Authored by : NeelamNisar , UzmaQuraishi , AfifaKhanam

15 Pages : 134-144


  • Adi. (2019, July 12). Unemployment in Pakistan [ Causes and Solutions ]. RetrievedJuly 15, 2019, from Business Finance Articles:
  • AftabAdi. (2019, July 12). Unemployment in Pakistan [ Causes and Solutions ]. Retrieved, H. (2015). Education System of Pakistan: Issues, Problems and Solutions. Islamabad Policy Research Institute
  • Akhter, N. (2017). Factors Affecting Parents' Inclination towards Private School System in Pakistan. Journal of Elementary Education, 27(2), 49-69.
  • Akhter, N., Rashid, M., & Salamat, L. (2015). Leadership Styles and School Environment. The Sindh University Journal of Education, 44(2), 107-133
  • Alam, A., & Ahmad, M. (2017). The impact of instructional leadership, professional communities and extra responsibilities for teachers on student achievement. International Journal of Educational Management, 31(3), 383-395. Retrieved from
  • Ali, R., & Khan, S. (2018). Experinces of Female Teachers in Elite and Non-Elite Private Schools of Paksitan. Pakistan Journal of Women's Studies, 25(1), 59-77
  • Alkhasawneh, F. S. (2018). The Effect of Leadership style of Academic Leaders on Job Performance Behavior among Faculty in Al-Balqa' Applied University. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education, 8(1), 65-72
  • Allen, M. (2017). One-Group Pretest-posttest Design. Retrieved from Sage researchmethods:
  • Anderson, D. R., Sweeney, D. J., & Williams, T. A. (2011). Statistics for Business and Economics(2nd ed.). Mason: South-Western, Cengage Learnin
  • Asby, D., & Mason, C. (2018). Moving from Transactional to Transformational Leadership -Being a Mindful Principal. ResearchGate. Retrieved from
  • Asghar, A. R., Manj, D. Y., Ali, H., & Malik, S. A. (2016, August 23). A Study to Analyse the Causes of Emotional Abuse Against Working Women In Punjab Pakistan. International Journal or Research
  • Avolio, B. J., Walumbwa, F. O., & Weber, T. J. (2009). Leadership: Current theories, research, and future directions. Annual Review of Psychology, 421-449
  • Awan, A. G., & Zia, A. (2015). Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Educational Institutions: A Case Study of District Vehari-Pakistan. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(16), 122-131
  • Batmanghlich, C. A. (2015) Why Leaders Fail Ethically.Switzerland, Springer International Publishing
  • Barling, J. (2014). Organizational Leadership. In The Science of Leadership.Oxford University Press
  • Bernadine, G. G. (2019). Challenges Faced by Educators in the Implementation of Continuing Professional Teacher Development (CPTD): Gauteng Province. In R. B. Monyai (Ed.), Teacher Education in the 21st Century.Licensee IntechOpen. DOI:10.5772/intechopen.84836Bogotch, I. E. (2002). Educational Leadership and Social Justice: Practice into Theory. Journal of School Leadership, 12(2), 138-156
  • Bukhari, M.T., & Awais, A. (2010). Validation of In-service Teacher Orientation Programme (INSTOP) as a Model for In-service Training of Teachers in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Education, 27(1), 1-9. Retrieved from
  • Bush, T. (2007). Educational leadership and management: theory, policy, and practice. South African Journal of Education, 27(3), 394-406
  • Brubaker, K. (2018, December 20). Top Employee Training and Development Articles for HR and L&D. Retrieved December 28, 2018, from
  • Bryman, A. (1992). Charisma and leadership in organizations. Sage
  • Ch, A. H., Ahmad, S., Malik, M., & Batool, A. (2017). Principals' Leadership Styles and TeachersÂ’ Job Satisfaction: A Correlation Study at Secondary Level. Bulletin of Education and Research, 39(3), 45-5
  • Connolly, M., & Fertig, C. J. (2019). The difference between educational management and educational leadership and the importance of educational responsibility. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 47(4), 504-519
  • Day, C. (2003). What Successful Leadership in Schools Looks Like: Implications for Policy and Practice. In B. Davies, & J. West-Burnham (Eds.), In Handbook of educational leadership and management(pp. 87-204). London: Pearson Education.
