Authored by : MuhammadWasimAkram , ShazaMahar , MohibUllah

18 Pages : 253-272


  • Akkermans, J., Schaufeli, W. B., Brenninkmeijer, V., & Blonk, R. W. B. (2013). The role of career competencies in the Job Demands Resources model. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83(3), 356-366.
  • Berntson, E., Naswall, K., & Sverke, M. (2008). Investigating the relationship between employability and self-efficacy: A cross-lagged analysis. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 17(4), 413- 425.
  • Bridgstock, R. (2009). The graduate attributes we've overlooked: Enhancing graduate employability through career management skills. Higher Education Research & Development, 28(1), 31-44.
  • Cambridge, D. (2008). Layering networked and symphonic selves: A critical role for e-portfolios in employability through integrative learning. CampusWide Information Systems, 25(4), 244-262.
  • Camps, J., & Rodríguez, H. (2011). Transformational leadership, learning, and employability: Effects on performance among faculty members. Personnel Review, 40(4), 423-442.
  • Carbery, R., & Garavan, T. N. (2005). Organizational restructuring and downsizing: Issues related to learning, training and employability of survivors. Journal of European Industrial Training, 29(6), 488-508.
  • Chang, C. C. (2014). An instructional cycle for enhancing innovation-embedded employability. Education Training, 56(8/9), 870-883.
  • Civelli, F. (1998). Personal competencies, organizational competencies and employability. Industrial and Commercial Training, 30(2), 48-52.
  • Coetzee, M., & Oosthuizen, R. M. (2012). Students' Sense of Coherence, Study Engagement and Self-Efficacy in Relation to their Study and Employability Satisfaction. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 22(3), 315- 322.
  • Commitment Relationship: A Case from a Pakistani University. Thunderbird International Business Review, 54(6), 907-919.
  • Dacre, P., L., Qualter, P., & Sewell, P. J. (2014). Exploring the factor structure of the Career EDGE employability development profile. Education Training, 56(4), 303-313.
  • Daniels, J., D'ANDREA, M. I. C. H. A. E. L., & Gaughen, K. J. (1998).Testing the validity and reliability of the Perceived Employability Scale (PES) among a culturally diverse population. Journal of Employment Counseling,35(3), 114-123.
  • De Cuyper, N., Baillien, E., & De Witte, H. (2009).Job insecurity, perceived employability and targets' and perpetrators' experiences of workplace bullying. Work & Stress, 23(3), 206-224.
  • De Vos, A., & De Hauw, S. (2010). Linking competency development to career success: Exploring the mediating role of employability. Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School, Working Paper Series 2010, 3.
  • De Vos, A., & Soens, N. (2008). Protean attitude and career success: The mediating role of self-management. Journal of Vocational behavior, 73(3), 449-456.
  • Eden, S. (2014). Out of the comfort zone: enhancing work-based learning about employability through student reflection on work placements. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 38(2), 266-276.
  • Edmondson, A. (1999). Psychological safety and learning behavior in work teams. Administrative science quarterly, 44(2), 350-383.
  • Edwards, M. (2014). The impact of placements on students' self-efficacy. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning, 4(3), 228-241.
  • Ehiyazaryan, E. & Barraclough, N. (2009). Enhancing employability: integrating real world experience in the curriculum. Education Training, 51(4), 292- 308.
  • Ferris, D. L., Brown, D. J., & Heller, D. Personality traits as antecedents of organization-based self-esteem: do job characteristics still matter?
  • Finn, D. (2000). From full employment to employability: a new deal for Britain's unemployed?. International Journal of Manpower, 21(5), 384-399.
  • Gowan, M. A. (2012). Employability, well-being and job satisfaction following a job loss. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 27(8), 780-798.
  • Hazenberg, R., Seddon, F., & Denny, S. (2015). Programme recruitment and evaluation: the effect of an employability enhancement programme on the general self-efficacy levels of unemployed graduates. Journal of Education and Work, 28(3), 273-300.
  • Heijde, C. M., & Van Der Heijden, B. I. (2006).A competence‐based and multidimensional operationalization and measurement of employability. Human resource management, 45(3), 449-476. \
  • Heijden, B. I., & Bakker, A. B. (2011). Toward a Mediation Model of Employability Enhancement: A Study of Employee‐Supervisor Pairs in the Building Sector. The Career Development Quarterly, 59(3), 232-248.
  • Ismail, S., Ferreira, N., & Coetzee, M. (2016). Young emerging adults' graduateness and career adaptability: Exploring the moderating role of self-esteem. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 26(1), 1-10.
