from
  • Crow, G., Lumby, J., & Pashiardis, P. (2008). International handbook on the preparation and development of school leaders. New York: Routledge Taylor and Francis
  • DeJaeghere, G. J., Williams, R., & Kyeyune, R. (2008). Ugandan secondary school head teachers' efficacy: What kind of training for whom. International Journal of Educational Development: Retrieved from
  • Gibson, J. L., Ivancevich, J. M., & Donelly, J. H. (1991). Organizations: Behavior, Structure and Processes. Homewood, IL: Irwin.
  • Govt of Pakistan, (2009). National Education policy 2009. Islamabad: Ministry of Education, Govt of Pakistan.
  • Harber, C., & Davies, L. (2004). School management and effectiveness in developing countries. The post bureaucratic school, London: Cassel.
  • Kamla, R. (2009). An Analysis of Factors Influencing the Upsurge of Private Universities in Nigeria. J. Soc Sci, 18(1). Retrieved from
  • Kandasamay, M., & Blaton, L. (2004). School Principals: Core actors in educational improvement, an analysis of seven Asian countries school, Paris: International Institute for Educational Planning.
  • Khan, H. (2004). Better school management in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan: The role of head teacher and School Principals: Core actors in educational improvement, an analysis of seven Asian countries, Paris: International Institute for Educational Planning, Retrieved from
  • Memon, M. (2000). Re-conceptualizing the role of head teachers as pedagogical leaders in Pakistan: Implication for policy reforms Education, 3(12), Retrieved from
  • Michael, P. B., & William, E. D. (2003). A kind word for Theory X: why so many newfangled management techniques quickly fail. Retrieved from,
  • Mulkeen, A., David Chapman, Joan DeJaeghere, Elizabeth Leu, & Karen Bryner. (2005). Recruiting, Retaining, and Retraining Secondary School Teachers and Principals in Sub-Saharan Africa. GEC Working Paper Series, Washington D.C.: Academy for Education Development and The World Bank, Retrieved from
  • Oplatka, I. (2004). The principals in developing countries: Context, characteristics and reality. Comparative Education, 40(3), Retrieved from
  • Quraishi, U., & Khatoon, Z. (2008). Training needs of heads of secondary schools in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Education, 25(1). Islamabad: AllamaIqbal Open University.
  • Rizvi, M. (2008). The role of school principals in enhancing teacher professionalism: Lessons from Pakistan. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 36(1), Retrieved from
  • Savage, L. J. (1954). The Foundations of Statistics, New York: Wiley.
  • Scott, S., & Webber, C.F. (2008). Evidenced-based leadership development: the 4L framework. Journal of Educational Administration, 46(6), Retrieved from
  • Sugden, R. 1991. Rational choice: A survey of contributions from economics and philosophy. Economics. J. 10(1), pp. 751-785.
  • USAID. (2006). Situation analysis of teacher education in Pakistan: Towards a strategic framework for teacher education and professional development. Washington, DC: Agency for International Development. ERIC. Retrieved from./ pdf doc
  • Von Neumann, J. & O. Morgenstern. (1947). Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

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    APA : Ali, L., Yousaf, M., & Javaid, T. (2020). Application of Qualitative Management Techniques in Administrative and Academic Decision Making at Higher Secondary Level in Punjab. Global Regional Review, V(I), 346-355.
    CHICAGO : Ali, Liaqat, Muhammad Yousaf, and Tariq Javaid. 2020. "Application of Qualitative Management Techniques in Administrative and Academic Decision Making at Higher Secondary Level in Punjab." Global Regional Review, V (I): 346-355 doi: 10.31703/grr.2020(V-I).38
    HARVARD : ALI, L., YOUSAF, M. & JAVAID, T. 2020. Application of Qualitative Management Techniques in Administrative and Academic Decision Making at Higher Secondary Level in Punjab. Global Regional Review, V, 346-355.
    MHRA : Ali, Liaqat, Muhammad Yousaf, and Tariq Javaid. 2020. "Application of Qualitative Management Techniques in Administrative and Academic Decision Making at Higher Secondary Level in Punjab." Global Regional Review, V: 346-355
    MLA : Ali, Liaqat, Muhammad Yousaf, and Tariq Javaid. "Application of Qualitative Management Techniques in Administrative and Academic Decision Making at Higher Secondary Level in Punjab." Global Regional Review, V.I (2020): 346-355 Print.
    OXFORD : Ali, Liaqat, Yousaf, Muhammad, and Javaid, Tariq (2020), "Application of Qualitative Management Techniques in Administrative and Academic Decision Making at Higher Secondary Level in Punjab", Global Regional Review, V (I), 346-355
    TURABIAN : Ali, Liaqat, Muhammad Yousaf, and Tariq Javaid. "Application of Qualitative Management Techniques in Administrative and Academic Decision Making at Higher Secondary Level in Punjab." Global Regional Review V, no. I (2020): 346-355.