  • Day, C., Sammons, P., David Hopkins, A. H., & Brown, E. (2010). 10-strong Claims about Successful School Leadership.London: National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's Services. Retrieved from
  • Elahi, F., & Ilyas, M. (2019). Quality Management Principles and Schools Quality. The TQM Journal, 578-599. Retrieved from
  • Faraz, S. (2016, July 12). The Evolution of Educational Leadership in Pakistan. Retrieved May 2, 2017, from
  • Fehr, Ryan, Yam, K. C., & Dang, C. (2015). The Construction and Consequences of Ethical Leader Perception. Academy of Management Review, 40(2), 182-209
  • Fink, D. (2005). Developing Leaders for their Future not for Past. In M. J. Coles, & G. Southworth (Eds.), Developing Leadership: Creating the Schools of Tomorrow(pp. 1-20). Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press
  • Gumbo, C. (2015). New-Genre Leadership Styles for International Joint Ventures (IJVS) Sustainability: A Literature Review. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 4(3), 1-13.
  • Hallinger, P. (2018, May 1). Surfacing a Hidden Literature: A systematic review of research on educational leadership and management in Africa. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 46(3), 362-384
  • Hao, M. J., & Yazdanifard, R. (2015). How Effective Leadership can Facilitate Change in Organizations through Improvement and Innovation. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: Administration and Management, 15(9), 1-5
  • HEC. (2012). School Management: Windows on Practice Guide: B.Ed (Hons.) Elementary.Retrieved from Higher Education Commission:
  • Iqbal, M. (2012, June). Public versus Private Secondary Schools: A Qualitative Comparison. Journal of Research and Reflections in Education, 6(1), 47
  • Khan, A., Bano, S., Bano, S., & Khan, E. A. (2017). What Makes Principals More Effective in Pakistan, Training or Organizational Culture? Journal of Research and Reflections in Education, 3(2), 240-252. Retrieved from
  • Khan, N., (2018, March 25). Education Industry and Private Schools Mafia. Retrieved March 27, 2018, from Daily Times:
  • Khan, N., Amin, N., Kakli, M. B., Piracha, Z. F., & Zia, M. A. (2017). Pakistan Education Statistics 2015-2016.Islamabad: National Education Management InformationSystem, Academy of Educational Planning and Management & Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training
  • Laleka, S. (2019). Developing multilevel school leadership for instructional improvement in elementary schools of post-colonial Pakistan. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 22(2), 222-236
  • Malik, A. B. (2018). School Leadership Development.Lahore: School Education Department, Government of Punjab
  • Mathews, J. (2016). New-Genre Leadership Theories: An Overview. IUP HRM Review, XII, 21-41
  • Mehmood, I., Khan, S. B., Khan, R. M., & Tahirkheli, S. A. (2012). Role of Academic Leadership in Change Management for Quality in Higher Education in Pakistan. Journal of Education and Practice, 3(16), 194-198
  • Mehrotra, S., & Sinha, A. (2017). An Analysis of Leadership Styles in Indian Organizations. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 3(4), 832-841
  • Minaz, M., Tabassum, R., & Idris, M. (2017). An Experimental Study of the Performance of Prospective Teachers of Flipped Classroom and Non-Flipped Classroom. Pakistan Journal of Education, 34(2), 167-182
  • Miraj, M. H. (2012, September 25). The Paolo Avitable of Wazirabad. Retrieved June 15, 2017, from
  • Najmi, T., Ahmad, T., & Rehman, D.-S. (2016). Is English Language a Barrier in Research Productivity Among Information Professionals? A Descriptive Study. Pakistan Journal of Information Management & Libraries (PJIM&L), 1(7), 162-173
  • Nasir, S. (2019, June 23). Leadership Change Can Make 'Huge Difference' in Paksitani Schools. Retrieved June 24, 2019, from Khaleej Times:
  • Nasreen, A., & Odhiambo, G. (2018). The Continuous Professional Development of School Principals: Current Practices in Pakistan. Bulletin of Education and Research, 40(1), 245-266
  • Niazi, S. (2012). School Leadership and Educational Practices in Pakistan. Academic Research International, 3(2), 32-41
  • Niqab, M., Sharma, S., Kannan, S., & Ahmed, A. (2015). Pakistani Schools Possess Effective Leadership: Platitude or Reality? Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Management, 3(4), 1-15
  • Northhouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership : theory and practice/Peter Northouse.Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, Inc. .