  • Kanning, U. P., & Hill, A. (2012). Organization-based self-esteem scale- adaptation in an international context. Journal of Business and Media Psychology, 3(1), 13-21.
  • Kim, S., Kim, H., & Lee, J. (2015). Employee self-concepts, voluntary learning behavior, and perceived employability. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30(3), 264-279.
  • Kirves, K., Kinnunen, U., De Cuyper, N., & Mäkikangas, A. (2014). Trajectories of Perceived Employability and Their Associations with Well-Being at Work. Journal of Personnel Psychology.
  • Lin, Y. C. (2015). Are you a protean talent? The influence of protean career attitude, learning-goal orientation and perceived internal and external employability. Career Development International, 20(7), 753-772.
  • Ling, L., Qing, T., & Shen, P. (2014). Can training promote employee organizational commitment? The effect of employability and expectation value. Nankai Business Review International, 5(2), 162-186.
  • López-Domínguez, M., Enache, M., Sallan, J. M., & Simo, P. (2013). Transformational leadership as an antecedent of change-oriented organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Business Research, 66(10), 2147-2152.
  • McArdle, S., Waters, L., Briscoe, J. P., & Hall, D. T. T. (2007). Employability during unemployment: Adaptability, career identity and human and social capital. Journal of vocational behavior, 71(2), 247-264.
  • McGrath, S. (2009). What is employability? Learning to support employability project paper. 1, 15.
  • Meadows, P., & Metcalf, H. (2008). Does literacy and numeracy training for adults increase employment and employability? Evidence from the Skills for Life programme in England. Industrial Relations Journal, 39(5), 354-369
  • Nauta, A., Vianen, A., Heijden, B., Dam, K., & Willemsen, M. (2009). Understanding the factors that promote employability orientation: the impact of employability culture, career satisfaction, and role breadth self‐ efficacy. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82(2), 233-251.
  • Nilsson, S., & Ellström, P. E. (2012). Employability and talent management: challenges for HRD practices. European Journal of Training and Development, 36(1), 26-45.
  • Parker, S. K. (1998). Enhancing role breadth self-efficacy: the roles of job enrichment and other organizational interventions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83(6), 835.
  • Potgieter, I., & Coetzee, M. (2013). Emotional intelligence as a predictor of postgraduate students' psychosocial employability attributes. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 23(2), 187-194.
  • Reid, J. (2016). Redefining 'Employability' as something to be achieved: utilizing Toronto's conceptual framework of care to refocus the debate. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 6(1)
  • Rothwell, A., & Arnold, J. (2007). Self-perceived employability: development and validation of a scale. Personnel Review, 36(1), 23-41.
  • Schyns, B., & Sczesny, S. (2010). Leadership attributes valence in self-concept and occupational self-efficacy. Career development international, 15(1), 78-92.
  • Silla, I., De Cuyper, N., Gracia, F. J., Peiró, J. M., & De Witte, H. (2009). Job insecurity and well-being: Moderation by employability. Journal of Happiness Studies, 10(6), 739-751.
  • Tansky, J. W., & Cohen, D. J. (2001). The relationship between organizational support, employee development, and organizational commitment: An empirical study. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 12(3), 285- 300.
  • Tholen, G. (2014). Graduate employability and educational context: a comparison between Great Britain and the Netherlands. British Educational Research Journal, 40(1), 1-17.
  • Tisch, A. (2015). The employability of older job-seekers: Evidence from Germany. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 6, 102-112.
  • Turner, N. K. (2014). Development of self-belief for employability in higher education: ability, efficacy and control in context. Teaching in Higher Education, 19(6), 592-602.
  • Van Dam, K. (2004). Antecedents and consequences of employability orientation. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 13(1), 29-51.
  • Van den Broeck, A., De Cuyper, N., Baillien, E., Vanbelle, E., Vanhercke, D., & De Witte, H. (2014). Perception of organization's value support and perceived employability: insights from self-determination theory. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(13), 1904- 1918.
  • Van Der Heijden, B., Boon, J., Van der Klink, M., & Meijs, E. (2009). Employability enhancement through formal and informal learning: an empirical study among Dutch non‐academic university staff members. International journal of training and development, 13(1), 19-37.
  • Van der Vaart, L., Linde, B., De Beer, L., & Cockeran, M. (2015). Employee wellbeing, intention to leave and perceived employability: A psychological contract approach. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 18(1), 32-44.
  • Van Harten, J., Knies, E., & Leisink, P. (2016). Employer's investments in hospital workers' employability and employment opportunities. Personnel Review, 45(1).
  • Veld, M., Semeijn, J., & Vuuren, T. V. (2015). Enhancing perceived employability: An interactionist perspective on responsibilities of organizations and employees. Personnel Review, 44(6), 866-882.