  • Nwamae, L., & Kayii, N. E. (2018). Principals' Leadership Styles and Motivation of Teachers in Government Secondary Schools in Port Harcourt Local Government Area. International Journal of Innovative Education Research, 6(3), 47-57
  • Nyangena, E., Akujah, P., & Okanga, P. (2019). Ethical Leadership for Sustainable Development in Developing Countries. Editon Cons. J. Arts., Humanit. S. Stud, 1(1), 1-10.Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. (2018). Retrieved from
  • Paraschiv, D. (2013). A Review of Leadership. Versita, 254-255
  • Petrie, N. (2014). Future Trends in Leadership Development.Greensboro: Center for Creative Leadershi
  • Pont, B., Nusche, D., Moorman, H., Roseveare, D., Copel, S., & Goudby, J. (2009). Improving School Leadership The toolkit.(B. Pont, D. Nusche, & H. Moorman, Eds.) Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
  • Rizvi, M. (2015). Teacher Education Pedagogies Related to Preparing Perspective Teachers as Leaders in Pakistan. International teacher education: Promising pedagogies (Part B), 22, 7-30
  • Rubens, A., Schoenfeld, G. A., Schaffer, B. S., & Leah, J. S. (2018). Self-awareness and leadership: Developing an individual strategic professional development plan in an MBA leadership course. The International Journal of Management Education, 16(1), 1-13. School Leadership Development Training Program. (2018). Retrieved June 16, 2018, from
  • Seybert, J. L. (2014). A Phenomenological Exploration of Play among Educational Leaders.USA: Drake University
  • Simonet, D. V., & Tett, R. P. (2012). Five perspectives on the leadership-management relationship: A competency-based evaluation and integration. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 199-213
  • SMEDA-Punjab, (2015) Pre-Feasibility Study -HIGH SCHOOL (FRANCHISE).Ministry of Industries & Production, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority. Lahore, Government of Pakistan
  • Thomas, K. R., & EdD, F. (2016). Why is the One-Gropu Pretest-Posttest Design Still Used? Clinical Nursing Research, 25(5), 467-47
  • Ullah, H. (2016). School Teaching as a Feminine Profession: The Legitimization and Naturalization Discourses in PakistaniContext. University of Birmingham Institute of Research Archive, 1-9. Retrievedfrom
  • Waqar, S. H., & Siddiqui, D. K. (2008). A Study about the Leadership Styles of Public and Private School Principals. Journal of Elementary Education, 18(1-2), 5-20
  • Woulfin, S. L., & Kruse, S. (2018). Editors' Introduction. Organizational Perspectives on Leadership Development, 13(3), 207-209
  • Adi. (2019, July 12). Unemployment in Pakistan [ Causes and Solutions ]. RetrievedJuly 15, 2019, from Business Finance Articles:
  • AftabAdi. (2019, July 12). Unemployment in Pakistan [ Causes and Solutions ]. Retrieved, H. (2015). Education System of Pakistan: Issues, Problems and Solutions. Islamabad Policy Research Institute
  • Akhter, N. (2017). Factors Affecting Parents' Inclination towards Private School System in Pakistan. Journal of Elementary Education, 27(2), 49-69.
  • Akhter, N., Rashid, M., & Salamat, L. (2015). Leadership Styles and School Environment. The Sindh University Journal of Education, 44(2), 107-133
  • Alam, A., & Ahmad, M. (2017). The impact of instructional leadership, professional communities and extra responsibilities for teachers on student achievement. International Journal of Educational Management, 31(3), 383-395. Retrieved from
  • Ali, R., & Khan, S. (2018). Experinces of Female Teachers in Elite and Non-Elite Private Schools of Paksitan. Pakistan Journal of Women's Studies, 25(1), 59-77
  • Alkhasawneh, F. S. (2018). The Effect of Leadership style of Academic Leaders on Job Performance Behavior among Faculty in Al-Balqa' Applied University. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education, 8(1), 65-72
  • Allen, M. (2017). One-Group Pretest-posttest Design. Retrieved from Sage researchmethods:
  • Anderson, D. R., Sweeney, D. J., & Williams, T. A. (2011). Statistics for Business and Economics(2nd ed.). Mason: South-Western, Cengage Learnin
  • Asby, D., & Mason, C. (2018). Moving from Transactional to Transformational Leadership -Being a Mindful Principal. ResearchGate. Retrieved from
  • Asghar, A. R., Manj, D. Y., Ali, H., & Malik, S. A. (2016, August 23). A Study to Analyse the Causes of Emotional Abuse Against Working Women In Punjab Pakistan. International Journal or Research
  • Avolio, B. J., Walumbwa, F. O., & Weber, T. J. (2009). Leadership: Current theories, research, and future directions. Annual Review of Psychology, 421-449
  • Awan, A. G., & Zia, A. (2015). Comparative Analysis of Public and Private Educational Institutions: A Case Study of District Vehari-Pakistan. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(16), 122-131
  • Batmanghlich, C. A. (2015) Why Leaders Fail Ethically.Switzerland, Springer International Publishing
  • Barling, J. (2014). Organizational Leadership. In The Science of Leadership.Oxford University Press
  • Bernadine, G. G. (2019). Challenges Faced by Educators in the Implementation of Continuing Professional Teacher Development (CPTD): Gauteng Province. In R. B. Monyai (Ed.), Teacher Education in the 21st Century.Licensee IntechOpen. DOI:10.5772/intechopen.84836Bogotch, I. E. (2002). Educational Leadership and Social Justice: Practice into Theory. Journal of School Leadership, 12(2), 138-156
  • Bukhari, M.T., & Awais, A. (2010). Validation of In-service Teacher Orientation Programme (INSTOP) as a Model for In-service Training of Teachers in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Education, 27(1), 1-9. Retrieved from
  • Bush, T. (2007). Educational leadership and management: theory, policy, and practice. South African Journal of Education, 27(3), 394-406
  • Brubaker, K. (2018, December 20). Top Employee Training and Development Articles for HR and L&D. Retrieved December 28, 2018, from
  • Bryman, A. (1992). Charisma and leadership in organizations. Sage
  • Ch, A. H., Ahmad, S., Malik, M., & Batool, A. (2017). Principals' Leadership Styles and TeachersÂ’ Job Satisfaction: A Correlation Study at Secondary Level. Bulletin of Education and Research, 39(3), 45-5
  • Connolly, M., & Fertig, C. J. (2019). The difference between educational management and educational leadership and the importance of educational responsibility. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 47(4), 504-519
  • Day, C. (2003). What Successful Leadership in Schools Looks Like: Implications for Policy and Practice. In B. Davies, & J. West-Burnham (Eds.), In Handbook of educational leadership and management(pp. 87-204). London: Pearson Education.
  • Day, C., Sammons, P., David Hopkins, A. H., & Brown, E. (2010). 10-strong Claims about Successful School Leadership.London: National College for Leadership of Schools and Children's Services. Retrieved from
  • Elahi, F., & Ilyas, M. (2019). Quality Management Principles and Schools Quality. The TQM Journal, 578-599. Retrieved from
  • Faraz, S. (2016, July 12). The Evolution of Educational Leadership in Pakistan. Retrieved May 2, 2017, from
  • Fehr, Ryan, Yam, K. C., & Dang, C. (2015). The Construction and Consequences of Ethical Leader Perception. Academy of Management Review, 40(2), 182-209
  • Fink, D. (2005). Developing Leaders for their Future not for Past. In M. J. Coles, & G. Southworth (Eds.), Developing Leadership: Creating the Schools of Tomorrow(pp. 1-20). Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press
  • Gumbo, C. (2015). New-Genre Leadership Styles for International Joint Ventures (IJVS) Sustainability: A Literature Review. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 4(3), 1-13.