  • Wang, Y. F., & Tsai, C. T. (2014). Employability of hospitality graduates: Student and industry perspectives. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 26(3), 125-135.
  • Wittekind, A., Raeder, S., & Grote, G. (2010). A longitudinal study of determinants of perceived employability. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31(4), 566-586.
  • Wittekind, A., Raeder, S., & Grote, G. (2010).A longitudinal study of determinants of perceived employability. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 31(4), 566-586.
  • Yanar, B., Budworth, M. H., & Latham, G. P. (2009). The Effect of Verbal Self‐ Guidance Training for Overcoming Employment Barriers: A Study of Turkish Women. Applied Psychology, 58(4), 586-601.
  • Yousaf, A., & Sanders, K. (2012). The Role of Job Satisfaction and Self‐Efficacy as Mediating Mechanisms in the Employability and Affective Organizational
  • Zhiwen, G., & van der Heijden, B. I. (2008). Employability enhancement of business graduates in China: Reacting upon challenges of globalization and labor market demands. Education Training, 50(4), 289-304.
  • Akkermans, J., Schaufeli, W. B., Brenninkmeijer, V., & Blonk, R. W. B. (2013). The role of career competencies in the Job Demands Resources model. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83(3), 356-366.
  • Berntson, E., Naswall, K., & Sverke, M. (2008). Investigating the relationship between employability and self-efficacy: A cross-lagged analysis. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 17(4), 413- 425.
  • Bridgstock, R. (2009). The graduate attributes we've overlooked: Enhancing graduate employability through career management skills. Higher Education Research & Development, 28(1), 31-44.
  • Cambridge, D. (2008). Layering networked and symphonic selves: A critical role for e-portfolios in employability through integrative learning. CampusWide Information Systems, 25(4), 244-262.
  • Camps, J., & Rodríguez, H. (2011). Transformational leadership, learning, and employability: Effects on performance among faculty members. Personnel Review, 40(4), 423-442.
  • Carbery, R., & Garavan, T. N. (2005). Organizational restructuring and downsizing: Issues related to learning, training and employability of survivors. Journal of European Industrial Training, 29(6), 488-508.
  • Chang, C. C. (2014). An instructional cycle for enhancing innovation-embedded employability. Education Training, 56(8/9), 870-883.
  • Civelli, F. (1998). Personal competencies, organizational competencies and employability. Industrial and Commercial Training, 30(2), 48-52.
  • Coetzee, M., & Oosthuizen, R. M. (2012). Students' Sense of Coherence, Study Engagement and Self-Efficacy in Relation to their Study and Employability Satisfaction. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 22(3), 315- 322.
  • Commitment Relationship: A Case from a Pakistani University. Thunderbird International Business Review, 54(6), 907-919.
  • Dacre, P., L., Qualter, P., & Sewell, P. J. (2014). Exploring the factor structure of the Career EDGE employability development profile. Education Training, 56(4), 303-313.
  • Daniels, J., D'ANDREA, M. I. C. H. A. E. L., & Gaughen, K. J. (1998).Testing the validity and reliability of the Perceived Employability Scale (PES) among a culturally diverse population. Journal of Employment Counseling,35(3), 114-123.
  • De Cuyper, N., Baillien, E., & De Witte, H. (2009).Job insecurity, perceived employability and targets' and perpetrators' experiences of workplace bullying. Work & Stress, 23(3), 206-224.
  • De Vos, A., & De Hauw, S. (2010). Linking competency development to career success: Exploring the mediating role of employability. Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School, Working Paper Series 2010, 3.
  • De Vos, A., & Soens, N. (2008). Protean attitude and career success: The mediating role of self-management. Journal of Vocational behavior, 73(3), 449-456.
  • Eden, S. (2014). Out of the comfort zone: enhancing work-based learning about employability through student reflection on work placements. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 38(2), 266-276.
  • Edmondson, A. (1999). Psychological safety and learning behavior in work teams. Administrative science quarterly, 44(2), 350-383.
  • Edwards, M. (2014). The impact of placements on students' self-efficacy. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning, 4(3), 228-241.
  • Ehiyazaryan, E. & Barraclough, N. (2009). Enhancing employability: integrating real world experience in the curriculum. Education Training, 51(4), 292- 308.
  • Ferris, D. L., Brown, D. J., & Heller, D. Personality traits as antecedents of organization-based self-esteem: do job characteristics still matter?
  • Finn, D. (2000). From full employment to employability: a new deal for Britain's unemployed?. International Journal of Manpower, 21(5), 384-399.
  • Gowan, M. A. (2012). Employability, well-being and job satisfaction following a job loss. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 27(8), 780-798.
  • Hazenberg, R., Seddon, F., & Denny, S. (2015). Programme recruitment and evaluation: the effect of an employability enhancement programme on the general self-efficacy levels of unemployed graduates. Journal of Education and Work, 28(3), 273-300.
  • Heijde, C. M., & Van Der Heijden, B. I. (2006).A competence‐based and multidimensional operationalization and measurement of employability. Human resource management, 45(3), 449-476. \
  • Heijden, B. I., & Bakker, A. B. (2011). Toward a Mediation Model of Employability Enhancement: A Study of Employee‐Supervisor Pairs in the Building Sector. The Career Development Quarterly, 59(3), 232-248.
  • Ismail, S., Ferreira, N., & Coetzee, M. (2016). Young emerging adults' graduateness and career adaptability: Exploring the moderating role of self-esteem. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 26(1), 1-10.
  • Kanning, U. P., & Hill, A. (2012). Organization-based self-esteem scale- adaptation in an international context. Journal of Business and Media Psychology, 3(1), 13-21.
  • Kim, S., Kim, H., & Lee, J. (2015). Employee self-concepts, voluntary learning behavior, and perceived employability. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30(3), 264-279.
  • Kirves, K., Kinnunen, U., De Cuyper, N., & Mäkikangas, A. (2014). Trajectories of Perceived Employability and Their Associations with Well-Being at Work. Journal of Personnel Psychology.
  • Lin, Y. C. (2015). Are you a protean talent? The influence of protean career attitude, learning-goal orientation and perceived internal and external employability. Career Development International, 20(7), 753-772.
  • Ling, L., Qing, T., & Shen, P. (2014). Can training promote employee organizational commitment? The effect of employability and expectation value. Nankai Business Review International, 5(2), 162-186.
  • López-Domínguez, M., Enache, M., Sallan, J. M., & Simo, P. (2013). Transformational leadership as an antecedent of change-oriented organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Business Research, 66(10), 2147-2152.
  • McArdle, S., Waters, L., Briscoe, J. P., & Hall, D. T. T. (2007). Employability during unemployment: Adaptability, career identity and human and social capital. Journal of vocational behavior, 71(2), 247-264.
  • McGrath, S. (2009). What is employability? Learning to support employability project paper. 1, 15.
  • Meadows, P., & Metcalf, H. (2008). Does literacy and numeracy training for adults increase employment and employability? Evidence from the Skills for Life programme in England. Industrial Relations Journal, 39(5), 354-369
  • Nauta, A., Vianen, A., Heijden, B., Dam, K., & Willemsen, M. (2009). Understanding the factors that promote employability orientation: the impact of employability culture, career satisfaction, and role breadth self‐ efficacy. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82(2), 233-251.
  • Nilsson, S., & Ellström, P. E. (2012). Employability and talent management: challenges for HRD practices. European Journal of Training and Development, 36(1), 26-45.
  • Parker, S. K. (1998). Enhancing role breadth self-efficacy: the roles of job enrichment and other organizational interventions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83(6), 835.
  • Potgieter, I., & Coetzee, M. (2013). Emotional intelligence as a predictor of postgraduate students' psychosocial employability attributes. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 23(2), 187-194.
  • Reid, J. (2016). Redefining 'Employability' as something to be achieved: utilizing Toronto's conceptual framework of care to refocus the debate. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 6(1)
  • Rothwell, A., & Arnold, J. (2007). Self-perceived employability: development and validation of a scale. Personnel Review, 36(1), 23-41.
  • Schyns, B., & Sczesny, S. (2010). Leadership attributes valence in self-concept and occupational self-efficacy. Career development international, 15(1), 78-92.
  • Silla, I., De Cuyper, N., Gracia, F. J., Peiró, J. M., & De Witte, H. (2009). Job insecurity and well-being: Moderation by employability. Journal of Happiness Studies, 10(6), 739-751.
  • Tansky, J. W., & Cohen, D. J. (2001). The relationship between organizational support, employee development, and organizational commitment: An empirical study. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 12(3), 285- 300.
  • Tholen, G. (2014). Graduate employability and educational context: a comparison between Great Britain and the Netherlands. British Educational Research Journal, 40(1), 1-17.
  • Tisch, A. (2015). The employability of older job-seekers: Evidence from Germany. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 6, 102-112.
  • Turner, N. K. (2014). Development of self-belief for employability in higher education: ability, efficacy and control in context. Teaching in Higher Education, 19(6), 592-602.