  • Hallinger, P. (2018, May 1). Surfacing a Hidden Literature: A systematic review of research on educational leadership and management in Africa. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 46(3), 362-384
  • Hao, M. J., & Yazdanifard, R. (2015). How Effective Leadership can Facilitate Change in Organizations through Improvement and Innovation. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: Administration and Management, 15(9), 1-5
  • HEC. (2012). School Management: Windows on Practice Guide: B.Ed (Hons.) Elementary.Retrieved from Higher Education Commission:
  • Iqbal, M. (2012, June). Public versus Private Secondary Schools: A Qualitative Comparison. Journal of Research and Reflections in Education, 6(1), 47
  • Khan, A., Bano, S., Bano, S., & Khan, E. A. (2017). What Makes Principals More Effective in Pakistan, Training or Organizational Culture? Journal of Research and Reflections in Education, 3(2), 240-252. Retrieved from
  • Khan, N., (2018, March 25). Education Industry and Private Schools Mafia. Retrieved March 27, 2018, from Daily Times:
  • Khan, N., Amin, N., Kakli, M. B., Piracha, Z. F., & Zia, M. A. (2017). Pakistan Education Statistics 2015-2016.Islamabad: National Education Management InformationSystem, Academy of Educational Planning and Management & Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training
  • Laleka, S. (2019). Developing multilevel school leadership for instructional improvement in elementary schools of post-colonial Pakistan. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 22(2), 222-236
  • Malik, A. B. (2018). School Leadership Development.Lahore: School Education Department, Government of Punjab
  • Mathews, J. (2016). New-Genre Leadership Theories: An Overview. IUP HRM Review, XII, 21-41
  • Mehmood, I., Khan, S. B., Khan, R. M., & Tahirkheli, S. A. (2012). Role of Academic Leadership in Change Management for Quality in Higher Education in Pakistan. Journal of Education and Practice, 3(16), 194-198
  • Mehrotra, S., & Sinha, A. (2017). An Analysis of Leadership Styles in Indian Organizations. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 3(4), 832-841
  • Minaz, M., Tabassum, R., & Idris, M. (2017). An Experimental Study of the Performance of Prospective Teachers of Flipped Classroom and Non-Flipped Classroom. Pakistan Journal of Education, 34(2), 167-182
  • Miraj, M. H. (2012, September 25). The Paolo Avitable of Wazirabad. Retrieved June 15, 2017, from
  • Najmi, T., Ahmad, T., & Rehman, D.-S. (2016). Is English Language a Barrier in Research Productivity Among Information Professionals? A Descriptive Study. Pakistan Journal of Information Management & Libraries (PJIM&L), 1(7), 162-173
  • Nasir, S. (2019, June 23). Leadership Change Can Make 'Huge Difference' in Paksitani Schools. Retrieved June 24, 2019, from Khaleej Times:
  • Nasreen, A., & Odhiambo, G. (2018). The Continuous Professional Development of School Principals: Current Practices in Pakistan. Bulletin of Education and Research, 40(1), 245-266
  • Niazi, S. (2012). School Leadership and Educational Practices in Pakistan. Academic Research International, 3(2), 32-41
  • Niqab, M., Sharma, S., Kannan, S., & Ahmed, A. (2015). Pakistani Schools Possess Effective Leadership: Platitude or Reality? Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Management, 3(4), 1-15
  • Northhouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership : theory and practice/Peter Northouse.Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, Inc. .