  • Van Dam, K. (2004). Antecedents and consequences of employability orientation. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 13(1), 29-51.
  • Van den Broeck, A., De Cuyper, N., Baillien, E., Vanbelle, E., Vanhercke, D., & De Witte, H. (2014). Perception of organization's value support and perceived employability: insights from self-determination theory. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(13), 1904- 1918.
  • Van Der Heijden, B., Boon, J., Van der Klink, M., & Meijs, E. (2009). Employability enhancement through formal and informal learning: an empirical study among Dutch non‐academic university staff members. International journal of training and development, 13(1), 19-37.
  • Van der Vaart, L., Linde, B., De Beer, L., & Cockeran, M. (2015). Employee wellbeing, intention to leave and perceived employability: A psychological contract approach. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 18(1), 32-44.
  • Van Harten, J., Knies, E., & Leisink, P. (2016). Employer's investments in hospital workers' employability and employment opportunities. Personnel Review, 45(1).
  • Veld, M., Semeijn, J., & Vuuren, T. V. (2015). Enhancing perceived employability: An interactionist perspective on responsibilities of organizations and employees. Personnel Review, 44(6), 866-882.
  • Wang, Y. F., & Tsai, C. T. (2014). Employability of hospitality graduates: Student and industry perspectives. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 26(3), 125-135.
  • Wittekind, A., Raeder, S., & Grote, G. (2010). A longitudinal study of determinants of perceived employability. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31(4), 566-586.
  • Wittekind, A., Raeder, S., & Grote, G. (2010).A longitudinal study of determinants of perceived employability. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 31(4), 566-586.
  • Yanar, B., Budworth, M. H., & Latham, G. P. (2009). The Effect of Verbal Self‐ Guidance Training for Overcoming Employment Barriers: A Study of Turkish Women. Applied Psychology, 58(4), 586-601.
  • Yousaf, A., & Sanders, K. (2012). The Role of Job Satisfaction and Self‐Efficacy as Mediating Mechanisms in the Employability and Affective Organizational
  • Zhiwen, G., & van der Heijden, B. I. (2008). Employability enhancement of business graduates in China: Reacting upon challenges of globalization and labor market demands. Education Training, 50(4), 289-304.

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    APA : Akram, M. W., Mahar, S., & Ullah, M. (2017). The Influence of Organization Based Self-Esteem, Role Breadth Self-Efficacy and Voluntary Learning Behavior on Career Success through Mediation of Perceived Employability: A Case of Pakistani Banking. Global Regional Review, II(I), 253-272.
    CHICAGO : Akram, Muhammad Wasim, Shaza Mahar, and Mohib Ullah. 2017. "The Influence of Organization Based Self-Esteem, Role Breadth Self-Efficacy and Voluntary Learning Behavior on Career Success through Mediation of Perceived Employability: A Case of Pakistani Banking." Global Regional Review, II (I): 253-272 doi: 10.31703/grr.2017(II-I).18
    HARVARD : AKRAM, M. W., MAHAR, S. & ULLAH, M. 2017. The Influence of Organization Based Self-Esteem, Role Breadth Self-Efficacy and Voluntary Learning Behavior on Career Success through Mediation of Perceived Employability: A Case of Pakistani Banking. Global Regional Review, II, 253-272.
    MHRA : Akram, Muhammad Wasim, Shaza Mahar, and Mohib Ullah. 2017. "The Influence of Organization Based Self-Esteem, Role Breadth Self-Efficacy and Voluntary Learning Behavior on Career Success through Mediation of Perceived Employability: A Case of Pakistani Banking." Global Regional Review, II: 253-272
    MLA : Akram, Muhammad Wasim, Shaza Mahar, and Mohib Ullah. "The Influence of Organization Based Self-Esteem, Role Breadth Self-Efficacy and Voluntary Learning Behavior on Career Success through Mediation of Perceived Employability: A Case of Pakistani Banking." Global Regional Review, II.I (2017): 253-272 Print.
    OXFORD : Akram, Muhammad Wasim, Mahar, Shaza, and Ullah, Mohib (2017), "The Influence of Organization Based Self-Esteem, Role Breadth Self-Efficacy and Voluntary Learning Behavior on Career Success through Mediation of Perceived Employability: A Case of Pakistani Banking", Global Regional Review, II (I), 253-272
    TURABIAN : Akram, Muhammad Wasim, Shaza Mahar, and Mohib Ullah. "The Influence of Organization Based Self-Esteem, Role Breadth Self-Efficacy and Voluntary Learning Behavior on Career Success through Mediation of Perceived Employability: A Case of Pakistani Banking." Global Regional Review II, no. I (2017): 253-272.