  • Nwamae, L., & Kayii, N. E. (2018). Principals' Leadership Styles and Motivation of Teachers in Government Secondary Schools in Port Harcourt Local Government Area. International Journal of Innovative Education Research, 6(3), 47-57
  • Nyangena, E., Akujah, P., & Okanga, P. (2019). Ethical Leadership for Sustainable Development in Developing Countries. Editon Cons. J. Arts., Humanit. S. Stud, 1(1), 1-10.Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. (2018). Retrieved from
  • Paraschiv, D. (2013). A Review of Leadership. Versita, 254-255
  • Petrie, N. (2014). Future Trends in Leadership Development.Greensboro: Center for Creative Leadershi
  • Pont, B., Nusche, D., Moorman, H., Roseveare, D., Copel, S., & Goudby, J. (2009). Improving School Leadership The toolkit.(B. Pont, D. Nusche, & H. Moorman, Eds.) Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
  • Rizvi, M. (2015). Teacher Education Pedagogies Related to Preparing Perspective Teachers as Leaders in Pakistan. International teacher education: Promising pedagogies (Part B), 22, 7-30
  • Rubens, A., Schoenfeld, G. A., Schaffer, B. S., & Leah, J. S. (2018). Self-awareness and leadership: Developing an individual strategic professional development plan in an MBA leadership course. The International Journal of Management Education, 16(1), 1-13. School Leadership Development Training Program. (2018). Retrieved June 16, 2018, from
  • Seybert, J. L. (2014). A Phenomenological Exploration of Play among Educational Leaders.USA: Drake University
  • Simonet, D. V., & Tett, R. P. (2012). Five perspectives on the leadership-management relationship: A competency-based evaluation and integration. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 199-213
  • SMEDA-Punjab, (2015) Pre-Feasibility Study -HIGH SCHOOL (FRANCHISE).Ministry of Industries & Production, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority. Lahore, Government of Pakistan
  • Thomas, K. R., & EdD, F. (2016). Why is the One-Gropu Pretest-Posttest Design Still Used? Clinical Nursing Research, 25(5), 467-47
  • Ullah, H. (2016). School Teaching as a Feminine Profession: The Legitimization and Naturalization Discourses in PakistaniContext. University of Birmingham Institute of Research Archive, 1-9. Retrievedfrom
  • Waqar, S. H., & Siddiqui, D. K. (2008). A Study about the Leadership Styles of Public and Private School Principals. Journal of Elementary Education, 18(1-2), 5-20
  • Woulfin, S. L., & Kruse, S. (2018). Editors' Introduction. Organizational Perspectives on Leadership Development, 13(3), 207-209

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    APA : Nisar, N., Quraishi, U., & Khanam, A. (2019). The Impact of New-Genre Leadership Style Training on Leadership Skills of School Leaders. Global Regional Review, IV(II), 134-144.
    CHICAGO : Nisar, Neelam, Uzma Quraishi, and Afifa Khanam. 2019. "The Impact of New-Genre Leadership Style Training on Leadership Skills of School Leaders." Global Regional Review, IV (II): 134-144 doi: 10.31703/grr.2019(IV-II).15
    HARVARD : NISAR, N., QURAISHI, U. & KHANAM, A. 2019. The Impact of New-Genre Leadership Style Training on Leadership Skills of School Leaders. Global Regional Review, IV, 134-144.
    MHRA : Nisar, Neelam, Uzma Quraishi, and Afifa Khanam. 2019. "The Impact of New-Genre Leadership Style Training on Leadership Skills of School Leaders." Global Regional Review, IV: 134-144
    MLA : Nisar, Neelam, Uzma Quraishi, and Afifa Khanam. "The Impact of New-Genre Leadership Style Training on Leadership Skills of School Leaders." Global Regional Review, IV.II (2019): 134-144 Print.
    OXFORD : Nisar, Neelam, Quraishi, Uzma, and Khanam, Afifa (2019), "The Impact of New-Genre Leadership Style Training on Leadership Skills of School Leaders", Global Regional Review, IV (II), 134-144
    TURABIAN : Nisar, Neelam, Uzma Quraishi, and Afifa Khanam. "The Impact of New-Genre Leadership Style Training on Leadership Skills of School Leaders." Global Regional Review IV, no. II (2019): 134-144.